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Enhancing Visitor Experience: Korea Gallery Redesign Evaluation

Explore the success of the Korea Foundation Gallery's redesign, assess current state, analyze visitor experience, and provide suggestions for improved outcomes. Review findings indicate the need for a coherent design, stronger themes, and context to highlight the significance of objects. Recommendations include creating a clear object hierarchy and setting objects within a broader context for visitors' exploration. Utilizing tracking methodologies including surveys, interviews, and tours in multiple languages (English, Korean, Mandarin, French, and Spanish) to gather data. References include studies on multiple intelligences theory and audience engagement in museums and galleries. Contact sponsor Eleanor Hyun for more information.

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Enhancing Visitor Experience: Korea Gallery Redesign Evaluation

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Evaluating Visitor Experience in Gallery 67: The Korea Foundation Gallery Project Team: Peyton Delgorio, ShivangiPandey, Margaret Russell, Ryan Wiesenberg Sponsor: Eleanor Hyun

  2. Motivation for our Evaluation Evaluating Visitor Experience in the Korea Gallery

  3. Project Objectives • Assessment of Catalyst and Success of the Korea Foundation Gallery Redesign • Evaluation of the Current Gallery State • Understand the Visitor Experience • Analysis and Comparison of the Data Collected • Present Suggestions and Projected Outcomes Evaluating Visitor Experience in the Korea Gallery

  4. Project Objectives • Assessment of Catalyst and Success of the Korea Foundation Gallery Redesign • Evaluation of the Current Gallery State • Understand the Visitor Experience • Analysis and Comparison of the Data Collected • Present Suggestions and Projected Outcomes Evaluating Visitor Experience in the Korea Gallery

  5. Project Objectives • Assessment of Catalyst and Success of the Korea Foundation Gallery Redesign • Evaluation of the Current Gallery State • Understand the Visitor Experience • Analysis and Comparison of the Data Collected • Present Suggestions and Projected Outcomes Evaluating Visitor Experience in the Korea Gallery

  6. Project Objectives • Assessment of Catalyst and Success of the Korea Foundation Gallery Redesign • Evaluation of the Current Gallery State • Understand the Visitor Experience • Analysis and Comparison of the Data Collected • Present Suggestions and Projected Outcomes Evaluating Visitor Experience in the Korea Gallery

  7. Project Objectives • Assessment of Catalyst and Success of the Korea Foundation Gallery Redesign • Evaluation of the Current Gallery State • Understand the Visitor Experience • Analysis and Comparison of the Data Collected • Present Suggestions and Projected Outcomes Evaluating Visitor Experience in the Korea Gallery

  8. Project Objectives • Assessment of Catalyst and Success of the Korea Foundation Gallery Redesign • Evaluation of the Current Gallery State • Understand the Visitor Experience • Analysis and Comparison of the Data Collected • Present Suggestions and Projected Outcomes Evaluating Visitor Experience in the Korea Gallery

  9. Approaching our Evaluation • Adjustments • Bias • Pretesting Evaluating Visitor Experience in the Korea Gallery

  10. What do you look for in a Gallery or Exhibit?

  11. Findings • Visitor Count • Case Analysis • Type of Visitors • Spatial Breakdown • Gallery Design Evaluating Visitor Experience in the Korea Gallery

  12. Recommendations • Historical Context • Timeline • Sarangbang • Case Design Evaluating Visitor Experience in the Korea Gallery

  13. Acknowledgements Sponsor:Eleanor Hyun Advisors: Prof. Constance Clark, Prof. Corey Dehner Additional Support: Prof. Dominic Golding, Mr. Ben Alsop, Jung Taek Lee Evaluating Visitor Experience in the Korea Gallery

  14. Questions? If you would like more information about our final report, please email our sponsor, Eleanor Hyun at: EHyun@britishmuseum.org Evaluating Visitor Experience in the Korea Gallery

  15. Museum Experience Evaluating Visitor Experience in the Korea Gallery

  16. 2012Survey Findings Visitors do not currently engage with important objects in Room 67 (O’Grady and Saez, 2012). Tracking revealed no obvious visitor pathway around the gallery, or first object visited. (O’Grady and Saez, 2012). There was a need for stronger themes to emerge in the gallery with a more coherent design and better interpretation, which highlights and explains their importance within Korean culture (O’Grady and Saez, 2012). Recommendations The objects could be set into a broader context to allow visitors to explore themes and events central to the story of Korea (O’Grady and Saez, 2012). Establish a clear hierarchy of objects so visitors with limited time can identify those that are most important (O’Grady and Saez, 2012).

  17. Tracking Methodology Surveys First Survey number Second Survey number Languages English, Korean, Mandarin, French, and Spanish Tracking Path Tracking Entrance Count First Case Viewed Case Study Individual Studies Evaluating Visitor Experience in the Korea Gallery

  18. Interviews Evaluating Visitor Experience in the Korea Gallery

  19. Tours Evaluating Visitor Experience in the Korea Gallery

  20. Timeline Evaluating Visitor Experience in the Korea Gallery

  21. References • Gardner, H. (1983). Frames of Mind: The Theory of Multiple Intelligences. New York: Basic Books. • Morris Hargreaves McIntyre. (2007, March). Audience knowledge digest: Why people visit museums and galleries, and what can be done to attract them. Retrieved April 3, 2015, from http://webarchive.nationalarchives.gov.uk/20120215211132/research.mla.gov.uk/evidence/documents/audience%20knowledge%20digest.pdf • Morris Hargreaves McIntyre. (2005, October). Up close and personal Engaging visitors with Michelangelo Drawings: Closer to the master, formative evaluation. Retrieved March 26, 2015, from https://www.britishmuseum.org/pdf/Michelangelo Formative Report web 06-09-2010.pdf • Perry, D. (2012). What Makes Learning Fun? Principles for the Design of Intrinsically Motivating Museum Exhibits. Lanham, MD: AltaMira Press • Tzortzi, K. (2014). Movement in museums: Mediating between museum intent and visitor experience (4th ed., Vol. 29). Evaluating Visitor Experience in the Korea Gallery

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