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Nikki Walters and Sue Wilson Service Managers, 0-5 Learning

Nikki Walters and Sue Wilson Service Managers, 0-5 Learning. Introduction. More Affordable Childcare. The Government plans to: Help families meet the cost of childcare Increase the amount of affordable provisions

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Nikki Walters and Sue Wilson Service Managers, 0-5 Learning

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  1. Nikki Walters and Sue WilsonService Managers, 0-5 Learning Introduction

  2. More Affordable Childcare The Government plans to: Help families meet the cost of childcare Increase the amount of affordable provisions Give parents the right information so they can make informed choices about childcare

  3. Local Authority Duties Early education places for two, three and four year olds Universal 15 hours for 3 and 4 year olds September 2013 – 20% of two year olds, eligibility based on government criteria September 2014 – extended to 40% most disadvantaged families

  4. Local Authorities no longer to have separate quality assessment 2 year olds funded in good or outstanding provision 3 and 4 year olds funded in good, outstanding or satisfactory / requiring improvement provision Fund new providers registered with Ofsted until their first full Ofsted inspection judgement is published Secure alternative provision and withdraw funding, as soon as is practical, for children who are already receiving their funded entitlement at a provider when it is rated inadequate by Ofsted. Quality

  5. Secure information, advice and guidance for providers judged good or outstanding by Ofsted if the provider requests it Secure information, advice and training to meet the needs of providers judged less than good by Ofsted Quality – Refocusing the duty

  6. Priority 1 Inadequate Ofsted judgements for all providers Satisfactory /requires improvement Ofsted judgements for providers in receipt of FEEE Priority 2 Newly registered providers Change of circumstances Priority 3 Satisfactory/requires improvement providers not in receipt of FEEE Priority 4 Good or outstanding Ofsted judgement for all provisions Priority Providers

  7. Nikki Walters and Sue WilsonService Managers, 0-5 Learning Early Help, First Response: Children’s Duty April 2013

  8. First Response will provide a centralised consistent response for help.

  9. How do people access early help services?

  10. A single referral form: ‘a request for service form’ http://www.leics.gov.uk/commonassessment framework

  11. Priority 3 referrals Response needed with little or no service co-ordination Locality hubs needing service co-ordination

  12. Family Steps Children’s Centres Locality Service Co-ordinator Core Locality Hubs Youth Service Supporting Leicestershire's Families Strengthening the Family Service

  13. Locality Service Co-ordinators

  14. Jo FisherInformation Management and Development Team Manager 2 Year Old Update

  15. Allocation - September 2013

  16. Settings already on the scheme Ofsted Good or Outstanding CQIP 2c or above You can remain on the scheme. Registered settings wanting to join the scheme Ofsted Goodor Outstanding Newly registered settings Join at point of registration Criteria for settings

  17. When a provider receives an Ofsted ‘ ‘Requires Improvement’ or ‘Inadequate’: Keep existing children / safeguarding No funding for new children / sufficiency What actions changed the Ofsted grade Ability to improve quality Changes in Quality

  18. We will need to track the children Linked to the children centre programme IA may contact you Start tracking by filling in Early Assessment Review (EAR) on the individual progress tracker This will support the 2 year old progress check that is statutory The Children

  19. From September 2014, the offer will reach up to 40% of children. Government Criteria; They meet the eligibility criteria used for free school meals Their family receives Working Tax Credits and have an annual income of no more than £16,190.00 per year They have a current statement of SEN of an educational health care plan They attract disability living allowance They are looked after by the LA They have left care through special guardianship or an adoption order Expansion of the Offer

  20. Further mapping of places Identify future training Additional criteria Evaluate the process to make necessary changes The Way Forward

  21. Jane Norman / Jodi SmithBusiness Support Team Manager / Senior Business Support Officer Changes to the FEEE guidance – September 2013

  22. Thank you to those providers who gave feedback on the consultation on our amended FEEE Guidance during late August. The new FEEE Guidance is based on the DfE’s Early Education and Statutory Guidance for Local Authorities September 2013, and it now includes information on: eligible 2 year olds accessing FEEE places how quality will be measured what providers need to do to be able to offer the funding

  23. This requires providers to: be registered with Ofsted and subsequently have a Certificate of Registration agree to the terms and conditions set out in the Provider Agreement provide services in line with Leicestershire’s local offer of flexibility ie 3 x 5 or 5 x 3

  24. The new guidance defines the ages of the children you can care for depending on your Ofsted quality, as previously mentioned. It also now has a separate section for administering the FEEE for eligible 2 year olds. Main variances being: parents need to have their eligibility confirmed by this office both documents will contain a Child’s Unique Reference Number (CURN) providers need to enter the CURN on the CURN column identified on the Headcount form only one payment will be made for 2 year olds - at the published final payment date payments for 2 year olds are based on a base rate of £4.86, with no additional supplements we recommend that parents claim their 2 year old funding at one provider, not two as in 3 & 4 year olds

  25. Stretched Offer This allows parents to have their 570 hours of funding over more than 38 weeks of the year, but for less than 15 hours per week. This could mean: • settings who are open all year, divide parent’s invoices (where additional hours are taken) over 12 monthly payments. This will take into account the free hours and means that parents can spread the cost of childcare more evenly. • parents using some of their free hours during school closure time. We will be placing a Stretched Offer Toolkit on the website which will show you how to complete your headcount form in the normal way. You may then bank the hours the parent has requested to be free hours for use in school closure time. Speak to your Monitoring Support Officer for more information!

  26. The Guidance is not concerned with how providers operate their private business, including charges for provision over and above the child’s FEEE place. However, parents taking just the funded hours should not be expected to pay any charges – there should be no conditions attached to accessing the free hours.

  27. Provider Agreements To be signed and returned by 27th September 2013. Electronic signatures will enable you to send them back via email. PA’s require that: • for 2 year olds, an Ofsted grade of Good or Outstanding is maintained • for 3 & 4 year olds, an Ofsted grade of: • Good or Outstanding is maintained • Satisfactory/Requiring Improvement is improved upon following the advice received from Ofsted • Inadequate is enhanced to the grade of Satisfactory/Requiring Improvement at the time of the next Ofsted inspection.

  28. Other policy documents under review • De-validation policy – previously developed to give providers the opportunity to raise their quality and continue with the funding • Complaints Policy for Providers • Appeals Policy for providers The above two policies are being developed for providers who are refused funding to deliver free places and will be available on the internet very shortly. • Complaints Policy for Parents – under review.

  29. Terry BannardMonitoring Support Officer Changes to the FEEE reports

  30. The Monitoring Report • Changes have been made to our monitoring report and we hope to • implement this fully in the Autumn Term 2013. • The scoring will be more focused in relation to the local authorities • priorities for ensuring the funding is administered correctly. • We will also look to monitor funding for 2 year olds using the same form. • The report is now split into 3 priority areas as follows:

  31. Other policy documents under review • Changes have been made to our monitoring report and we hope to implement this fully in the Autumn Term 2013. • The scoring will be more focused in relation to the local authorities priorities for ensuring funding is administered correctly. • We will look to monitor the 2 year old funding with the same form. • The report is now split into 3 priority areas:

  32. Priority Areas: The 1st Priority Area is around evidence checking. Your Monitoring Support Officer will be looking at the following information: • Birth certificates • PSOU’s • Registers • Attendance logs Providers will be able to achieve a maximum of 10 points for each of the above sections, totalling 40 points.

  33. Priority Areas: The 2nd Priority Area looks at charging and information to parents/carers. Your Monitoring Support Officer will be looking at the following information: • Invoicing • Pricing structure • Information settings provide on FEEE for parents and carers Providers will be able to achieve a maximum of 5 points for each of the above sections, totalling 15 points.

  34. Priority Areas: The 3rdPriority Area looks at any additional requirements. Your Monitoring Support Officer will be looking at the following information: • Ofsted certificate • Information on opening times and session times for parents and carers • Retention of records Providers will be able to achieve a maximum of 4 points for each of the above sections, totalling 12 points.

  35. Jane Norman / Jodi SmithBusiness Support Team Manager / Senior Business Support Officer Communication

  36. Communications Survey Many thanks to everyone for completing this Survey Deprivation supplement we know, caused a massive headache for many providers. Needed to get feedback on what you thought about the way we communicated your Indicative Budget to you.

  37. The results from the Survey: How clear do you feel the recent information around your indicative budget was? Very Clear 54 settings Clear 275 settings Not very clear 44 settings

  38. The results from the Survey: Did you feel you were given enough time to reflect on the information received and implement the changes? Yes 329 settings No 44 settings 88% of providers felt time wasn’t a problem, and 12% felt they didn’t have enough time / notification

  39. The results from the Survey: If you had to contact the Service for clarity around the indicative budgets was the support you received: Good 182 settings Satisfactory 174 settings Poor 16 settings 58 settings actually stated they hadn’t needed to contact the service, and as you couldn’t move on and submit your data without ticking a box, this figure was probably not accurate. Please accept my sincere apologies ….

  40. The results from the Survey: How would you prefer us to contact you with FEEE information, for example changes to the guidance or your FEEE rate? Emails from INFORM 292 settings FEEE web resource page 8 settings Partnership Plus 1 setting Provider update email 60 settings Update from your MSO 8 settings Other 4 settings

  41. 78% of settings preferred their funding information to be delivered directly via email using INFORM. Some settings commented that this was because they didn’t want important information coming across with other more general information. 16% preferred it via the twice monthly update email, for the same reason. Question – How many people have a mobile phone on them?

  42. Looking to offer a Text Alert service to advise you on your mobile phone when there’s important information waiting for you on Inform. Used by schools, doctors and dentists etc as a reminder of appointments. As childcare providers, your time is at a premium and we feel it would be helpful to use Text Alerts, via your mobile phone, as a reminder to let you know when there’s an important piece of information waiting for you. What do you think?

  43. Nikki Walters and Sue WilsonService Managers, 0-5 Learning Networking, Questions and Thank you!

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