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Career and Financial Management

Career and Financial Management. Planning Your Career. Objectives. Evaluate possible career choices Identify the purpose of a career plan and set career goals Explore education and experience requirements needed to meet career goals. How do you determine the right career for you?.

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Career and Financial Management

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Career and Financial Management Planning Your Career

  2. Objectives • Evaluate possible career choices • Identify the purpose of a career plan and set career goals • Explore education and experience requirements needed to meet career goals

  3. How do you determine the right career for you? • Evaluation • Compare and contrast sets of data • Rank data to determine the best choice • Evaluating Career Choices • Compare personal data to career research findings

  4. Evaluating Careers • Many factors to consider when evaluation careers • What are the possible outcomes of the career? • How well does the career fir your values? • A good way to evaluate career choices is to create a personal career profile

  5. Personal Career Profile A tool for evaluating career choices • Compare many different factors at once • Values • Interests & Responsibilities • Personality • Work Type • Skills & Aptitudes • Education/Training

  6. Sample Personal Career Profile

  7. Making a Decision • Determine your highest ranking career choice from your personal career profile • The highest rank should indicate the best career decision

  8. Important Reminders for Choosing Your Career • You need a defined goal • You must have confidence in your career research, evaluation, and goals • Your career plan is flexible • Making a decision gives you a starting point for planning

  9. The Bottom Line Career Research Career Evaluation Career Decision

  10. Reaching Your Career Goals • Individual career plan: plan of action to make career goals a reality • Establish small steps to meet your ultimate goal • Takes your from where you are to where you want to be

  11. Breaking it Down • Break a career plan into manageable steps • Makes a plan less overwhelming • Instills focus and confidence

  12. Setting Goals • Short-term goals • Can work on immediately and accomplish quickly • Medium-term goals • Take 1-5 years to accomplish • Long-term goals • Take more than 5 years to accomplish • Will be achieved much further into the future

  13. Be Specific • Specific goals are more likely to be achieved than vague goals • Vague Goal • Take high school courses related to my career • Specific Goal • Take biology, advanced chemistry, and physiology to better prepare me for medical school

  14. Be Realistic • Think about who you are and what you know about your career choice • Be honest with yourself • Skills, interests, and personality traits • Do not confuse “realistic” with “traditional”

  15. The Bottom Line Realistic Short-term Goals Specific Realistic Individual Career Plan Medium-term Goals Specific Long-term Goals Realistic Specific

  16. Education and Training An important career goal is to receive appropriate education and training • Most careers require certificates or degrees • Explore education and training expectations on career websites Many options for gaining education and training • Online learning, apprenticeships, schools, military

  17. Online Learning • One of the newest ways to receive education and training is through online learning • Computer-based learning using interactive technology • Provides convenience and flexibility • Miss out on interactions with teacher and classmates

  18. On-the-Job Training • On-the-job training: learning how to perform a job on-site • Can range from a few days of orientation to a more lengthy, formal training • Ongoing employee training allows companies to be on the cutting edge

  19. Apprenticeship • Apprentice: someone who learns how to do a job through hands-on experience • Taught under the guidance of a skilled worker • Construction, manufacturing, welding

  20. Schools • Vocational-technical centers • Trade Schools • Community and technical colleges • Four-year colleges and universities • Continuing education

  21. Military Service • The military is the largest employer in the United States • 200 different occupations available • Can enlist for up to six years of active duty • Options for attending school before, during, or after service

  22. The Bottom Line Online Learning Apprenticeship Education and Training School Military

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