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Global Partnership for the Prevention of Armed Conflict & The Organization of American States’: Capacity Building in Conflict Resolution and Peace Education with Ministries of Education November 1, 2013
Global Partnership for the Prevention of Armed Conflict & The Organization of American States’: Capacity Building in Conflict Resolution and Peace Education with Ministries of Education November 1, 2013 Presented by: Jennifer Batton, M.A., Co-Chair Peace Education Working Group, Global Partnership for the Prevention of Armed Conflict; Advisory Board of the Inter-American Program on Education for Democratic Values and Practices, The Organization of American States (Some powerpoint slides are replicated from my webinar for the Organization of American States, Building Capacity in Education Around the Globe: Conflict Resolution Strategies and Resources for Schools, August 29th, 2013)
Overview • What is Conflict Resolution Education? • Who is GPPAC? • Policy to Practice Government/CSO partnerships: Afghanistan, Australia, Costa Rica, Ghana, Kenya, Kyrgyzstan, Lebanon, Montenegro & Serbia, Philippines, Trinidad & Tobago, St. Lucia, St. Vincent, Ukraine • Government/CSO partnerships - Lessons Learned
Conflict Resolution Education Models and teaches, in culturally meaningful ways, processes, practices, and skills that help address individual, interpersonal andinstitutional conflicts, and create safe and welcoming communities. This helps individuals understand conflict and empowersthem to use communicationand critical thinking to build relationships and manage and resolve conflicts fairly and peacefully. (Association for Conflict Resolution, 2002) Resource: United States Institute of Peace Glossary of Terms for Conflict Management and Peacebuildinghttp://glossary.usip.org/frontpage
Sample Introduction to Basic Conflict Resolution Skills Understand the Nature of Conflict • Conflict Styles • Basic Needs Emotions and Conflict • Cycle of Conflict • Conflict Escalation • Steps for Handling Emotions, Anger Effective Communication Skills • Active Listening, Effective use of Questions • Verbal and Non-verbal Skills • Perspectives/Perceptions Problem Solving • Positions v. Interests • Brainstorming • Evaluating and Selecting Options
Global Partnership for the Prevention of Armed Conflict (GPPAC) www.peaceportal.org • Member led network - 1000+ Civil Society Organizations (Peace Ed. Working Group Members Include: Government, Colleges/Universities and CSOs) • All world regions
Inter-American Program on Education for Democratic Values and Practices www.oas.org Program Mission: Promote democratic values and practices through education, through 1) research, 2) professional development, and 3) information exchange on education for democratic citizenship
Peace/Conflict Resolution Education Working Group Start - 2006 European Centre for Conflict Prevention conference at UN in New York. Peace/Conflict Resolution Education (largest working group/ all world regions represented. Unique - government and NGO partners with policies/legislation in peace education. GPPAC's Peace Education Working Group Regions: Eastern and Central Africa, Eastern Europe, Middle East and North Africa, North America, Northeast Asia, Southeast Asia, South Asia, West Africa and Western Balkans. Mission: Peace Education Working Group brings together civil society, peace education practitioners, academia and representatives of Ministries of Education or relevant government agencies, creating a global multi-stakeholder platform active in: • Building the capacity of peace educators, teachers, and civil society organizations; • Lobbying/Partnering with Ministries of Education or their government equivalents to endorse and support peace education in national curricula; • Exchanging materials, manuals, curricula, learning modules and lessons learned around peace education; • Maintaining and developing a network of organizations and individuals engaged with peace education to support mutual action learning around peace education.
GPPAC PEWG Methods International policy meetings: Convened government and NGO/IGO partnersw/policies/legislation Goal: Examine best practices in infrastructure development and develop action plans to move policy to practice on national/state scale. 2005 – (U.S.) Co-hosts: ECCP/GPPAC, UN 2007 – (U.S.) Co-hosts: OAS, UNDP, GPPAC 2009 – (U.S.) Co-hosts: OAS, GPPAC, CASEL 2010 – (Costa Rica) Co-hosts: Ministry of Ed., OAS, GPPAC Reports available on-line at: http://www.creducation.org/cre/global_cre/
GPPAC PEWG Methods Create and/or Operationalize Policies– including integration into curriculum standards: Australia, Costa Rica, Kenya, Montenegro and Serbia (joint agreement), Philippines, Ukraine, United States, and more… Curriculum Development and Implementation: Australia, Ghana, Japan, Kenya, Kyrgyzstan, Lebanon, Philippines, South Korea, Serbia and Montenegro, Ukraine, and more… Hundreds of regional/national/international trainings for Teachers, Administrators, Parents, Community Members, Government
Global Legislation, Mandates, and Requirements • Peace Education • Multi-Cultural Education • Democracy Education • Bullying prevention • Democracy Education • Social and Emotional Learning • Violence Prevention • Safe Schools • Character Education/Values Education (U.S.) Education Commission of the States (search by topic) www.ecs.org Global Conflict Resolution Education Conference Presentations (search by country name) http://www.creducation.org/cre/global_cre/conference_presentations
APPLICATIONS of CONFLICT MANAGEMENT in SCHOOLS Adapted by Marina Piscolish from Ellen Raider 1987 Institute for International Conflict and Cooperation, Teachers College, Columbia University, NY, NY.
Language Arts /Languages Speaking Listening Critical Thinking Negotiation Perception Feelings/Emotions Communication Social Studies/History Role Play Mediations Evaluating News Articles/Points of View Practice Governance Models Problem Solving Diversity Comprehensive Model:Curriculum Integration Also, Math, Arts, Guidance Counseling Physical Education, Health Education Adapted from Dr. Kathy Bickmore’sCURRICULAR INFUSION AND INTEGRATION, Conflict Resolution, Decision Making, and Critical Thinking in “Academic” Subject Areas, 1998.
Policy: Kyrgyzstan Partners: Center for Social Integration Policy (GPPAC), American University of Central Asia, Ministry of Education, UNICEF. Trainers: GPPAC USA , GPPAC Ukraine, GPPAC Kyrgyzstan Goal: Integrate peace/conflict resolution education into multicultural education/arts/social studies standards for primary and secondary grades, create curriculum and integrate related pedagogy into the classroom. Sample method: 1) Review where the skills already fit within the current standards; 2) Translate related curriculum from other languages as samples for review; 3) Train Kyrgyz and Russian speaking school personnel and administrators in the skills of conflict resolution education, positive discipline/related pedagogy, evaluation; 4) Have the Kyrgyz/Russian educators create and adapt the sample curriculum and methodologies.
Integration into Curriculum Standards • Multi-cultural Education (Kyrgyzstan, Australia) • Democracy Education (Americas: OAS Members) • Social Studies/History (Kyrgyzstan, U.S.A.) • Graduation, Reality, and Dual-Role Skills (Teen Mothers) http://education.ohio.gov/Topics/Career-Tech/Family-and-Consumer-Sciences/Graduation-Reality-And-Dual-role-Skills-GRADS-Pr • Health Education • Educational Leadership/Training Administrators • Language Arts • Arts (Kyrgyzstan)
Peace Education Standards for the Ministry of Education of Afghanistan: GPPAC Contributors Prepared by:SurayaSadeed, Help the Afghan Children GPPAC Members and/or GPPAC Partner Contributors, Reviewers, Editors: • Francis Acquah-Aikins, individual reviewer, works for West Africa Network for Peacebuilding, Ghana • Jennifer Batton, M.A., Director, Global Issues Resource Center, Cuyahoga Community College, United States • LoretaCastro, Ph.D. Executive Director, Center for Peace Education, Miriam College, Philippines • Yamileth Chavez, National Advisory for English, Department of Graduate and Diversity Education, Ministry of Public Education, Costa Rica • Ivana Gajovic, Director of Nansen Dialogue Centre Montenegro/Global Partnership for the Prevention of Armed Conflict, Aleksandra Kalezic, Ministry of Education, Serbia, and BrankaKankaras, Ministry of Education, Montenegro, Montenegro and Serbia • Lenore Yaffe Garcia, Director, and RominaKasman, Coordinator, Office of Education and Culture, Organization of American States • LuisitaPeralta, Department of Education, Bureau of Secondary Education, Curriculum Division, Philippines • Staff, Multicultural Education and Global Citizenship, Department of Education and Early Childhood Development, Victoria, Australia • Balkan Sunflowers, Nongovernmental organization, Kosovo
Sample Afghanistan Peace Education Standards Sample Learning Competency: Demonstrate conflict resolution skills (understanding conflict, understanding how emotions influence conflict, using effective communication skills, and problem solving.) Sample descriptors: Understanding conflict (7) • Describe the difference between violence and conflict. Understanding the Role Emotions Play in Conflict (10) • Identify strategies for effectively managing anger. • Discuss and demonstrate effective ways of dealing with stress. • Identify skills that enhance empathy, Demonstrate empathy in a conflict situation Using Effective Communication Skills (11) • Practice de-escalation techniques • Practice using assertive responses Problem Solving (7) • Demonstrate ability to apply decision making model by identifying problems, generate creative list of potential solutions, analyze and select options, generate and assess solutions. Afghanistan Peace Education Standards Prepared by Dr. SurayaSadeed, Help the Afghan Children
Policy: Ukraine Support the implementation of Culture of Neighborhood in Crimea and Ukraine created and implemented by TavridaNational VernadskyUniversity • Approved by Ministry of Education and Science, Autonomous Republic of Crimea (2005 – 2007). • Course recommended throughout the territory of Ukraine. 1.4/18-306 from 12.06.2007 • Orders issued by Ministry of Education of Crimea- #314 from 01.07.2009 – recommendation to implement widely in educational institutions of AR of Crimea • 07.05.2009 - Course recommended to be implemented widely by enactment of interdepartmental council of law enforcement agencies and authorities of AR Crimea on the issues of law observance in the field of interethnic and interreligious relations. Partner with: Ministry of Education of Moldova, Transniestria (unrecognized state, part of Moldova), Ministry of Education and Science in Autonomous Republic of Crimea, Permanent Committee on Science and Education of the Parliament Information Provided by GPPAC PEWG Member - Dr.IrynaBrunova–Kalisetska, Tavrida National Vernadsky University
Policy: Philippines “We want peace education to be holistic and effective in its desire to help in social transformation.” - Dr. Loreta Castro, Center for Peace Education, Miriam College, Philippines "Institutionalization of Peace Education in Basic Education and Teacher Education“ - Presidential Executive Order 570 (Year 2006) • States that Peace Education should be taught in in-service as well as teacher training institutions. • Promotes Peace Education in public and private elementary and high schools • Current Status - implementation by the government is not systematic and is uneven across regions. Miriam College hosted 3 training workshops (through 2010) for educators and Ministry of Education officers, in conflict resolution and peace education to support teacher training funded by the Global Partnership for the Prevention of Armed Conflict (GPPAC) Information Provided by GPPAC PEWG Member - Dr. Loreta Castro, Center for Peace Education, Miriam College, Philippines
Implementation Example: Philippines and Lebanon Philippines Focus - Whole School Approach (Method – Teacher Training through Miriam College) Infuse peace and conflict resolution in all aspects of life of the school. Curriculum; Student Programming- conflict resolution training for students, peace clubs; School-wide- restorative discipline policy, participatory decision-making structures; Pedagogy- faculty development on peace and conflict resolution; Community- service learning, solidarity actions, advocacy of peace issues. Lebanon Focus – Permanent Peace Movement. Peace education project with German Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Lebanese Ministry of Education, adapting peace education curriculum and modules to Lebanese context, creating peace education standards, providing workshops and summer camps for teenagers/young adults and Ministry of Education, and helping students create their own documentaries and films about the civil war. Information Provided by GPPAC PEWG Members – Grace Ghaleb, Permanent Peace Movement, Lebanon and Dr. Loreta Castro, Miriam College, Philippines
Policy: Montenegro and Serbia General Law on Education in Montenegro, with special emphasis on Article 9b, proposing school mediation as alternative dispute resolution tool, from 2010, reflects one of the 8 Recommendations adopted in the Declaration on Collaboration between Ministries of Education in Montenegro and Serbia on Peace Education which was signed in 2009. Example of cooperation between practitioners and the Ministry representatives who recognized the need to integrate Peace education into legal frameworks. Information Provided by GPPAC PEWG Members - Ivana Gajovic and DraganaSarengaca, Nansen Dialogue Centre, Montenegro
Trinidad and Tobago, St. Vincent, St. Lucia:An Inter-Sectoral Approach to Fostering a Democratic Culture in Schools and Local Communities in the Caribbean Develop and sustain democratic culture in schools and local communities in 3 countries through training in Conflict Resolution Education, Service Learning, and Student Government. Partnership between: Ministry of Education, Ministry of Local Government, Global Issues Resource Center (GIRC) and consultants.
Lessons Learned: Successful Partnerships with Ministries of Education/Government • Involve Ministries in activities, design, implementation and keep informed at all stages. Give government partners credit. • Programs part of a broader systematic response and in context – don’t sell specific program. • Be flexible - Work across issues (Example: bullying doesn’t occur in isolation from other factors). • Use and be familiar with governmental language, political climate, and processes (Example: Peace Education v Social and Emotional v Conflict Resolution). • Lobby politicians. Pre-election is best. Government education bodies have to deliver on many ideas that were developed as pre-election promises when politicians are looking for ideas. • Collaborate with higher education (universities) • Content should be integrated into what already has to be done (curriculum standards/courses that already exist) instead of an “add on” due mostly to time constraints!
Lessons Learned: Successful Partnerships with Ministries of Education/Government • Have a knowledge and understanding of the policy environment and its breadth – often linked to learning or teaching outcomes • Be fluent in processes/government procedures necessary to accomplish task (expectations regarding what is needed/deadlines, etc.) • Hire/use staff with direct experience working in schools as an educator with an understanding of how schools operate, and an understanding of the way the curriculum works • Evaluate programs • A good reputation is critical
Resources: Montenegro & Serbia Education for Peace – Experiences from Practice , Published by Nansen Dialogue Centre Serbia, Nansen Dialogue Centre Montenegro ,and the GPPAC Western Balkans (2013) Collaboration between the practitioners working in schools and Ministry representatives from Montenegro and Serbia. It contains: • - Concepts of Peace Education (3 articles) • - 23 examples of integration of peace education elements in regular classes and extra-curricular activities • - 23 class preparations containing peace education elements for different subjects (math, language, English language, arts, civic education...) (Available in Serbian and Montenegrin) http://www.nansen-dialogue.net/ndcserbia/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=556%3Aeducation-for-peace--experiences-from-practice&catid=105%3Anews&Itemid=477&lang=en
Resources: Australia • Resources for teachers to promote safe and inclusive classrooms and improve school culture • Bullystoppers– on-line resource for parents, teachers and principals in working together to ensure schools are safe and supportive places • http://www.education.vic.gov.au/about/programs/bullystoppers/Pages/default.aspx • Kids Matter – a mental health and wellbeing framework for primary schools and early childhood education and care services www.kidsmatter.edu.au • Racism No Way - a national website with resources, information and lessons - http://www.racismnoway.com.au/ • Values Education access code AtvKRqfQ – values based resources and research – Australian specific but includes pedagogy http://www.valueseducation.edu.au/values/ • Civics and citizenship education - http://www.civicsandcitizenship.edu.au/cce/ • Together for Humanity - teacher and student quiz and learning modules for intercultural understanding http://differencedifferently.edu.au/
Free Resources Student Programming: U.S. National Standards for Peer Mediation Programs http://www.mediate.com/acreducation/pg18.cfm Pedagogy: Northeast Ohio Juvenile Corrections Officer Pilot Curriculum – Module on “Communication and Conflict Management” (skills training with powerpoints and skill building activities) http://www.creducation.org/cre/jdo/ Teacher Engagement Toolkit,sample interactive techniques to use in the classroom http://www.creducation.org/resources/cre_infusion/teachers_engagement_toolkit.htm Methodology Guide: A preparation manual for EHL TeachersInternational Committee for the Red Cross, Exploring Humanitarian Law (EHL) Direct link to the Methodology Guide – Free and on-linehttp://ehl.redcross.org/resources/downloads/meth.pdf Evaluation: Effective Social and Emotional Learning Programs, Preschool and Elementary School Edition, 2013by the Collaborative for Academic Social and Emotional Learning - http://casel.org/guide/ “For Researchers” section on CREducation.org web page you can access evaluation tools, evaluations of projects and programs, and more. http://www.creducation.org/cre/researchers/ l
Free Curriculum Resources • Peace Education, A Pathway to a Culture of Peace (Free Book) from Philippines http://www.peace-ed-campaign.org/resources/cpe-book-14oct2010-FINAL2.pdf • UN CyberSchool Bus - http://cyberschoolbus.un.org/ • Using Literature/Stories - A Journey of Peace: Stories of Hope and Healing for Children Living in War, Centre for Peace Studies at McMaster University in Hamilton, Ontario, Canada/Help the Afghan Children (HTAC) http://www.journeyofpeace.ca/ (English, Dari, Pashto) • International Committee for the RedCross/Red Crescent, Exploring Humanitarian Law - http://www.ehl.icrc.org/ • (English, Spanish, French, Arabic) • United States Institute of Peace - Peacebuilding Toolkit for Educators, High School Edition (Middle School also available) • http://www.buildingpeace.org/train-resources/educators/peacebuilding-toolkit-educators/peacebuilding-toolkit-educators-high-schoo • Human Total: A Violence Prevention Learning Resource, by HREA, the International Center for Alcohol Policies (ICAP) and the InstitutoMexicano de InvestigaciónFamilia y de Población (IMIFAP) (English, Spanish)(ages 10-14) http://www.hrea.org/resource.php?doc_id=2155/
International Conference on Conflict Resolution EducationDeveloping and Implementing Culturally Inclusive Conflict Resolution Education Policies and Practices in K-12 and Higher EducationJune 11 – 16, 2014Fairfax, Virginia, USA http://creducation.org/cre/goto/creconf • Pre-Conference Trainings – June 11th and 12th • Main Conference (Keynotes and Workshops) – June 13th and 14th • Seminar for Colleges and Universities Developing Peace and Conflict Studies Programs – June 15th – 16th
Questions? Jennifer Batton, M.A. • Co-Chair, Peace Education Working Group, Global Partnership for the Prevention of Armed Conflict • Advisory Board of the Inter-American Program on Education for Democratic Values and Practices, The Organization of American States • Senior Fellow, International Institute for Sustained Dialogue Jennifer.Batton77@gmail.com Skype: Jennifer.Batton.CRE www.CREducation.org https://www.facebook.com/international.cre.conference14