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Explore the significance of communion, baptism, and eternal salvation through detailed discussions on biblical teachings and common misconceptions. Discover the essence of faith and the practical implications of these sacraments in Christian life.
Conversion Conversations Do You Guys Take Communion Every Sunday?
April 18 Lord’s Supper
Conversion Conversations “Do You Guys Take Communion Every Sunday?”
Three Reasons for Refusal: Raised Differently Emotionally Attached Laziness
Ephesians 4:15 “But speaking the Truth in Love” Jeremiah 6:14 “‘Peace!’ When there is no peace” John 2:15 “So He Made a Whip of Cords…”
(Matthew 26:17-29; 1 Corinthians 11:23-33) • Remembrance of His Death • Unleavened Bread/Fruit of the Vine • Eaten together • Given to Paul by God
“For as often as you eat this bread and drink the cup, you proclaim the Lord’s death until He comes.” - 1 Cor. 11:26 Does it even matter?
Yearly • Twice-Yearly • Quarterly • Monthly • Weekly • Catholicism - Up to Twice a Day
“In sum, we honor the command of Jesus to remember him with bread and wine by a periodic observance tailored to local church realities.” - Kenneth Stewart Does it even matter?
Biblical Pattern (Acts 2:42; 20:7; 1 Cor. 11:2) • Early Church Tradition “On the day called Sunday…[the Eucharist] is distributed to everyone, and everyone participates in that over which thanks have been given.” - Justin Martyr
Two Questions For You… • Does taking communion more often cheapen its meaning? • If we replace the Biblical pattern, what do we replace it with?
April 25 Baptism
Conversion Conversations Do Y’all Think You Need to Be Baptized to Be Saved?
The “Lack of Information” Argument “It’s not in every story in the New Testament, so it can’t be that vital” See: Rich Man and Lazarus, Thief on the Cross, etc.
Argument From Silence: Reaching a conclusion based on what the text doesn’t say, rather than what it does say.
The “Some Verses Don’t Include Baptism” Argument “Not every commandment about conversion has baptism included.” See: Mark 16:16, John 3:18; Acts 16:31; John 5;24; 1 John 5:13, etc.
“He who has believed and has been baptized shall be saved; but he who has disbelieved shall be condemned.” - Mark 16:16 “Negative Inference Fallacy”
***If a proposition is true, it does not follow that a negative inference from that proposition is also true. All Oklahomans are Red Sox fans Brady is not an Oklahoman. Therefore, Brady is not a Red Sox fan.
“He who has believed and has been baptized shall be saved; but he who has disbelieved shall be condemned.” - Mark 16:16 “Negative Inference Fallacy”
“He who believes and is baptized will be saved, but he who does not believe and is not baptized will not be saved.” - Mark 16:16 “Negative Inference Fallacy”
Requirement Conditions • Communion • Attendance • Prayer • Baptism • Etc. • Belief
Problems? 1 Peter 3:21 Faith precedes baptism…obviously. If Mark 16:16 says “those who believe and are baptized are saved,” what does that leave those who believe but are not baptized?
The “Baptism Is Only an External Thing” Argument “Baptism is evidence of something that has already happened on the inside.”
“An outward and visible sign of an inward and visible grace.” - Augustine of Hippo “In ever sacrament, three things are necessary: the outward sign, the inward grace, divine institution.” - New Advent, Sacraments
Call on the name of the Lord(Acts 22:16; Rom. 10:17) • Enter Christ’s Death(Rom. 6:1-6) • Way That We are Reborn(John 3:5; Titus 3:5)
May 9 Once Saved/Always Saved
Conversion Conversations Do Y’all Really Believe You Can Become “Unsaved”?
Once Saved, Always Saved “Once a person accepts Jesus as Savior, they are forever saved and cannot lose their salvation.”
T U L I P - Total Depravity - Unconditional Election - Limited Atonement - Irresistible Grace - Perseverance of the Saints
Bob is depraved. • Bob is chosen • Bob is overpowered by HS. • Bob is forgiven. • Bob is secure. …Problems?
Adam and Eve were cast out… • The Lord departed from King Saul… • Israel was destroyed… • Simon the sorcerer had no “part or portion…” • Demas “loved this present world…” • Judas betrayed Jesus… • Ephesians could “lose their candlestick…” • Peter stood condemned…
What about people that “fall away”? • “They were never really saved in the first place” (1 John 2:19) • “They’ll be disciplined and eventually repent.” (Heb. 12:11)
John 10:28 “…I give eternal life to them, andthey will never perish; and no one will snatch them out of My hand.” John 15:6 “If anyone does not abide in Me, he is thrown away as a branch and dries up…”
Romans 8:38-39 “[Nothing}…will be able to separate us from the love of God.” Romans 11:22 “if you continue in His kindness; otherwise you also will be cut off.”
“Explain this to me then…” • Ezekiel 18:20-24: “The soul that sins…” • 1 Cor. 10:1-13: “God was not pleased…” • Heb 10:26-29: “No more sacrifice…” • Gal. 5:4: “You have fallen from grace…” • 1 Cor. 9:27: “I won’t be disqualified…”
May 16 Instruments
Conversion Conversations Aren’t Y’all the Ones That Don’t Believe in Music?
Should This Be Something That Divides Us? Even if it was ONLY a conscience thing Romans 14:19-21
“It was only permitted to the jews, as sacrifice was, for the heaviness and grossness of their souls. God condescended to their weakness, because they were lately drawn off from idols: but now instead of organs, we may use our own bodies to praise Him withal.” - Chrysostom (345-404)
“What a noble instrument the human voice is! …Is not our tongue the glory of our frame? Had I no conscientious objection to instrumental music in worship, I should still, I think, be compelled to admit that all the instruments that were ever devised by men, however sweetly attuned, are harsh and grating compared with the unparalleled sweetness of the human voice. When it is naturally melodious and skillfully trained…
“there can be no music under Heaven that can equal the combination of voices which belong to men, women, and children whose hearts really love the Savior…If you want the sensual gratification of music’s melting, mystic lay, let me commend you to the the concert-room, there you will get the enchanting ravishment; but when ye come to the house of God, let it be to ‘sing unto the Lord.’” - Charles Spurgeon
"If your preacher needs smoke bombs, rock bands, theater lights, dramatic skits, and circus acts to keep people interested...then you need a new preacher." - Jeff Foxworthy
Three Big Problems: Instrumental music appeals to the carnal rather than spiritual. It’s for us more than for God. Attraction through those means means addiction through them also.
They Used It In the Old Testament! • Numbers 10:1-2, 10 • Specific mention of what and when • 2 Chronicles 29:25-27 • David’s instruments were commanded by God • 2 Chronicles 35:4; Nehemiah 12:36, 45 • Nehemiah and Josiah went back to David’s teaching
They Used It In the New Testament! • Ephesians 5:18-19 - "Speak to one another…” • Colossians 3:16 - “Richly dwell within you…” • Hebrews 13:15 - “Offer…fruit of our lips…” • 1 Corinthians 14:15 - “Sing with spirit…mind…” • James 5:13 - “…Let him sing praises."
They Used It In the New Testament! “And do not get drunk with wine, for that is dissipation, but be filled with the Spirit, speaking to one another in psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, singing and making melody with your heart to the Lord.” Heart What is being “plucked”? Who is doing the “plucking”? Everyone
Richland Hills Church of Christ - Statements “I know this: If our fellowship stays on the course we’re on, our future looks bleak. Someone has got to be a leader.” “It could help stem the tide of gifted young leaders who are leaving.”