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Routing in Intermittently Connected Mobile Networks. Thrasyvoulos Spyropoulos, Kostantinos Psounis, and Cauligi S. Raghavendra EE Department, USC {spyropou, kpsounis, raghu}@usc.edu. S. D. Intermittently Connected Mobile Networks.
Routing in Intermittently Connected Mobile Networks Thrasyvoulos Spyropoulos, Kostantinos Psounis, and Cauligi S. Raghavendra EE Department, USC {spyropou, kpsounis, raghu}@usc.edu
S D Intermittently Connected Mobile Networks • A wireless network that is very sparse and partitioned • disconnected clusters of nodes • Nodes are (highly) mobile making the clusters change often over time • No contemporaneous end-to-end path! S D
Networks following ICMN paradigm • Sensor networks for habitat monitoring and wildlife tracking • ZebraNet: sensor nodes attached on zebras, collecting information about movement patterns, speed, herd size, etc. • Boatnet • Ad hoc networks for low cost Internet provision to remote areas/communities • Africa, Saami, etc. • Inter-planetary networks • extend the idea of Internet to space • Ad-hoc military networks
Conventional Routing Protocols Fail • Reactive Protocols (e.g. DSR D. Johnson et al. ‘01, AODV C. Perkins et al. ‘02) • route request cannot reach destination! • path breaks right after or even while being discovered • Proactive Protocols (e.g. DSDV C. Perkins et al. ‘94, DREAM S. Basagni et al. ‘98) • will fail to converge! • deluge of topology-update packets
Can anything be done then? A different routing paradigm • Exploit node mobility to deliver messages (Tse et al. exploit mobility to increase capacity) • A snapshot of connectivity graph is always disconnected. Idea: If we overlap many snapshots over time, an end-to-end path will be formed eventually! • Store-and-forward model of routing: • a node stores a message until an appropriate communication opportunity arises • a series of independent forwarding decisions {time + next hop} that will eventually bring the packet to its destination
Example of store and forward routing 1 12 D 13 S 14 2 16 11 15 3 7 8 5 10 4 9 6 Main Issue: What is an “appropriate” next hop?
Choosing A Next Hop • A local and intuitive criterion: A forwarding step is efficient if it reduces the expected distance from destination • usually: reduction of expected distance => reduction of expected hitting time Destination B A C Efficient Routing : Ensure that each forwarding step on the average reduces distance or hitting time with destination
Problem Formulation • M nodes move independently on an grid of size N • mobility models: random walk, random waypoint • Transmission range K • small enough to have partial connectivity • transmission is faster than movement • Proximity measure between positions A and B • Manhattan distance: dAB = |xA – xB| + |yA – yB| • Performance evaluation metrics • expected hitting time from A to B: EATB • in a symmetric graph EATB = ET(dAB) • average delivery delay • number of transmissions (per message delivered)
Problem Formulation (cont’d) • Each node maintains a timer for each other node • TX(Y): time since node X last “encountered” node Y • “encounter” = come within transmission range • only information available to a node X regarding the network (no location, speed, direction, etc.) • Timer maintenance • Initially: TX(Y) = • When X encounters Y: TX(Y) = 0 • At every time step (unless case b applies): TX(Y) = TX(Y) + 1
Single-Copy vs. Multiple-Copy Routing Strategies • “Single-Copy”: only a single copy of each message exists in the network at any time • “Multiple-Copy”: multiple copies of a message may exist concurrently in the network Single Copy Multiple Copy + lower number of transmission + lower contention for shared resources + lower delivery delay + higher robustness
Outline • Single-copy strategies • design space • Seek and Focus • performance analysis • simulations • Multiple-copy schemes • comparison to single-copy • existing flooding and utility-based schemes • Spray and Wait • performance analysis • simulations
Direct Transmission • Forward message only to its destination • simplest strategy • Its expected delay is an upper bound for every other protocol.
Randomized Routing • Node A forwards message to node B with probability p • P(B closer to destination D than A) = P(A closer to D than B) • yet, because transmission speed is faster than the speed of movement it can be shown that Result: The randomized policy results in a reduction of the expected hitting time to destination at every step
Utility-based Routing • Destination’s location (relative to another node’s location) gets indirectly logged in timer during encounter • Location info gets diffused through mobility process • Define an appropriate utility function UX(Y) based on timer value TX(Y) • e.g. UX(Y) = - expected hitting time given timer value • Utility-based routing: Node A forwards a message for node D to node B iff UA(D) < UB(D) • Now, if TB(D) < TA(D), PBA = P(B closer to D than A) > P(A closer to D than B)
Randomized Utility-based PBA = ½ PBA > ½ PAB = ½ PAB < ½ Utility-based Routing (cont’d) ETD EATD = ET(d) d B A B Result 1: Utility-based routing has a larger expected delay reduction than the simple randomized policy
Randomized vs. Utility-based Routing • Randomized strategy + transmissions are faster than movement - many transmissions for marginal gain (forwards message blindly) • Utility-based strategy + takes advantages of indirect location info to make better forwarding decisions - slow start: In a large network, source and destination are far => all nodes around source have very low utility => takes a long time until a good next hop is found initially
Seek and FocusA Hybrid Routing Strategy • Seek phase: If utility around node is low, perform randomized forwarding to quickly search nearby nodes • Focus phase: When a high utility node (i.e. above a threshold)is discovered, switch to utility-based forwarding • look for a good leadto the destination and follow it IDEA: Avoid the slow start phase of utility-based schemes, while still taking advantage of the higher efficiency of utility-based forwarding
Oracle-based Optimal Algorithm • Assume all nodes trajectories (future movements) are known • Then, the algorithm picks the sequence of forwarding decisions that minimizes delay • Note that flooding (multi-copy strategy) has the same delay as this algorithm when there is no contention
Performance analysis • Compute expected delivery delay (ED) • Assumptions • mobility model: random walk on grid (torus) • there is no contention in the wireless channel • Notation • EXTY: expected hitting time from X to Y • ET: expected hitting time from stationary distribution (indep. of specific position for symmetric graph)
Direct Transmission: K = 0 • ED = ET • Hitting time distribution approximately exponential: • Results from D. Aldous and J. Fill “Reversible Markov chains and random walks on graphs” - - ET = (NlogN)
A Direct Transmission: K > 0 1) EDdt = EXTA 2) EXTA = EXTY - EATY EXTY = cNLogN K = 3
2 where HM-1 is the harmonic sum 1 2 Oracle-based Optimal Algorithm M nodes Tx Range = K D S
f(K) D Average step size: D = 1 – q + q f(K) Randomized Algorithm Probability q: Tx jump q = p • P(at least one node within range) f(K): average transmission distance Probability 1-q: Random walk
Randomized Algorithm (cont’d) • Approximate actual message movement with a random walk performing D independent 1-step moves at each time slot • Note: This walk is slower than the actual walk • would reach destination later, on the average • Define an appropriate martingale to show that: Destination movement Message movement Note: D + 1 ≥ 2 randomized is faster than direct transmission!
Simulation vs. Analysis upper bound lower bound Simulation and theoretical results are closely matched Randomized algorithm is efficient for large K
Simulated schemes Randomized with probability p = 0.5 Randomized with probability p = 1.0 Utility-based routing Seek and Focus (with probability p = 0.5 in seek phase) Seek and Focus (with probability p = 1.0 in seek phase) Direct transmission Used a simple collision avoidance MAC protocol to handle contention Simulations with contention
Scenario 1 (random walk, small network) • 50x50 grid, 20 nodes, transmission range = 5 • Only 1 message is routed between two randomly chosen nodes Randomized (p = 0.5) 4 Seek and Focus (p = 0.5) 1 2 Randomized (p = 1.0) 5 Seek and Focus (p = 1.0) 3 Utility-based 6 Direct
Scenario 2 (random walk, large network) • 500x500 grid, 50 nodes, transmission range = 60 • 50 messages are routed between randomly chosen nodes Randomized (p = 0.5) 4 Seek and Focus (p = 0.5) 1 2 Randomized (p = 1.0) 5 Seek and Focus (p = 1.0) 3 Utility-based
Scenario 3 (random waypoint) • 500x500 grid, 50 nodes, transmission range = 20 • 50 messages are routed between randomly chosen nodes Randomized (p = 0.5) 4 Seek and Focus (p = 0.5) 1 2 Randomized (p = 1.0) 5 Seek and Focus (p = 1.0) 3 Utility-based
Outline • Single-copy strategies • design space • Seek and Focus • performance analysis • simulations • Multiple-copy schemes • comparison to single-copy • existing flooding and utility-based schemes • Spray and Wait • performance analysis • simulations
Multiple-copy vs. single-copy Routing + Higher robustness + Low delivery delay - Higher number of transmissions - Contention for shared resources
Flooding-based and Utility-based Schemes • Epidemic Routing (flooding): handover a copy to everyone • minimum delay under no contention • Randomized Flooding (Y. Tseng et al. ‘02): handover a copy with probability p • Utility-based Flooding (A. Lindgren et al. ‘03): handover a copy to a node with a utility at least Uth higher than current • Constrained Utility-based Flooding: like previous, but may only forward a bounded number of copies of the same message
Shortcomings • Flooding • too many transmissions (energy-efficiency concerns) • unbounded number of copies per message (scalability issues) • under high traffic, high contention for buffer space and bandwidth results in poor performance • Utility-based • high Uth: significant delay increase; source takes a very long time until it finds a good next hop (slow start) • low Uth: degenerates to flooding
Spray and Wait • Performance goals: • significantly reduce transmissions by bounding the total number of copies/transmissions per message • under low traffic: minimal penalty on delay (close to optimal) • under high traffic: reduce the delay of existing flooding- and utility-based schemes thanks to less contention • 2 phases: • “Spray phase”: spread L message copies to L distinct relays • “Wait phase”: wait until one of the L relays finds the destination (i.e. use direct transmission)
Spray and Wait Variations • Source Spray and Wait • Source starts with L copies • whenever it encounters a new node, it hands one of the L copies • this is the slowest among all (opportunistic) spraying schemes • Optimal Spray and Wait • source starts with L copies • whenever a node with n > 1 copies finds a new node, it hands half of the copies that it carries • optimal spreads the L copies faster than any other spraying scheme
Performance analysis • Compute ED, the expected delivery delay • Assumptions • mobility model: random walk on grid • there is no contention in the wireless channel • Recall that EDdt denotes the expected delivery delay of direct transmission
If new node found by source, forward another copy If not destination, add extra term Expected remaining delay after i copies are spread Time until a new node is found P(not destination) If found by relay, do nothing Source Spray and Wait • Let ED(i) denote the expected remaining delay after i copies are spread • Clearly EDsrc = ED(1) • ED(1) can be calculated through a system of recursive equations If destination, stop • A similar recursion procedure gives the delay of Optimal Spray and Wait
Upper bound • Exact delay not in closed form • Derive a bound in closed form • This is an upper bound for any Spray and Wait algorithm Probability a wait phase is needed Wait Phase Spray Phase Bound is tight for L<<M
Simulation vs. Analysis (analysis) • Good match between theory and simulations • Spray and Wait achieves a delay only 1.5-2 times that of the optimal
Simulation vs. Analysis (cont’d) (analysis) Efficient spraying becomes more important for large L
Simulated schemes Epidemic routing Randomized flooding (p = 0.03) Utility-based flooding (Uth = 0.02) Constrained utility-based flooding Source Spray and Wait (L = 10) Optimal Spray and Wait (L = 10) Seek and Focus Oracle-based optimal algorithm Same collision avoidance MAC protocol and utility function as before Simulations (with contention, waypoint model)
Scenario A (low traffic) 500x500, M = 50 nodes, K = 20 • Spray and Wait • performs 60-97% less transmissions (even less than seek and focus) • achieves a lower delay than utility-based schemes that is about twice that of the optimal
Scenario B (high traffic) 500x500, M = 50 nodes,K = 20 (6% coverage), 40 (25% coverage) • Spray and Wait achieves up to an order of magnitude reduction in number of transmission compared to flooding and utility-based schemes • and a delivery delay lower than all other schemes
Conclusions • Seek and Focus • yields the best tradeoff between delay and number of transmissions among single-copy schemes • Spray and Wait • is as energy efficient as single-copy schemes • yields lower delay than existing flooding- and utility-based schemes, and • this delay is within a factor of 2 from that of optimal
Future Work • Analysis of utility-based schemes • Analysis under contention • Explore hybrid schemes where: • L copies are spread initially • Each copy is routed using some efficient single-copy scheme (e.g. utility-based single-copy routing) • Performance of all protocols under more realistic mobility models that exhibit correlation in space and/or time • Capacity Analysis
References • A. Spyropoulos, K.Psounis, and C. Raghavendra. Single-copy routing in intermittently connected mobile networks. CENG-2004-11 Technical Report, University of Southern California, June 2004. in IEEE SECON ‘04. • A. Spyropoulos, K.Psounis, and C. Raghavendra. Multi-copy routing in intermittently connected mobile networks. CENG-2004-12 Technical Report, University of Southern California, June 2004.