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Principles and Applications of NMR Spectroscopy Instructor: Tai-huang Huang ( bmthh@ibms.sinica.edu.tw ), (02) 2652-3036 http://www.nmr.sinica.edu.tw/~thh/lecture.html Time:Â Tuesday and/or Friday 2-5 PM
Principles and Applications of NMR Spectroscopy Instructor: Tai-huang Huang (bmthh@ibms.sinica.edu.tw), (02) 2652-3036 http://www.nmr.sinica.edu.tw/~thh/lecture.html Time: Tuesday and/or Friday 2-5 PM (9/21, 10/5, 10/8, 10/12, 10/15, 10/22, 10/26, 10/29, 11/2, 11/9, 11/12, 11/16, 11/19, 11/30, 12/7) Place: Rm. N617, IBMS, Academia Sinica Textbooks: 1. Lecture by James Keeler on “Understanding NMR spectroscopy” (http://www-keeler.ch.cam.ac.uk/lectures/) 2. Rules, G.S. and Hitchens, T.K. “Fundamentals of Protein NMR spectroscopy” 3. Cavanagh, Fairbrother, Palmer, and Skelton: “Protein NMR spectroscopy – Principles and practice” Academic press, 1996. 4. Selected review articles.
Curse Content • This will be a comprehensive lecture course, focusing on modern high field • NMR spectroscopy in solution, with applications to protein structure, dynamics • and functional studies. Topics to be covered include: • Basic NMR theory, including quantum mechanical and vectorial descriptions • of NMR spectroscopy. • 2. Basic experimental aspects of NMR: NMR data acquisition and processing. • 3. Product operator formalism analysis of pulse programs. • 3. Spin dynamics: Coherent selection, phase cycling, gradient enhanced • spectroscopy. • 4. Heteronuclear multidimensional NMR spectroscopy. • 5. Relaxation and protein dynamics. • 6. Special topics: TROSY, RDC, PRE and reduced dimensionality etc. • 7. Applications to protein NMR in solution.
Course Outline • Lect #DateTopics • 1 9/21 NMR and Energy level • 2 10/5 Vector Model • 3 10/8 Fourier Transform and Data processing • 4 10/12 How the spectrometer works • 5 10/15 Product Operator • 6 10/22 • 7 10/26 Two dimensional NMR • 8 10/29 • 9 11/2 Coherence selection and phase cycling • 10 11/5 • 11 11/9 Relaxation • 12 11/12 Selective topics • 13 11/16 Selective topics • 14 11/19 Selective topics • 15 11/30 Selective topics • 16 12/7 Selective topics
2002 Nobel prize in Chemistry was awarded to Kurt Wuthrich NMR is a versatile tool and it has applications in wide varieties of subjects in addition to its chemical and biomedical applications, including material and quantum computing.
Edward M. Purcell 1952, Physics Kurt Wuthrich 2002, Chemistry Richard R. Ernst 1992, Chemistry Isador I. Rabi 1944, Physics Paul Lauterbur 2003, Medicine Peter Mansfield 2003, Medicine Felix Bloch 1952, Physics
CW NMR 40MHz (1960)
Dominant interactions:H = HZ + HD + HS + HQ.HZ = Zeeman Interaction HD = Dipolar Interactions HS = Chemical Shielding Interaction. HQ = Quadrupolar Interaction 6 Electrons Basic Nuclear Spin Interactions 3 3 Nuclear Spin j Ho Ho Nuclear Spin i 1 2 1 5 4 4 Phonons 4
z x Mo x Mxy B1 y a y wo Lecture 2: Vector Model Bulk Magnetization: The sum of all magnetic moments (1020 spins) Larmor frequency: o = Bo (rad·S-1); or = Bo /2 (Hz) Pulse Detection: a deg pulse 90 deg pulse Z Mo Signal: Y ot X Mosin
Collecting NMR signals • The detection of NMR signal is on the xy plane. The oscillation of Mxy generate a current in a coil , which is the NMR signal. • Due to the “relaxation process”, the time dependent spectrum of nuclei can be obtained. This time dependent spectrum is called “free induction decay” (FID) Mxy time (if there’s no relaxation ) (the real case with T1 &T2) time
Rotating frame: A reference frame which rotate with respect to the Z-axis of the laboratory frame at frequency rot Z Mo • Lamor frequency in the rotating frame: = o - Rot = B then B = / = Bo - Rot/ For Rot = o B = 0 Bo Y ot X Mosin Rot/ In the rotating frame with rot = othe signal one observe is Mosin (No oscilation) and B = 0 Effective field: In the presence of RF-field (Radio frequency) B1 the total field: Static frame: B = Bo + B1 Rotating frame: Beff = B + B1 Tilt angle: M will rotate about Beff at a rate of eef = Beff
Effective field in frequency unit: Z Mo • On resonance pulse: rot = o and = 0 • eff = 1(The magnetization will rotate w.r.t. the B1 axis by an angle, (the flipping angle) = 1 = o o pulse (90o, 180o pulse) 180o pulse is also called the “inversion pulse” Bo Y B1 ot X Mosin Rot/ For arbitrary angle :
Hard pulse:If B1 >> B the effectiv field lies along B1 and all resonances appeared to be on resonance. Example: Is P(90o) = 12 us pulse a hard pulse forB = 10 ppm in 500 MHz spectrometer ? = 90o = /2 = B1 x12X10-6 1 = B1 = /24x106 1 = /2 = 20.8 kHz B = 10 ppm/2 = 5x500 = 2.5 kHz << 1 Ans: Yes, it is a hard pulse. Detection in the rotating frame : mHz rot Transmitter Probe o mHz rot rot - rot Digitizer Computer Receiver mHz kHz Basic pulse acquiring scheme : More than one resonance:
Pulse calibration: Spin Echo :
Z Pulses of different phases: Y X Y-pulse (90y) X-pulse (90X or 90) Relaxation (Inversion recovery expt):
= o - rot = the offset frequency 90% 1.6 • To record a 200 ppm 13C spectrum at 600 MHz spectrometer: • = 200 ppm x 150 = 3o kHz; 1 = /1.6 = 30000/1.6 =18,750 Hz = ? Gauss ? P(90) = ? Us for 13C ?
Selective inversion (Soft pulse): Shaped pulses are designed to affect only the resonances of interest