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Assessing student and market demand : The example from the Kinesiology PhD proposal

Assessing student and market demand : The example from the Kinesiology PhD proposal. IQAP New Program Information Session December 6, 2012 Marijke Taks (PhD). Two online surveys (fall 2009). Past MHK graduates (2003-2009). Current MHK students. Electronic mail

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Assessing student and market demand : The example from the Kinesiology PhD proposal

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  1. Assessing student and market demand:The example from the Kinesiology PhD proposal IQAP New Program Information Session December 6, 2012 MarijkeTaks (PhD)

  2. Two online surveys (fall 2009) Past MHK graduates (2003-2009) Current MHK students Electronic mail Current status within the MHK program start date current semester stream (AHP or SM) internship vs. thesis route residential status at application undergraduate field of study interested in a PhD  Yes and maybe/No  TWO GROUPS • Electronic mail or Facebook • Status during their MHK program • graduation date • stream (AHP or SM) • length of program • internship vs. thesis route • residential status at application • undergraduate field of study • pursued a PhD  yes/no  TWO GROUPS

  3. YES/past (*current) • List all Universities and PhD programs you applied to (would be interested in)? • Indicate the University and PhD program where you completed your degree OR where you are currently enrolled in? i) University: _________________ ii) Name of the program: _______________ iii) Start date (month/year):______________ * When would you expect to start your PhD (indicate Month/Year)? Open ended

  4. YES/past (*current) (cont’d) • What was /is (would be) your enrolment status? (FT/PT) • Current stage: • In progress ___ Expected completion date:__ • Completed ___ Date degree awarded (month/year) • Incomplete/Left program: After how long in the program _____ • Reason for withdrawal: …………

  5. YES/past (cont’d) • Thinking back…. If the University of Windsor offered a PhD program in the Department of Kinesiology, would you have considered applying? • YES • NO • MAYBE • Open ended comment box

  6. NO/past/*current • Would you have considered applying to a PhD program at the University of Windsor if the Department of Kinesiology had offered one at that time? • YES/NO/MAYBE/Open ended comment box • If the Department of Kinesiology at the University of Windsor were to offer a PhD program in the near future, would you consider applying? (past & current) • YES/NO/MAYBE/Open ended comment box • If applicable, please indicate when you would be interested in applying? Within 3 years OR After 3 years

  7. What we have not done • Surveying master students from other institutions!

  8. Some results

  9. Response rate Past MHK graduates (2003-2009) Current MHK students Population: N = 49 Returned: N = 32 RR = 65% • Population: N = 173 • Reached: N = 162 • E-mail: n = 128 • Facebook: n = 34 • Returned: N = 84 • RR = 52%

  10. Estimations based on past MHK students (N= 84) 48% internship (n=40) 52% thesis (n = 44) n = 14 applied for a PhD n = 30 did not apply for PhD Focus for further analysis The results for this sample were extrapolated based on a total population, being 52% of N = 173 n = 90

  11. Table 1: Estimations of potential market demand for a PhD program at the University of Windsor based on the PAST MHK students’ survey (extrapolations based on thesis students, or 52% of the total population of n = 173; thus: n = 90)

  12. Estimations based on current MHK students (N=32) • 72% thesis route (n=23) • n=19 interested in pursuing a PhD • (‘Yes’: n = 6; and ‘Maybe’: n = 13) • selected 28 PhD programs in Ontario universities How many of these students would chose to remain at the University of Windsor should there be that option? n = 16 would consider staying (‘Yes’: n = 14 and ‘Maybe’: n = 2; n=5 start in fall 2010; n = 9  start in fall 2011)

  13. Table 2: Estimations of potential market demand for a PhD program at the university of Windsor based on the CURRENT MHK students’ survey (extrapolations based on a total population of n = 49)

  14. Conclusion • Projections greatly surpassed our target • Extrapolated numbers may be inflated (by including the ‘maybe’s) • High enough interest based on the respondents alone • Easily meet the admission target

  15. Assessing student and market demand:The example from the Kinesiology PhD proposal IQAP New Program Information Session December 6, 2012 MarijkeTaks (PhD) Thank you for your attention

  16. Conclusion • All projections greatly surpassed our target, based on both the past and current surveys, of 4 doctoral students per year in the next five years • Extrapolated numbers may be inflated (by including the ‘maybe’s) • Based on the respondents alone, there is high enough interest to successfully implement a PhD program in the Kinesiology Department of the University of Windsor • In addition, the faculty growth plan expects both an increase in undergraduate and graduate enrolment, which will also increase potential recruitment for the PhD program. • Easily meet the admission target

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