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Vietnam vs America . By Anthony Pym. The dates. The Vietnam vs America war went from 1 st November 1950—April 30 th 1975. What kind of weapons were used Americans .
Vietnam vs America By Anthony Pym
The dates The Vietnam vs America war went from 1st November 1950—April 30th 1975.
What kind of weapons were usedAmericans Some weapons that the Americans used was the M-16 / assault rifle, M1 carbine, M-1 bayonet, napalm, agent orange, M-16 bayonet/ knife, grenade launcher us M-79 nicknamed “blooper”. Grenades baseball Grenade, lemon Grenadeand the pineapple Grenade. The Americans also have the 155-MM howitzer.
Kinds of weapons the Vietnams used They used the AK-47,NVA knife, soviet 7D grenade launcher (RPG), SKs Simonov carbine, NVA gun (turret) & claymore mine. They also had many bobby traps like a rabbit trap sized for humans & others like that. The Vietnamese put manure (poo) for infections, bamboo stakes (put under ground and covered with leaves).
Why did it start The war started because the American president Eisenhower did not want communism to reach them (America) so the declared war against the Vietnamese.
What was it like ? In the Vietnam War, US Soldiers performed daily routine duties on their assigned weapons/equipment for a M-48 Patton tank crewman, he might be helping the loader drop the 90MM gun's breech block for a mal-function or cleaning. The loader might be helping the driver clean out the diesel engine's opened area within the tank's hull, after the engine (power pack) has been pulled (for replacing). It must be relatively clean before the new engine is dropped in. An Armoured Cavalryman might be replacing track blocks on his M-551 Sheridan tank (breaking track, an 8 hour job, if done by hand in rough terrain). A mechanized infantryman might be adjusting the .50 caliber machinegun's head space and timing on his track mounted M-113 Armoured Personnel Carrier. The grunt will be walking around bare foot airing out his feet, and cleaning his M-14 rifle, or in the later days, his M-16 rifle. US Sailors, of the US Navy's "Brown Water Navy", will be cleaning weapons and performing maintenance to the engines of their of their Swift Boats (Patrol Craft Fast-PCR), or PBR's (Patrol Boat River), or Alpha Boat (Assault Support Patrol Boat), or his Monitor (River Battleship).
Reference list • Answers.com • Eye witness Vietnam war • About.com • Wikipedia.org thanks for putting up with my work :p THE EHD