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Adventurer. Ambassador. Baron. Bazaar. Black Market. Bridge. 6. 3. 4. 5. 3. 4. Caravan. 4. Bureaucrat. Cellar. Chancellor. Chapel. Conspirator. 4. 2. 3. 2. 4. Duke. 5. Coppersmith. Council Room. Courtyard. Cutpurse. Embargo. 4. 5. 2. 4. 2. Fishing Village.
Adventurer Ambassador Baron Bazaar Black Market Bridge 6 3 4 5 3 4
Caravan 4 Bureaucrat Cellar Chancellor Chapel Conspirator 4 2 3 2 4
Duke 5 Coppersmith Council Room Courtyard Cutpurse Embargo 4 5 2 4 2
Fishing Village Gardens 3 4 Envoy Explorer Feast Festival 4 5 4 5
Ghost Ship Great Hall Harem 5 3 6 Haven Ironworks Island 2 4 4
Laboratory Library Lighthouse 5 5 2 Lookout Market Masquerade 3 5 3
Merchant Ship Militia Mine 5 4 5 Mining Village Minion Moat 4 5 2
Moneylender Native Village Navigator 4 2 4 Nobles Outpost Pawn 6 5 2
Pearl Diver Pirate Ship Remodel 2 4 4 Saboteur Salvager Scout 5 4 4
Sea Hag Secret Chamber Shanty Town 4 2 3 Smithy Smugglers Spy 4 3 4
Steward Swindler Tactician 3 3 5 Thief Throne Room Torturer 4 4 5
Trading Post Treasure Map Treasury 5 4 5 Tribute Upgrade Village 5 5 3
Wharf 5 Warehouse Wishing Well Witch Woodcutter Workshop 3 3 5 3 3
Platinum Watchtower Colony Platinum 9 2 3 11 Bishop Monument 4 4 Platinum Loan 3 2
Platinum Trade Route Worker’s Village Quarry 4 2 3 4 City Counting House 5 5 Platinum Talisman 4 2
Platinum Mint Mountebank Contraband 5 2 5 5 Rabble Vault 5 5 Platinum Royal Seal 5 2
Platinum Goons Grand Market Venture 5 2 6 6 Forge Expand 7 7 Platinum Hoard 6 2
Platinum 2 King’s Court Peddler 7 8* Platinum Bank 7 2
Philosopher’s Stone Vineyard 3 Transmute Herbalist Apprentice University 2 5 2
Apothecary Alchemist 3 2 3 Familiar Scrying Pool Golem Possession 4 6 2
Copper (60) Potion(16) 4 0 Silver (40) Gold (30) Estate (24) 3 6 2 2 Players, use 8 of each victory card 3-6 Players, use 12 of each victory card Deal 3 Estate cards to each player at start. (The other 6 Estate cards are with 5th and 6th player since we most often play with 4 players)
Duchy (12) Province (12) Curse (30) 5 8 0 2 Players, use 8 Provinces 3-4 Players, use 12 Provinces 5 Players, use 15 Provinces 6 Players, use 18 Provinces (The other 6 Province cards are with 5th and 6th player since we most often play with 4 players) 2 Players, use 10 Curse cards 3 Players, use 20 Curse cards 4 Players, use 30 Curse cards 5 Players, use 40 Curse cards 6 Players, use 50 Curse cards (The other 20 curse cards are with 5th and 6th player since we most often play with 4 players) Dominion Placeholders (27) Intrigue Placeholders (25) Seaside Placeholders (26) Example Kingdom card sets: First Game: Cellar, Market, Militia, Mine, Moat, Remodel, Smithy, Village, Woodcutter, Workshop. Big Money: Adventurer, Bureaucrat, Chancellor, Chapel, Feast, Laboratory, Market, Mine, Moneylender, Throne Room Interaction: Bureaucrat, Chancellor, Council Room, Festival, Library, Militia, Moat, Spy, Thief, Village Size Distortion: Cellar, Chapel, Feast, Gardens, Laboratory, Thief, Village, Witch, Woodcutter, Workshop Village Square: Bureaucrat, Cellar, Festival, Library, Market, Remodel, Smithy, Throne Room, Village, Woodcutter Victory Dance: Bridge, Duke, Great Hall, Harem, Ironworks, Masquerade, Nobles, Pawn, Scout, Upgrade. Secret Schemes: Conspirator, Harem, Ironworks, Pawn, Saboteur, Shanty Town, Steward, Swindler, Trading Post, Tribute Best Wishes: Coppersmith, Courtyard, Masquerade, Scout, Shanty Town, Steward, Torturer, Trading Post, Upgrade, Wishing Well Deconstruction: Bridge, Mining Village, Remodel, Saboteur, Secret Chamber, Spy, Swindler, Thief, Throne Room, Torturer Hand Madness: Bureaucrat, Chancellor, Council Room, Courtyard, Mine, Militia, Minion, Nobles, Steward, Torturer Underlings: Baron, Cellar, Festival, Library, Masquerade, Minion, Nobles, Pawn, Steward, Witch High Seas: Bazaar, Caravan, Embargo, Explorer, Haven, Island, Lookout, Pirate Ship, Smugglers, Wharf Buried Treasure: Ambassador, Cutpurse, Fishing Village, Lighthouse, Outpost, Pearl Diver, Tactician, Treasure Map, Warehouse, Wharf Shipwrecks: Ghost Ship, Merchant Ship, Native Village, Navigator, Pearl Diver, Salvager, Sea Hag, Smugglers, Treasury, Warehouse Reach for Tomorrow: Adventurer, Cellar, Council Room, Cutpurse, Ghost Ship, Lookout, Sea Hag, Spy, Treasure Map, Village Repetition: Caravan, Chancellor, Explorer, Festival Militia, Outpost, Pearl Diver, Pirate Ship, Treasury, Workshop Give and Take: Ambassador, Fishing Village, Haven, Island, Library, Market, Moneylender, Salvager, Smugglers, Witch
5th Player 6th Player Copper (46) 0 7 Copper 3 Estate 0 Duchy 3 Province 10 Curse 7 Copper 3 Estate 0 Duchy 3 Province 10 Curse Extra copper from Intrigue Silver (40) Gold (30) 3 6 Extra silver from Intrigue Extra gold from Intrigue
namename namename namename 11 22 33 namename namename namename 44 55 66