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Fun Phonogram Poems. http://nine-enterprises.com/events/jcs.php. http://www.d11.org/curriculumtest/literacy/. http://www.d11.org/doi/literacy/LiteracyGrade5/LLA5YearlyOverview.htm#Units.
Fun Phonogram Poems http://nine-enterprises.com/events/jcs.php http://www.d11.org/curriculumtest/literacy/ http://www.d11.org/doi/literacy/LiteracyGrade5/LLA5YearlyOverview.htm#Units
Little Jack SlackPhonogram: ackLittle Jack Slack sat in his super shack.Little Jack Slack sat upon a wacky tack.Little Jack Slack got a bruise that turned black.Now Little Jack Black wanted a yummy snack pack.Words for practice: back, black, clack, crack, hack, jack, lack, pack, quack, rack, sack, shack, slack, smack, snack, stack, tack, track, whack
Tommy TailPhonogram: ailTommy Tail got caught in the hail.Tommy tail tried to get his mail.Tommy Tail could not fail,for he had to get the mail for Sheriff Snail. Tommy Tail then tripped on a nail.Then Sheriff Snail put poor Tommy Tailright into the local jail.Words for practice: bail, fail, flail, frail, hail, jail, mail, nail, pail, quail, rail, sail, snail, tail, trail, wail
Paulie the PainPhonogram: ainPaulie the Pain loved to watch the rain.He'd watch the rain go down the drain.He'd watch the rain sweep away the grain.He'd watch the rain while holding a chain.He'd watch the rain all the way in Spain.He'd watch the rain while on a train.He'd watch the rain 'til he felt a pain.He'd watch the rain 'til he got a sprain.Paulie the Pain sure hates that rain.Words for practice: brain, chain, drain, gain, grain, lain, main, pain, plain, rain, slain, Spain, sprain, stain, strain, train, twain, vain.
Jake and a SnakePhonogram: akeJake baked a cake down at the lake.He baked the cake while staring at a snake.The big old snake looked back at Jake."Gimme some cake!" said the snake to Jake."I'll give you some cake, for goodness sake!"Then Jake gave the snake some cake he could take.The snake took the cake into the lake whensuddenly there was a huge earthquake.Then Jake saw Drake, a friend of the snakewho pushed a button and stopped the quake.Drake looked at Jake and Jake looked at Drake.Drake then said, "Can I have some cake, Jake?"Words for practice: bake, brake, cake, drake, fake, flake, lake, make, quake, rake, sake, shake, slake, snake, stake, take, wake
The WhalePhonogram: aleThe whale would rather eat kaleHe'd rather get caught in a gale.He'd rather get sick and pale.He'd rather get hit by shale.He'd rather eat fish that was stalethan ever ever have to step on a scale.Words for practice: bale, gale, hale, kale, male, pale, sale, scale, shale, stale, tale, whale
The Lame GamePhonogram: ame"That game is lame!" said the boy with no name."I can't take the blame if the game is lame!" said the little dame who had no name.Many others felt the same about that game that was quite lame.This game, which had no name, would not bring them fortune or fame.So the kids and the dame felt no shame for stopping the game that had no namebecause, as we've said, the game was lame.Words for practice: blame, came, dame, fame, flame, frame, game, lame, name, same, shame, tame
The Man in the VanPhonogram: an"I need my bran!" said the man in the van.Then Tan Dan walked up to the van."Didn't you hear there's a ban on bran?But you can have my soda can!"So the man in the van took the canand happily said thanks to the nice Tan Dan.Words for practice: ban, bran, can, clan, span, tan, than, van
Frank CrankPhonogram: ankFrank Crank walked into the bank.Frank Crank saw his buddy Hank.Frank Crank gave his wallet a yankand saw he had no money in the tank.Frank Crank's mind went blank!"Surely," he thought, "this must be a prank!"So Frank Crank who was at the bankasked his friend Hank why his wallet shrank.Words for practice: bank, blank, clank, crank, dank, drank, flank, frank, plank, prank, rank, sank, shank, shrank, spank, stank, swank, tank, thank, yank
A Chap Named PapPhonogram: apA chap named Pap he loved to rap,and he loved to clap whenever he would rap.Good old Pap loved to snap and loved to tapwhenever oh whenever oh whenever he would rap.Chap Pap bought a dog named Scrap and Scrap wouldyap whenever Pap would rap.So Pap and Scrap now rap and rapand all of us did clap and clap.Words for practice: cap, chap, clap, flap, gap, lap, map, rap, sap, scrap, slap, snap, strap, tap, trap, wrap, yap, zap
Mr. Mash's BashPhonogram: ashMr. Mash got some cash so he could throw a flashy bash.Mr. Mash knew it would be a smashif he made some hash and played Johnny Cash.So Mr. Mash made his hash and made a dashto gather his wonderful Johnny Cash stash.The bash was a smash because of Johnny Cash,but the Mash hash gave everyone a rash.Words for practice: bash, brash, cash, clash, crash, dash, flash, gash, gnash, hash, lash, mash, rash, sash, slash, smash, stash, splash, thrash, trash
Nat the CatPhonogram: atNat the Cat acted like a brat.Nat the Cat was mean to a rat.Nat the Cat chased Pat the Rat,and Pat the Rat was quite a fat rat.Now Nat the Cat chased Pat the Ratand he swung at him with his hurt-the-rat bat.Pat the Rat ran into the street, andNat the Cat came with his bat.But Nat the Cat got distracted by a gnatand got run over so that was that.Words for practice: bat, brat, cat, fat, flat, gnat, hat, mat, pat, rat, sat, scat, slat, spat, that, vat
Miss Cate and Late TatePhonogram: ateMiss Cate once had a datewith man named Tate who was always late.Miss Cate did wait for super late Tatewho got his skate stuck in a gate.Tate pulled his skate from the gateand ran to meet his Miss Cate date.Tate was too late.Goodbye to Miss Cate.Now we know Tate will never again skate.Words for practice: bate, crate, date, fate, gate, grate, hate, late, mate, pate, plate, rate, skate, slate, spate, state
Mike McCaw Liked to DrawPhonogram: awMike McCaw chewed on a straw.Mike McCaw really loved to draw.He would draw weird creatures with really big claws.He would draw weird creatures with really ugly jaws.He would draw weird creatures with really odd flaws.He would draw weird creatures that were always breaking laws.Mike McCaw simply loved to draw!And that makes me say, "Yee Hee Haw!"Words for practice: caw, claw, draw, flaw, gnaw, jaw, law, raw, saw, slaw, squaw, straw, thaw
Big Jay May Loved to PlayPhonogram: ayBig Jay May loved to play all day.He would play in the bay.He would play in the hay.He would play in the spray.He would play with Ray.He would play play play.At the end of the day,Jay would often say,"Would anyone like to pay me when I play?"Words for practice: bay, bray, day, flay, fray, gray, hay, jay, lay, may, pay, play, pray, ray, say, slay, spay, splay, spray, stay, stray, sway, tray, way
Skeat the CheatPhonogram: eatMy buddy Skeat always tried to cheat.He would cheat for some wheat.He would cheat for heat.He would cheat for meat.He would cheat for a seat.He could cheat for a cleat.Skeat thought it was super neat to cheat,but he learned a bit laterthat a cheat is not a treat.Words for practice: beat, bleat, cheat, cleat, feat, heat, meat, neat, peat, pleat, seat, treat, wheat
Dell and NellPhonogram: ellDell fell when he hit the bell and hedropped his cell which was not too swell.Dell gave a yell when he dropped his celland the cell hit a turtle right on his shell.The turtle, named Nell, gave quite a yellwhen the cell hit her right on the shell.Dell begged Nell to give him back his celland Nell did give the cell back to Dell.Dell turned to Nell his friend in the shell andthen he said,"Well, Nell, I think you're quite swell!"Words for practice: bell, cell, dell, dwell, fell, jell, Nell, quell, sell, shell, smell, spell, swell, tell, well, yell
The Guest on a QuestPhonogram: estOur guest traveled west so he could have an awesome quest.He went west with lots of zestand like a monkey beat his chest.He wore a vest for his questand our crazy guest just kept walking west.So our guest with zest and the nifty vestcontinued his quest while heading west.He saw a big nest while on his quest and decidedto take a little rest.The big bird saw this vest guest pestand flew him away far past the west.Words for practice: best, blest, chest, crest, guest, jest, nest, pest, quest, rest, test, vest, west, zest
Two Nice MicePhonogram: iceTwo nice mice went looking for rice.The mice found some rice at a pretty good price.The mice bought the rice at the pretty good price,and they decided to add a little bit of spice.The spice on the rice was really quite nice,and the two little mice ate the rice twice.Words for practice: dice, lice, mice, nice, price, rice, slice, spice, splice, thrice, twice, vice
Rick and Nick and Brick and ChickPhonogram: ickMy good friend Rick started feeling quite sickwhen he got hit in the head by a very hard brick.The brick that hit Rick was really quite thickand getting back up would really be a trick.So Rick saw Nick and he told him about the brick,and Nick gave that brick a pretty hard kick.Then the brick hit a chick and the chick grabbed a stickand started to chase both Rick and Nick.The chick hit Rick and the chick hit Nick.Nick will never ever never ever kick another brick.Words for practice: brick, chick, click, crick, flick, kick, lick, nick, pick, quick, sick, slick, stick, thick, tick, trick, wick
Slide BridePhonogram: ideThere was a bride who liked to slide.The funny bride also liked to glide.She'd glide and slide on any old ride,and that did fill this bride with pride.She'd ride by her husband's side.She'd ride right into the tide.She'd ride and slide and glide all day.This bride was having fun today.Words for practice: bide, bride, chide, glide, hide, pride, ride, side, slide, snide, stride, tide, wide
The Fight Between Night and LightPhonogram: ightI once saw a fight between night and light,and the night and the light did the fight right.The night was out of sight while the light was very bright.The night light fight filled me with fright.Would I watch it again? Well, I just might.Words for practice: bright, fight, flight, fright, light, might, plight, right, sight, tight
Bill, Gill, and Doctor MillPhonogram: illBill's friend Gill was feeling quite ill.He had quite a fever and he had quite a chill.So Gill's friend Bill brought ill Gill a pill and Phil tookthe pill to stop the freezing chill.When Gill took the pill, he felt no thrill.He drank a ton of water 'til he got his fill.Bill asked the doctor, "Will the pill fix Gill?"Doctor Mill, who was holding a drill, then said to Bill, "If that pill doesn't fix ill Gill then I know, yes I know, that this drill will!"Words for practice: bill, chill, dill, drill, fill, gill, grill, hill, kill, mill, pill, sill, shrill, skill, spill, still, thrill, till, will
Lin and ZinPhonogram: inThere were twins named Lin and Zin--who were the craziest kind of kin.Lin always hurt her shin.Zin always scraped his chin.Lin always fell in a bin.Zin always sat on a pin.Lin was always way too thin.Zin always ran around in a spin.Lin always wore a goofy fin,and both the twins could never win.Words for practice: bin, chin, din, fin, gin, grin, kin, pin, shin, sin, skin, spin, thin, tin, twin, win
Mr. Zine and the Tightrope LinePhonogram: ineMr. Zine hurt his spine while walking on a tightrope line.Mr. Zine was doing fine until that line was sprayed with wine.The wine on the line made the line not fineand Zine starting slipping—but still he would not whine.So Zine on the line fell into some pine and poor Zine's spine isno longer doing fine.Zine has learned to never walk a line if it gets sprayed with any kind of wine. Words for practice: brine, dine, fine, line, mine, nine, pine, shine, shrine, spine, tine, twine, vine, whine, wine
King Zing Zing Always Loved to SingPhonogram: ingKing Zing Zing always loved to sing.He would sing to his ring.He would sing to a string.He would sing in the spring.He would sing on a swing.He would sing wearing a sling.He would sing on a wing.He would sing! He would sing! He would sing sing singbecause, as you know, singing was his thing.Words for practice: bring, cling, ding, fling, king, ping, ring, sing, sling, spring, sting, string, swing, thing, wing, wring, zing
Mr. and Mrs. Brink and the Strange Sink StinkPhonogram: inkMrs. Brink, who always wore pink, was the owner of a roller rink.Well Mr. Brink told Mrs. Brink that the sink near the rink really did stink.The sink at the rink had quite a strange stink,so Mr. and Mrs. Brink had to sit and think."What could cause my sink to stink?Will the stink hurt my roller rink?"Mr. Brink stood up and grabbed something pink.He went to the sink and fixed the leaky kink.They were both so happy there was no longer a rink stink that they both decided to buy me a drink.Words for practice: blink, brink, clink, drink, kink, link, mink, pink, rink, shrink, sink, slink, stink, think, wink
Chip Zip's LipPhonogram: ipChip Zip cut his lip while taking a sip on his big road trip.His cut lip would drip and drip so Chip Zip had to stop his trip.Chip grabbed a band-aid strip and started to rip and rip.He put the strip on his hurt lip, but while he ripped he hurt his hip.Now Chip Zip had a hurt hip to go along with his cut lip.The band-aid strip had no good grip so his lip, oh his lip, continued to drip.Chip Zip, with his hurt lip and hip, tried to skip right on a ship.While trying to skip poor Zip did slip and fell in the water doing quite a flip.Since Zip fell off the ship and since he had a hurt lip and hip, Chip decided to take a dip.Words for practice: blip, chip, clip, dip, drip, flip, grip, hip, lip, pip quip, rip, ship, ski, skip, slip, snip, strip, tip, trip, whip, zip
Kit and Her FitPhonogram: itMy sister, Kit, had a fit while acting in a fun school skit.Well, Kit liked to hit andKit liked to spit andKit would never ever sit.So I asked dear Kit, "Why don't you split this skit?""Because," said Kit, "this skit is really it!"Words for practice: bit, fit, flit, grit, hit, kit, knit, lit, pit, quit, sit, skit, slit, spit, split, wit
Mr. MockPhonogram: ockIt was quite a shock to see Mr. Mock kicking a rock right down the block.Mr. Mock then kicked a clock along with a rock while walking down the city block.Mr. Mock took off a dirty sock and starting kicking an odd-shaped lock.Mr. Mock saw a large bird flock but he kept on kicking the lock and rock and clock.Mr. Mock, to my shock, took off his other sock and he rested, yes he rested, while sitting on the block.Words for practice: block, chock, clock, dock, flock, frock, hock, knock, lock, mock, pock, rock, shock, smock, sock, stock
Mike Moke Wanted a CokePhonogram: okeMy friend Mike Moke was really very broke. He needed fifty cents so he could buy a Coke.He walked up to me and said, "I'm broke and need a Coke!""Listen up, Mike," I said, "this has to be a joke!"So we spoke and spoke and spoke about Mike's need for a Coke.But then I found out that I was also broke.Words for practice: broke, choke, coke, joke, poke, spoke, stoke, stroke, woke, yoke
The Cop Who Loved to Mop and HopPhonogram: opThere once was a cop who loved to mop.He'd mop and mop and never stop.He'd mop up slop and mop up chops.He'd mop until we'd close the shop.He liked to hop while he would mop.He'd hop and mop and never stop.The cop who loves to hop and mop happensto be my very dear pop.Words for practice: cop, chop crop, drop, flop, fop, hop, lop, mop, plop, pop, prop, shop, slop, sop, stop, top
The Store is a BorePhonogram: oreGoing to the store is quite a bore.Going to the store is a horrible chore.Going to the store makes me snore.I'd much rather go to the shore,or eat an entire apple including the core.I'd rather study a disgusting sporethan have to go to that store anymore.Words for practice: bore, chore, core, fore, gore, lore, more, pore, score, shore, snore, sore, spore, store, swore, tore, wore, yore
"No You May Not!"Phonogram: ot"May I please tie a knot?""No you may not!""May I please fill that pot?""No you may not!""May I please sleep on the cot?""No you may not!""May I please start to trot?""No you may not!""May I please read the plot?""No you may not!""May I please clean that spot?""No you may not!""May I please fill that slot?""No you may not!""Well I guess I'll go and rot rot rot!""Well I hope that you won’t rot a lot!"Words for practice: blot, clot, cot, dot, got, hot, jot, knot, lot, not, pot, plot, rot, shot, slot, spot, tot, trot
Chuck Zuck and his DuckPhonogram: uckMr. Chuck Zuck loved his truck.Mr. Chuck Zuck also loved his duck.One day Chuck Zuck let his duck drive the truck.Chuck's dear duck got the truck stuck.Chuck's big truck was stuck in the muckbecause Chuck's duck couldn't drive that truck.After spending quite a buck, the truck finally got unstuck.And the poor little duck, owned by Chuck Zuck, never again drove that truck.Words for practice: buck, chuck, cluck, duck, luck, muck, pluck, puck, shuck, struck, stuck, truck, tuck
Mr. Sug and the Bug in the JugPhonogram: ugMr. Sug, the local thug, locked up a bug in his very large jug.The little bug that was in the jug thought Mr. Sug was really too smug.The little bug dug and dug but could not dig through that jug.The little bug promised Mr. Sug if he let him out he could have a hug.Mr. Sug never had a hug so he let that bug right out of the jug.The bug gave a hug to Mr. Sug while standing on the pretty rug.Mr. Sug loved the hug, so he bought the bug a brand new mug.So Mr. Sug and his new friend bug had a good chug from the brand new mug. Words for practice: bug, chug, drug, dug, hug, jug, lug, mug, plug, pug, rug, shrug, slug, smug, snug, thug, tug
Captain FumpPhonogram: umpCaptain Fump loved to jump.He'd jump and jump all the way to the dump.Captain Fump started to jump when all of a sudden he hit a bump.That little bump, some might call a lump, made Captain Fump fall on his rump.Captain Fump hurt his rump when he fell on that clump near the dump.Captain Fump uncovered the clump and noticed that the clump was an old tree stump.Captain Fump, who was rather plump, continued to jump all the way to the dump.Captain Fump, thanks to his sore rump, will never jump near that crazy stump clump.Words for practice: bump, chump, clump, dump, frump, grump, hump, jump, lump, plump, pump, rump, slump, stump, thumb, trump
Sally Skunk and My Uncle RunkPhonogram: unkSally Skunk fell off her bunk and right into my uncle's trunk.That trunk now stunk thanks to that skunk,so my Uncle Runk went through his junkand found a machine that shrunk that skunk.The tiny skunk climbed out of the junk and went back to sleepin her big bunk.Words for practice: bunk, chunk, drunk, dunk, flunk, hunk, junk, punk, shrunk, skunk, sunk, trunk