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Panic Disorder Treatment | Athena Behavioral Health

Having a panic disorder can make it hard to cope with everyday life. You may have problems with your ability to concentrate and concentrate well, or with your ability to make decisions. So if you have any query related to panic disoreder treatment call 9289086193<br><br>https://www.athenabhs.com/services/panic-disorder/

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Panic Disorder Treatment | Athena Behavioral Health

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  1. PANICDISORDER TREATMENT| ATHENA BEHAVIORAL HEALTH 9289086193 https://www.athenabhs.com/

  2. AboutPanicDisorder Panicdisorderisatypeofanxietydisorder characterizedbysudden, unexpectedand repeated episodesofanintensesenseoffear, particularly in asituation whenthere is no real danger. This sense of fear may be accompanied by physicalsymptomsincludingheartpalpitations, chest pain, dizziness, shortness of breath, and/or abdominaldistress.Usually,panicdisorder manifestsinthelateteensorearlyadulthood.

  3. WHATCANCAUSE PANICDISORDER? Likemostmentalhealthconditions,itisdifficulttolocatethe exactcauseofpanicdisorder.However,acombinationofthings maycontributetotheriskof developingpanicdisorder, including: Living with or seeing someone close deal with panic disorder. A history of a traumatic or stressful life experiences Experiencingpanicdisorderduringchildhood

  4. TreatmentofPanicDisorder Thetreatmentofpanicdisordertypicallyinvolvesacombinationofmedication,psychotherapy,andlifestyle modifications.Herearesomecommonapproaches: Medication: Antidepressants and anti-anxiety medications are commonly used to treat panic disorder. Antidepressants such as selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs) and serotonin-norepinephrine reuptake inhibitors (SNRIs) are usually prescribed for long-term use. Benzodiazepines, a type of anti- anxietymedication,arealsousedtomanageacutesymptoms,buttheyaregenerallynotrecommended forlong-termuseduetotheriskofdependence. Psychotherapy:Cognitive-behavioraltherapy(CBT)isaformofpsychotherapythatisoftenusedtotreat panic disorder. CBT focuses on changing negative thought patterns and behaviors that contribute to panicattacks.Exposuretherapy,atypeofCBT,involvesgraduallyexposingthepersontothesituations ortriggersthatcausepanicattacks,helpingthemtobecomelessfearfulovertime. Lifestyle modifications: Making lifestyle changes can also help manage panic disorder symptoms. Regularexercise,healthyeating,andgettingenoughsleepcanhelpreducestressandanxiety.Avoiding caffeine, nicotine, and other stimulants may also help to reduce the frequency and severity of panic attacks

  5. CorporateOffice:#202, Near DPS Public School, Sector 47, Gurugram, Haryana 122001 +919289086193 info@athenabhs.com Website:https://www.athenabhs.com/ Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/AthenaBehavioralHealthcare Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/athenabehavioralhealth/ LinkedIn: Twitter : YouTube: https://www.linkedin.com/company/athena-behavioral-health/ https://twitter.com/health_athena https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCU3L4Iz_-66fHPZR0dfwSQ

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