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Module 2 Education

Module 2 Education. Unit 1(C) It was great to see her again. Unit 2(A) What’s the beat thing about school?. Reviewing and checking. 1.physical(n)____________ 2.present(v 的汉意 )_______(n 的汉意 )_______ (adj 的反义词 )______________ 3. 写出所学科目 : 化学 __________ 生物 _____________

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Module 2 Education

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  1. Module 2 Education Unit 1(C) It was great to see her again Unit 2(A) What’s the beat thing about school?

  2. Reviewing and checking

  3. 1.physical(n)____________ 2.present(v的汉意)_______(n的汉意)_______ (adj的反义词)______________ 3.写出所学科目: 化学__________生物_____________ 政治____________历史__________ 地理__________自然科学_____________ physics 颁奖 礼物 absent biology chemistry politics history geography science

  4. 4.safety(adj)___________(adv)___________ 5.fortunately(=)________(adj)_____________ safely safe luckily fortunate 演讲_____________ 极好的______________ 体育馆______________ 实验室______________ speech fantastic gym lab(laboratory ) item ['aitəm] n. 条款,项目; 音乐会____________ 题目______________ 信息______________ 意大利的___________ concert title information Italian

  5. worry about • be worried about • 2. get top grades • 3. play in the orchestra • 4. a sports ground • 5. be surprised at … • 6. I bet

  6. 7. primary school 8. secondary school 9. prefer sth/sb/to do sth prefer A(doing) to B(doing) prefer to do rather than do 10. make a speech 11. be present/absent 12. not as/so+adj/adv+as

  7. Checking and explaining(I)

  8. 1.Spanish(n)_________2.French(n)__________ 3.athletics(adj)_________(n)____________ 4.society(adj)_________ Spain France athletic athlete social freezing relative pilot involve drug disco disappear 牵涉_________ 毒品_________ 迪斯科舞厅_________ 消失___________ eventually [i'ventʃuəli]

  9. stand for • Information Technology • last for an hour • Personal Health and safety Education • a parents’ meeting • expect to do sth

  10. 7. ask for advice • 8. get together • 9. a fifteen-minute break • 10. oneself / by oneself / • on one’s own • 11. either…or… • 12. take exams

  11. Checking and explaining(II) Language Learning

  12. Parents worry about your s____________ • wherever you are. • 2. Congratulations! Your s_____________ • about how to learn English is so excellent! • 3. He was hit by a car. F____________, • he was not badly hurt. • 4. Waiter! I’d like some F _______fries. • 5. PHSE is about the dangers of d______ and • smoking, among other things. afety peech ortunately rench rugs

  13. 1.下学期我们要再多学两科(2)。 We will learn _____ ______ _____next _____. We will learn _____ _____ ________next _____. 2.他花了全部的时来学习个人健康和安全教育 (用spend,take)(2). two more subjects term another two subjects term He spent all the time learning Personal Health and Safety education. It took him all the time to learn Personal Health and Safety Education.

  14. 3.她亲自带我去参观她的学校(3)。 She ____ me _______ her school_______ /___________/_________. took around herself on her own by herself 4.在全班同学面前演讲有点紧张。 ________________before the_______class is ____________________. 5.我们正期待着快点开始测验。 We are ____________________________________ Making a speech whole a little/bit nervous looking forward to beginning exams quickly.

  15. Transfer and application(I) Finish A 2(Use Skimming for the main idea), on Page 12 in TB.

  16. Cycling in the country. Play football in a large sports ground.

  17. Finish A 4 (Use Inferring) on Page 13 in TB. 5 1,3 2,4

  18. Finish 5(Use Indentifying Fact versus Opinion) on Page 13 in TB. 1.F 2.F 3.O 4.O 5.F 6.O

  19. Transfer and application(I) Share your passage

  20. Summary and construction

  21. Homework and consolidation

  22. Thank you!

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