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THE CASE FOR CREATION. S. TATEMENTS of CIENCE and CRIPTURE. E. XHIBITED XAMINED XPLAINED. E. DUCATIONAL DIFYING VANGELICAL. Presented by Dr Thomas J Kindell Founder & President of Reasons for Faith Ministries, Inc.
THE CASE FOR CREATION S TATEMENTS of CIENCE and CRIPTURE E XHIBITED XAMINED XPLAINED E DUCATIONAL DIFYING VANGELICAL Presented by Dr Thomas J Kindell Founder & President of Reasons for Faith Ministries, Inc. “Be ready to give an answer to everyone who asks you a reason for the hope that is within you”I Peter 3:15
“Biology is the study of complicated things that give the appearance of having been designed for a purpose.” Richard Dawkins, The Blind Watchmaker, W. W. Norton & Co., New York, 1987, p. 1
“We have seen that living things are too improbable and too beautifully ‘designed’ to have come into existence by chance.” Richard Dawkins, The Blind Watchmaker, W. W. Norton & Co., New York, p. 43
DESIGNED BY THE BLIND WATCHMAKER? Evolutions “watchmaker” is both blind and brainless.
The quick brown fox jumped over the lazy dogs. The duick brown aox jumped over the lazf eogs. The duick brosn aox iumped over the lazf eogs.
“An accident, a random change, in any delicate mechanism can hardly be expected to improve it. Poking a stick into the machinery of one’s watch or one’s radio set will seldom make it work better.” Theodosius Dobzhansky, Heredity and the Nature of Man, p. 105
THE NATURAL SELECTION DECEPTION Natural selection has no power to create new and better biological information. Rather, it is wholly at the mercy of random, destructive mutations to provide the necessary new information. Since random mutations cannot produce the needed results, natural selection is left helpless with nothing to select.
PANDORA’S EGG ? “The evolution of the amniotic egg is baffling. It was this decisive innovation which permitted for the first time genuinely terrestrial vertebrate life, freeing it from the necessity of embryological development in an aquatic environment…
…Altogether at least eight quite different innovations were combined to make the amniotic revolution possible: [1] the formation of a tough impervious shell; [2] the formation of the gelatinous egg white (albumen) and the secretion of a special acid to yield its water; [3] the excretion of nitrogenous waste in the form of water soluble uric acid, [4] the formation of the amniotic cavity in which the embryo floats…
…(This is surrounded by the amniotic membrane which formed by an outgrowth of mesodermal tissue. Neither the amniotic cavity nor the membrane which surrounds it has any homologue in any amphibian); [5] the formation of the allantois from the future floor of the hind gut as a container for waste products and later to serve the function of a respiratory organ;…
[6]…the development of a tooth or carbuncle which the developed embryo can utilize to break out of the egg; [7] a quantity of yolk sufficient for the needs of the embryo till hatching; [8] changes in the urogenital system of the female permitting fertilization of the egg before the hardening of the shell.” Dr. Michael Denton, Evolution: A Theory in Crisis, pp. 218-219
shaft barb barbules hooks
“It is not easy to see how an impervious reptile scale could be converted gradually into an impervious feather without passing through a frayed scale intermediate which would be weak, easily deformed and still quite permeable to air. It is true that basically a feather is....a mass of keratin filaments - but the filaments are not a random tangle but are ordered in an amazingly complex way to achieve the tightly intertwined structure of the feather. Take away the exquisite coadaptation of the components,
take away the coarrangement of the barbs on the shaft and all that is left is a soft pliable structure utterly unsuitable to form the basis of a stiff impervious aerofoil. The stiff impervious property of the feather which makes it so beautiful an adaptation for flight, depends basically on such a highly involved and unique system of coadapted components that it seems impossible that any transitional feather-like structure could possess even to a slight degree the crucial properties.” Dr. Michael Denton, Evolution: A Theory in Crisis, p. 209
“I remember well the time when the thought of the eye made me cold all over, but I have got over this stage of the complaint, and now small trifling particulars of structure often make me very uncomfortable. The sight of a feather in a peacock’s tail, whenever I gaze at it, makes me sick.” The Life and Letters of Charles Darwin 296 (F. Darwin ed. 1887)
Up to 1000 G’s of force occurring hundreds of times per minute!
One prominent evolutionist on the editorial staff of a prestigious scientific magazine confided to the author after examining the [woodpecker’s] skull, “There are certain anatomical features which just cannot be explained by gradual mutations over millions of years. Just between you and me, I have to get God into the act too sometimes.” Luther D. Sutherland, “Miraculous Design Features in Woodpeckers,” Creation Research Society Quarterly, 12:183, 1976
“In all other vertebrates the air is drawn into the lungs through a system of branching tubes which finally terminate in tiny air sacs, or alveoli, so that during respiration the air is moved in and out through the same passage. In the case of birds, however, the major bronchi break down into tiny tubes which permeate the lung tissue…
…These so-called parabronchi eventually join up together again, forming a true circulatory system so that air flows in one direction through the lungs. This unidirectional flow of air is maintained during both inspiration and expiration by a complex system of interconnected air sacs in the bird's body…
…which expand and contract in such a way so as to ensure a continuous delivery of air through the parabronchi. The existence of this air sac system in turn has necessitated a highly specialized and unique division of the body cavity of the bird into several compressible compartments…
…the structure of the lung in birds and the overall functioning of the respiratory system is quite unique. No lung in any other vertebrate species is known which in any way approaches the avian system. Moreover, it is identical in all essential details in birds as diverse as humming birds, ostriches and hawks.” Dr. Michael Denton, Evolution: A Theory in Crisis, pp. 210-211
INSIDE THE BIRD LUNG (Diagramatic) Airflow Bloodflow Lung Front air sacs(Parts are inside the birds hollow bones.) Rear air sacs
“In attempting to explain how such an intricate and highly specialized system of correlated adaptations could have been achieved gradually through perfectly functional intermediates, one is faced with the problem of the feather magnified a thousand times. The suspicion inevitably arises that perhaps no functional intermediate exists between the dead-end and continuous through-put types of lung.
The fact that the design of the avian respiratory system is essentially invariant in all birds merely increases one's suspicion that no fundamental variation of the system is compatible with the preservation of respiratory function. One is irresistibly reminded of Cuvier's view that the great divisions of nature are grounded in necessity and that intermediates cannot exist because such forms are incoherent and non-functional.” Dr. Michael Denton, Evolution: A Theory in Crisis, p. 212
Black Poll Warbler Waits for cold front 20,000 feet High altitude cross wind