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Light Pollution More Than Just a Loss of the Stars

Light pollution is the stray artificial light that shines unnecessarily into the sky, causing wasted energy, money, and increased air and water pollution. This detrimental impact not only obscures the majesty of the night sky but also affects wildlife habitats and human health. Learn how light pollution affects animals, creates environmental hazards, and how you can combat it with energy-efficient solutions and proper lighting practices.

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Light Pollution More Than Just a Loss of the Stars

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  1. Light Pollution More Than Just a Loss of the Stars Or Save Energy and Money, Reduce Air and Water Pollution And See the Stars Again

  2. What is Light Pollution? • It is light that is shining in the wrong direction. Instead of shining onto the ground where it is needed it shines up into the sky. • It is wasted energy. • It is wasted money. • It causes increased air and water pollution. • It robs us of the majesty of the Night Sky.

  3. The Earth from Space at Night

  4. Europe & the Mid-East at Night

  5. East Asia Japan Indonesia & Australia

  6. The United States at Night

  7. Wisconsin At Night

  8. Light Pollution Facts • Every Year the US wastes more than $4 Billion lighting up the Night Sky. • Wisconsin wastes 125 MW each hour lighting up the Night Sky. • Light Pollution creates air and water pollution, including mercury pollution. • Poor Lighting kills millions of birds each year and affects the habitats of many other species. • Light pollution affects human health and has been linked to cancer.

  9. More Facts • Typical lighting on asingle billboardrequires the burning of7 TONSof coal per year. • This creates23 Tons of carbon dioxide, a greenhouse gas. • 356 lbs. of sulfur dioxidewhich creates acid rain. • 215 lbs. Of nitrogen oxidewhich creates smog. • about.03 gram of mercury. As little as .001 parts per million of mercury can cause health problems.

  10. Light Pollution Negatively Affects Animals • Millions of birds die each year from collisions with brightly lit buildings and towers. The light confuses them and interferes with their migration. • Poor lighting near oceans interferes with newly hatched sea turtles from finding the sea. • Poor lighting eliminates habitat for deer, loons, eagles, and other animals. • Studies have shown that light pollution affects humans by interfering with circadian rhythms causing grogginess, impaired thinking, depression, and has been linked with some cancers, especially breast cancer.

  11. Lighting Definitions • Poor Lighting is defined as lighting that allows light to either shine upwards and/or shine off to the sides which causes glare. This also wastes energy. • Good lighting prevents light from going upwards or off to the side and only puts • light on the ground where you need it. It is also more energy efficient.

  12. Bad Lighting

  13. Good Lighting

  14. Light Trespass Light trespass is when the light from someone else’s property shines onto your property.

  15. Some Solutions Hubble Skycap For NEMA Lights The Solution The Culprit Before and After

  16. More Facts A55 watt Low Pressure Sodium light puts out as much light as a115 watt High Pressure Sodium light or a175 watt Mercury Vapor light.

  17. Some Solutions

  18. Things to do to ReduceLight Pollution • Use Energy Efficient Lighting Sources like Low Pressure Sodium. • Use only enough light to get the job done. • Use fully shielded light fixtures that put the light on the ground where you need it and not into the sky. • Talk to your local, state, and federal politicians about reducing light pollution by enacting lighting legislation.

  19. Thanks

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