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FY15 21 st CCLC Request for Proposal (RFP) Workshop. 1. Goals. Assist in determining if this grant is suitable for your organization Provide a detailed explanation of the proposal process, including: Each component of the proposal Proposal submission requirements
Goals • Assist in determining if this grant is suitable for your organization • Provide a detailed explanation of the proposal process, including: • Each component of the proposal • Proposal submission requirements • Proposal scoring and selection process 2
Questions • We can only answer questions about the content of the Request For Proposal (RFP) and the application process • We cannot provide any tips, guidance, or suggestions on writing your proposal 3
Is this grant right for you? • Program design must match the goals and processes of grant. • This is a reimbursement grant. • Typically, completion of the proposal takes extensive planning. • You must be ready to implement upon State Board of Education approval. • You must be prepared to meet high expectations and deliver results. 4
21st CCLC History • The program began in 1998 with direct federal oversight. • The No Child Left Behind Act of 2001 moved management of programs to the states. • Currently, all 50 states, Puerto Rico, the US Virgin Islands, the District of Columbia, and the Bureau of Indian Affairs operate 21st CCLC programs. • Receive $1.1 billion; $36 million in GA in FY14 6
Georgia’s Program • 136 current grants, held between 70 subgrantees • Administered by the Georgia Department of Education • State support team currently consists of a program manager, a grant specialist, six field-based specialists, three fiscal analysts, and a secretary • State is responsible for monitoring operations of subgrant- supported activities, including fiscal management • State must also monitor subgrantees to assure compliance with applicable state and federal requirements and achievement of performance goals 7
PART I: General Information 9
Program Purpose The purpose of Georgia’s Title IV, Part B, 21st Century Community Learning Centers program is to provide federal funds to establish or expand community learning centers that operate during out-of-school hours and that have three required specific purposes: • To provide opportunities for academic enrichment and tutorial services; • To offer students a broad array of additional services, programs, and activities to reinforce and complement the regular academic program; and • To offer families of 21st CCLC students opportunities for literacy and related educational development. 10
Eligibility • Previously funded programs are eligible to apply for this application and are subject to the same competitive criteria detailed within this application • If previously funded, all audit findings must be resolved and all program information, end of program reports, and grant completion reports through the Georgia Online Reporting System (GAORS) must be submitted • Current programs that will receive funding in FY15 are also eligible to apply, so long as they target a different population 11
Eligibility (cont.) • Local school districts, schools, other public or private organizations, as well as faith- and community-based organizations • Examples of agencies and organizations eligible under the 21st CCLC program include, but are not limited to: • Non-profit agencies • City or county government agencies • Faith and community-based organizations • Institutions of higher education • For-profit agencies 12
Eligibility (cont.) EXCLUDED PARTIES LIST SYSTEM Any person, agency, etc., debarred from receiving federal funds is not eligible to apply for a 21st CCLC program grant. A list is available and will be checked at: https://www.epls.gov/ 13
Best Practices • Involve stakeholders • Follow the directions in the RFP • Extensive planning prior to applying • Establish strong relationships with viable partners • Real needs assessment • Data/needs drive program design 14
Best Practices (cont.) • Qualified staff with skill set for working with students of low income or at-risk students • Strong alignment with school day staff • Out of school programs look very different from school hours • Have other sources of funds since 21st CCLC will not pay for everything, e.g., food, incentives • Make goals/objectives SMART (specific, measurable, attainable, relevant and timely) • Ensure all program activities can be directly tied to the goals and objectives outlines in the grant 15
Common Data Elements 16 Daily attendance Standardized test results Student grades in reading and math Partners and annual contributions Student, teacher, and parent satisfaction Student behavior Homework completion
Cautions • Writer of grant is third party who doesn't implement program • Not having dedicated staff for out of school program resulting in staff burn out • Vision with no organizational infrastructure • Doing too much on too little • Working in isolation from other community and school groups • Co-mingling personal funds or other funding sources with program funds 17
PART II: Application Details 18
Application Formatting and Submission Information • The deadline is Wednesday, January 29, 2014 at 2:00 PM • The application must be received in our office or submitted online on or before this deadline date and time or it will not be accepted. • NO EXTENSIONS OR EXCEPTIONS!! 19
Formatting and Submission • Electronic applications must be submitted online at www.ga21cclc.org by 2:00 pm, or • Hard copy applications mustbesubmitted by 2:00 pm (Note: This is not a post mark date. The completed hard copy application package must arrive in our office before 2:00 pm.) Georgia Department of Education 21st Century Community Learning Centers Program 205 Jesse Hill Jr. Drive, S.E. 18th Floor Suite 1862 Twin Towers East Atlanta, Georgia 30334 20
Formatting and Submission • Please see pages 4-6 of the RFP for detailed and important requirements regarding submission of hard copy (paper) applications • Does not apply to those who submit online • Hard copy applications MUST follow all formatting requirements exactly as written in the RFP in order to be read and scored by the readers 21
Program Activities • Each eligible organization receiving an award will use the funds to carry out a broad array of out-of-school activities that advance overall student achievement in core academic subjects such as reading and mathematics. • Out-of-school is defined as activities occurring before school, after school, during evenings, weekends, summers, and/or holidays. • Other activities may include, but are not limited to: academic enrichment activities that advance overall student achievement in other areas, such as science 24
Program Activities • Arts and music education activities • Career and college preparation programs • Tutoring services (including those provided by senior citizen volunteers) and mentoring programs • Programs that provide afterschool activities for limited English proficient students that emphasize language skills and academic achievement • Recreational activities • Telecommunications and technology education programs 25
Program Activities • Expanded library service hours • Programs that promote parental involvement and family literacy • Programs that provide assistance to students who have been truant, suspended, or expelled to allow the students to improve their academic achievement • Drug and violence prevention programs, counseling programs, and character education programs 26
Absolute Priority • Title IV, Part B requires GaDOE to award grants only to applicants that provide academic enrichment opportunities during non-school hours for children, particularly students who attend low-income and low-performing schools. • For the purpose of this application, high concentration of high-poverty students is defined as a poverty percentage of 40% or greater (students eligible for free or reduced price meals) as determined by school enrollment for participating attendance area. • Additional information on free and reduced price meal eligible schools is located on the GaDOE Web site at: http://app3.doe.k12.ga.us/ows-bin/owa/fte_pack_frl001_public.entry_form 27
Competitive Priority • Competitive priority points will be added to an applicant’s score for meeting five very specific criteria (will detail later) • Points will be added only after the application has met the minimum quality score of 210 out of 300 • Applications not meeting the minimum quality score requirement will not be eligible to receive funding even if the priority points cause the application to reach the minimum quality score 28
Grant Period • Five years contingent upon the availability of continued funding and evidence of growth and progress as documented in the annual evaluation report and the 21st CCLC Profile and Performance Information Collection System (PPICS) • Grantees approved by the State Board of Education may not charge expenses to their 21st CCLC grant before the beginning of the grant period 29
Award Amounts • Applicants may request funds ranging from $50,000 to a maximum of $350,000per year based on need and proposed services to the target population • All approved applicants are eligible to receive 100% of their proposed budget in years 1, 2, and 3. Funding will be reduced to 90% of the original funding level during year 4 and to 80% during year 5. However, even with the reductions, no program will receive less than $50,000 per year. • Must maintain the same level of services in years 4 and 5 • Applicants must complete the Funding Request Worksheet for EACH proposed site to determine allowable funding 30
Award Amounts • Example 1. If a program applies for and receives $350,000 during FY15, FY16, and FY17, it will receive $315,000 during FY18 and $280,000 during FY19. • Example 2. If a program applies for and receives $60,000 during FY15, FY16, and FY17, it will receive $54,000 during FY18 and $50,000 (instead of $48,000) during FY19. • Example 3. If a program applies for and receives $50,000, it will receive $50,000 per year for the duration of the grant.
Number of Awards • Fiscal agents are limited to 5 FY15 RFP awards • You can apply for more but will only receive funding for 5, even if all score high enough • Example: Fiscal agent A submits 7 applications and they receive the 7 highest scores among all applications. Applications 1-5 will be funded, but 6 and 7 will not be funded.
Funding Worksheet Alignment of Numbers • The number of students, time served, and number of weeks on the Funding Request Worksheet must match the same numbers on the: • Site Profile Forms • Target Schools Chart • Budget Detail and Summary Form • If the numbers do not match or align, we will go with the lower number. Numbers in RFP narratives should match the numbers provided in these forms, i.e. hours on schedule, numbers of students, etc.
Important Notes • The requested funding amount cannot exceed the aggregate ‘Calculated Total’, nor can it exceed $350,000, even if the aggregate amount exceeds $350,000. • Applicants are not required to request the maximum amount. Please note that there will be a reduction of funding in Year 4 (90%) and Year 5 (80%) • The term ‘Students with Disabilities’ is defined as those students with an Individualized Education Program (IEP). 37
Matching Funds and Sustainability • Applicants are not required to obtain matching funds to apply for this grant, but must detail their sustainability plan. 38
Program Fees • Programs may charge fees; HOWEVER, fees may not prohibit any family from participating. • Any program wishing to charge a fee must receive written approval from GaDOE prior to implementation. • Programs must offer a sliding scale or scholarships to those who cannot afford the fee. 39
Fiscal Requirements • This is a REIMBURSEMENT only grant: • All subgrantees must initially expend their own funds prior to receiving reimbursement from the state. • It is expected that applicants have the capital to sustain the program for a minimum of three months. • GaDOE will not reimburse a subgrantee for unallowable or unapproved expenditures. 40
Fiscal Requirements • All funded applicants must attend mandatory trainings on budget and operating requirements. • GaDOE will notify subgrantees of the dates, times, and locations of these trainings at the appropriate time. 41
Fiscal Agent • The official grant recipient, according to state policy, is the fiscal agent. • Responsible for financial oversight of the program and ensuring the program follows approved plan, all applicable laws and regulations • Please see pages 17 through 18 of the FY15 RFP for further details regarding the responsibilities of the fiscal agent. 42
Audit • All first time non-LEA applicants must include a financial audit from the most recently completed fiscal year within their applications. Non-LEA applicants currently operating 21st CCLC programs in FY14 are not required to include this financial audit within their applications. 43
Application Review and Selection Process • Each application will be read independently by five qualified, impartial readers. • Each reader will assign a point value, based on a rubric, from 0-100. • The lowest and highest scores will be dropped and the remaining three will be added together to determine a total quality score (maximum of 300 points). 44
Application Review and Selection Process • GaDOE will rank all the applications from highest to lowest and those that do not receive a quality score of 210 will be dropped and will not be considered for funding. • Of the remaining grants that scored 210 and above, readers will validate priority points based on the specific criteria the applicants claimed and met. • GaDOE will re-order the applicants from highest to lowest, based on the combined quality and priority points. 45
Application Review and Selection Process • Final award recommendations are made to the State Board of Education and are based on the final scoring list and compliance review. • GaDOE will begin with the highest score and continue moving down the final scoring list until all funding for new applicants has been exhausted. • Please note that receiving a score of 210 does not guarantee funding. • Available funding is exhausted • Cap reached (5 award limit/restriction for fiscal agents) 46
Current Award Funding For FY14, the state awarded the following amounts: • Cohort 11 – 4th year of a four year award period: $ 6,921,777 • Cohort 12- 3rd year of a three year award period: $21,737,587 • Cohort 13- 2nd year of a five year award period: $11,406,311 TOTAL CURRENT GRANT AWARDS: $40,065,675 GaDOE received nearly $36,000,000 in FY14 of which 5% is being used for grant administration 47
Projected Amount Available • IF GaDOE receives $36,000,000 in FY15 • Subtract 5% administration ($1,800,000) • Subtract $11,406,311 for FY13 cohort • Projected amount is $22,793,689 • 65 awards at $350,000 each
Cover Sheet (Form 1) Page 1 50