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Career and Financial Management

Career and Financial Management. Exploring Your Interests. Objectives. Evaluate ways in which personal and work values can guide career choice Assess personal interests Identify aptitudes and abilities and determine how to develop new abilities. Lifestyle Goals.

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Career and Financial Management

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Career and Financial Management Exploring Your Interests

  2. Objectives • Evaluate ways in which personal and work values can guide career choice • Assess personal interests • Identify aptitudes and abilities and determine how to develop new abilities

  3. Lifestyle Goals • The way you want to spend your time, energy, and resources in the future • Imagine your life 5 to 10 years from now What careers would make your lifestyle possible? • Examine yourself and your wants

  4. Examining Yourself • Values • Work Values • Interests • Aptitudes and abilities

  5. Your Personal Values Values: beliefs and principles that define who you are, shape attitudes and choices, and help set priorities “What things are important to me?”

  6. Sample Personal Values Recognition Personal Growth Courage Community Spirituality Values Family Leisure

  7. Work Values Work values: Something people want to get out of a job or that brings them job satisfaction • Can be related to personal values

  8. Work Values

  9. Work Values & Career Choices • Consider careers that match your work values • Will lead to feelings of success because you are achieving something valued

  10. The Bottom Line Personal Values Values Work Values Interests Lifestyle Goals Aptitude Ability

  11. Examining Yourself • Values • Work Values • Interests • Aptitudes and abilities

  12. Your Interests • Interests: things that you like or want to know more about • Usually something you do well • Explore interests to determine school and work plans

  13. Areas of Interest The Arts Business Crafts Office Operations Scientific Social

  14. The Arts • Activities • Music, painting, writing, entertaining others, visiting museums, reading books • Personality • Creative, independent • Careers • Actor/actress, artist, editor, fashion designer, musician, photographer, radio/TV announcer, reporter

  15. Business • Activities • Coming up with new ideas • Personality • Leaders, good salespeople, persuasive • Careers • Bank manager, lawyer, salesperson, business executive

  16. Crafts • Activities • Work with tools, build things, interested in mechanical activities, using physical strength • Personality • Enjoy seeing end results of work • Careers • Auto mechanic, cook, electrician, farmer, truck driver

  17. Office Operations • Activities • Work with numbers and words, data, facts • Personality • Well organized • Careers • Accountant, administrative assistant, bank teller, computer operator, tax preparer

  18. Scientific • Activities • Enjoy math and science, studying, think about ideas • Personality • Curious, creative, work alone • Careers • Architect, biologist, chemical engineer, economist, pharmacist, physician

  19. Social • Activities • Help others, provide services • Personality • Good communication skills, get along with others • Careers • Counselor, nurse, police officer, social worker, teacher

  20. The Bottom Line The Arts Business Values Crafts Interests Lifestyle Goals Office Operations Aptitude Scientific Ability Social

  21. Examining Yourself • Values • Work Values • Interests • Aptitudes and abilities

  22. Aptitudes & Abilities • Aptitude: natural talents a person has or the potential for learning a certain skill easily and quickly • Ability: a skill you have already developed • Average person has many different aptitudes and abilities

  23. Identifying Aptitudes and Abilities ACTIVITY! • Brainstorm a list of your skills • Ask friends and family members • Create a three-column chart

  24. Developing Abilities • Gain experience by getting involved • Join clubs and organizations • Volunteer • Play a sport • Feedback • How well you are performing • Identify what to work on

  25. Stages of Ability Development

  26. Aptitudes, Abilities, and Career Selection • Aptitude/Ability and interest in an area • Successful in a related career • No aptitude/Ability in an area • At a disadvantage

  27. The Bottom Line Values Interests Lifestyle Goals Aptitude Natural Ability Develop

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