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AASHTO Standing Committee on Public Transportation Multi-State Technical Assistance Program (MTAP)

AASHTO Standing Committee on Public Transportation Multi-State Technical Assistance Program (MTAP) Wednesday December 8, 2010 Savannah, GA. Session: “Mobility Management: Coordination, Mobility Options for All and Statewide Implementation Efforts”. Presenter: Kim Adair, CCTM,

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AASHTO Standing Committee on Public Transportation Multi-State Technical Assistance Program (MTAP)

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  1. AASHTO Standing Committee on Public Transportation Multi-State Technical Assistance Program (MTAP) Wednesday December 8, 2010 Savannah, GA Session: “Mobility Management: Coordination, Mobility Options for All and Statewide Implementation Efforts”

  2. Presenter: Kim Adair, CCTM, North Dakota Department of Transportation, Bismarck, ND

  3. Today’s Discussion • Regional Coordination (PART) • Mobility Services for All Americans • North Dakota DOT’s Coordination efforts • Questions & Comments

  4. Regional Initiatives: Purchase Area Region of Western Kentucky Overview

  5. Purchase Area Region - Transportation Providers • Paducah Area Transit: Provides human service, fixed route, and rural public transportation • Fulton Co. Transit: Provides human service and rural public transportation

  6. Purchase Area Region - Transportation Providers • Murray-Calloway Co.Transit: Provides human service, university, and rural public transportation. • Easter Seals West Kentucky: Provides human service transportation (Easter Seals programs and Medicaid provider)

  7. Purchase Area Transportation • Regional Transportation Challenges • Who to call for services? • High cost to customers without public assistance • Underutilized resource capacity • Poor quality of transportation service • Human service transportation challenges • Overlapping transportation services

  8. Purchase Area Regional Transit (PART)

  9. PART - Overview • PART Mission Statement: • “to provide customers with a single point of access to receive regional transportation, human services and community information facilitating greater personal mobility for all individuals in the Purchase Area region.”

  10. PART - Overview • Origin: Developed as a partnership between the region’s providers and the Purchase Area Development District (PADD) in 2006 • Services: Provided by region’s transportation providers • Current status: • Developed inter-local agreement to be approved through the Kentucky State Attorney General’s Office. • New website created: WWW.ridePART.com • Developed regional services policies and procedures • Federal MSAA project: Commenced ongoing regional TMCC

  11. PART - Overview • PART - Regional Funding Opportunities • Federal & state funding: Ongoing provider operations (i.e. Section 5311) • Contract and local revenues • Other – USDOT/State DOT funds: • ARRA • JARC/New Freedom • Discretionary Grants (i.e. Livability, TIGER II, etc.) • State of Good Repair • Section 5309

  12. USDOT Mobility Services for All American’s Initiative Overview Mr. Thomas Todd, PATS Operator

  13. USDOT MSAA Initiative Goal • USDOT (RITA and FTA) UWR in cooperation with the Federal Interagency Coordinating Council on Access and Mobility (CCAM). • “The MSAA demonstration projects have three major objectives. These are: • (1) to establish a comprehensive set of transportation services to meet the full range of transportation needs for all, including low-income individuals, older adults, and persons with disabilities in a target area by coordinating the resources of various human service and transit programs; • (2) to create a simple point of access for consumers to obtain the transportation services needed from various programs; and • (3) to use intelligent transportation systems to enhance transportation service delivery and system accessibility.” • (MSAA RFP, 4/14/2006)

  14. Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS) • in the USA • Defined: • “ITS improves transportation safety and mobility and enhances productivity through the use of advanced communications technologies.” • United States Department of Transportation (USDOT) Joint ITS Program Office • Source: USDOT/JPO, http://www.itsdocs.fhwa.dot.gov/its_overview.htm

  15. ITS - Advantages Inform and educate the public Facilitate seamless regional transportation Single point of transportation access • Expand service coverage to meet unmet need • Coordinate with 911 to reduce non-emergency calls • Provide human services & community information Enhanced safety and security Single point of I&R access (211) Increased service hours ITS is an enabler to facilitate coordination and enhance accessibility.

  16. USDOT MSAA Initiative - Phase 2 Purchase Area Team with Yehuda Gross, USDOT

  17. Current ITS Technology at PART • Computer Assisted Scheduling and Dispatching (CASD) • Mobile Data Computers • Trip Manifests • Data Collection (Odometer readings) • GPS/Navigation • Driver Messaging • Real-time Communication • Wheelchair Lift cycles • Digital video & voice recorders • “Where’s my ride”

  18. Web Trip Planning/Route Information • Online ADA eligibility • Trip booking • Transit Trip Planning • http://www.google.com/transit

  19. Passenger Information ITS • Information kiosks placed at community locations • Mobile • Applications • Internet • Text

  20. North Dakota Department of Transportation

  21. Background • 33 transit projects of varying size • Origins were need based: • Some in conjunction with government or social service agencies • Some informal, as off–shoots of community service or other organizations

  22. Background Blue dots represent transit projects. Red dots represent additional locations where rolling stock is stationed. North Dakota

  23. Current Status • Coverage is uneven • Inconsistency exists • Fare structure • Rules and guidelines • Riders cannot transfer from one • system to another

  24. Positive Coordination effects • Potential for more even service coverage throughout the state • Will allow for improved route planning and scheduling • Greater opportunities for efficient use of resources • Address increased need for non-emergency medical transportation across current service areas

  25. Positive Coordination effects • Provide consistency to riders • Fare structure • Rules and guidelines • Ability to transfer from system to another for travel throughout the state • Greater communication with your customers • Better and more communication with other providers

  26. Coordination efforts • DOT has started meeting with a couple transit providers in the Northeast • Form focus groups • Gain trust with current users • Learn what they are doing now and what resources are out there • Work with the transit providers • Listen • Learn where needs exist and at what levels • Develop accurate picture of current service coverage

  27. Coordination efforts • Finalize regions within the State • Create proposed regions based on: • Existing transit projects • Vehicle locations • Existing and proposed routes • Research and compare technology systems that fit the • state’s overall needs and are capable of seamless • coordination between the regions • Remain flexible, so that we can respond to changes • and unexpected needs

  28. Expected Outcomes • More Efficient Use of Funding • More Effective Use of Resources • Better Service for North Dakotans

  29. Contact Information Kim Adair, CCTM North Dakota Department of Transportation 1-701-328-2194 kadair@nd.gov Michael Hughes Paducah Transit Authority 1-270-444-8700 mhughes@paducahtransit.com

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