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The Institution of Occupational Safety and Health (IOSH)

The Institution of Occupational Safety and Health (IOSH). What is IOSH?. Formed from a division of RoSPA in 1945 in UK as the Institution of Industrial Safety Officers, renamed as IOSH in 1981. What is IOSH?. IOSH is a professional body for safety and health practitioners

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The Institution of Occupational Safety and Health (IOSH)

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  1. The Institution of Occupational Safety and Health (IOSH)

  2. What is IOSH? Formed from a division of RoSPA in 1945 in UK as the Institution of Industrial Safety Officers, renamed as IOSH in 1981

  3. What is IOSH? • IOSH is a professional body for safety and health practitioners • Membership today totals over 24000 individuals

  4. Branches & Specialist Groups • 22 branches in UK • Specialist Groups: Offshore, Construction, Healthcare, Municipal/Public Services, and Environment

  5. Hong Kong Branch • Organising Committee formed in October 1998 • First Executive Committee elected in September 1999 • Official opening held by IOSH President at 1st AGM/Dinner on 26 October 1999

  6. HK Branch’s Mission Statement ...... primary objective is to promote systematic and organised methods of improving occupational safety and health at work and to advocate, advise upon, disseminate, explain and advance the principles, methods and systems of their application at work generally......

  7. 2003 Executive Committee Chairman: Eurlng Ir Mr. Ernest Hung Vice Chairman: Ir Mr. Jonathan Chung Hon Treasurer: Mr. CS Chan Hon Secretary: Mr. KS Lee Members: Mr. Henry LAM Mr. CK PAN Mr. WH FUNG Dr. Jacob KAM Mr. Lawrence HO Mr. SK LAM Ir Mr. KS LAU Mr. Philip NG Mr. Andy LO Mr. CS LAM Ir Mr. Johnny CHU Mr. Peter Kong

  8. Sub-Committees Membership Committee Mr. Andy Lo (Convener) External Affair Committee Mr. S.K. Lam (Convener) Seminar Committee Mr. Henry Lam (Convener) Training & Education Committee Mr. Peter Kong (Convener)

  9. IOSH Membership in HK

  10. IOSH’s ROLE • Promote excellence in the discipline and practice of OSH • Helps its members working in this specialist sphere of work • Through: • Granting appropriate grades of membership as a mark of technical and professional competence and the attainment of experience; and • Providing facilities to maintain and enhance professional skills and knowledge.

  11. IOSH’s ROLE • Information & Publications • Courses & Conferences • Continuing Professional Development (CPD) Programme • Training • Networks • Legal & Insurance Services • The Register of Safety Practitioners • The Register of Safety and Health Consultants • The Code of Professional Conduct • Awards

  12. Membership Grades • Corporate level: MIOSH and FIOSH • Non-corporate level: GradOSH, TechSP and Affiliate • Those holding appropriate qualification (accredited degree/diploma in OSH, etc) and 3 years professional experience can apply to become MIOSH

  13. Registered Safety Practitioner • RSP registration distinguishes general safety practitioners from specialists who do not undertake a general role • Those who have been Corporate Members for 1 year or more, and working professionally for 3 years or more since academically qualified for Corporate status can apply

  14. Publications Annual Report Health & Safety Textbook, Reference, Code of Practice, etc.

  15. Publications The Safety and Health Practitioner • monthly magazine • provides an important source of information on professional news, legislative updates • features on the latest management thinking and technological developments • contains Institution news, event diaries and advertisements for professional services and vacancies • free to all IOSH members

  16. Hong Kong Branch Activities • Annual General Meeting (AGM) • Executive Committee (EC) Meeting • Seminar • Technical Visit, etc.

  17. Hong Kong Branch Activities Annual General Meeting 2003 Group Photo of Executive Committee (2003) Members

  18. Hong Kong Branch Activities Executive Committee Meeting

  19. Seminar Programme 2003 Seminar on International Human Factors and Ergonomic Standards – How Do You Apply Them? 24 February 2003

  20. Seminar Programme 2003 Seminar on Integrated Management System 26 February 2003

  21. Seminar Programme 2003 Joint Seminar on F&IU (Safety Management) Regulation “A Holistic Strategy to Safety Excellence” 28 April 2003

  22. Seminar Programme 2003 Joint Seminar on Assuring Health and Safety in MTRCL 16 May 2003 Seminar on Avoiding Damage to Electricity Supply Lines and Gas Pipes – Update on Enforcement of Legislation 5 June 2003

  23. Seminar Programme 2003 Seminar on F & IU Reguations – Application for registration as Safety Auditor/Safety Officer 28 July 2003

  24. Seminar Programme 2003 Seminar on Marine Industrial Safety 18 August 2003

  25. Seminar Programme 2003 Seminar on Implementing Behaviour-Based Safety Process – The CLP Experience 11 November 2003

  26. CPD Scheme Seminar Certificate Under Continuing Professional Development (CPD) Scheme

  27. Royal Charter Status IOSH Just Achieves Royal Charter Status! Her Majesty the Queen granted the IOSH a Royal Charter of Incorporation on 26 June 2002!

  28. Further Information IOSH (UK) website: www.iosh.co.uk IOSH (HK) website: www.ioshhongkong.com IOSH(HK) Branch Email: iosh.org@polyu.edu.hk Enquiry: 2766-7581 Fax: 3149-8181

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