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La forma comparativa con ADJETIVOS

La forma comparativa con ADJETIVOS. Chapter 1B -Grammar. To compare people or things that are the same …. Tan + adjective + como = as + adjective + as Ex: Ella es tan bonita como Jennifer Lopez. To say things that are not the same you use the negative. Example:

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La forma comparativa con ADJETIVOS

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  1. La forma comparativa con ADJETIVOS Chapter 1B -Grammar

  2. To compare people or things that are the same… • Tan+adjective +como =as+adjective+as Ex: Ella estanbonitacomo Jennifer Lopez.

  3. To say things that are not the same you use the negative... • Example: • Ella no estanbonitacomo Jennifer Lopez. Maggie vs. Stewie GRACIOSO

  4. Comparison of superiority • …más + adjective + que… • Ex: El gatoesmásgrandeque el perro. • The cat is bigger than the dog. Comparison of Inferiority • …menos + adjetivo+ que… • El gatoesmenosgrandeque el perro.

  5. Make a comparison… Michael Jordan vs. Lebron James BUENO

  6. La forma comparativa con nombres Chapter 1B-grammar

  7. “as much as” • Tanto,-a + noun + como as much + noun + as • (tanto, -a must agree in gender) • Ex: Hay tantoamarillocomorojo en la pintura.

  8. “as many as” • Tantos, -as + noun + como as many + noun + as • Hay tantasprofesorascomoestudiantes en la escuela. • Or • Hay tantosprofesores en la escuelacomoestudiantes.

  9. “Older than” / “Younger than” • mayor que… Noun Ex: Mihermanaes mayor queyo.  __________________ • menorque…Noun Ex: Mitío Jorge esmenorque mi madre.  ___________________

  10. Who’s Older? Younger? Abraham Simpson Homer Simpson

  11. “Worse than”/ “better than” • …peorque… You use this expression to say one or something is “worse than” something else. EX: McDonaldsespeorque Dairy Queen. • …mejorque… • You use this expression to say one or something is “better than” someone or something else. • EX: Yo soy mejorqueella. • Ellos son mejoresqueellas.

  12. Comparison of Quantity • …mas+ noun+ que -Ex: Hay masestudiantesqueprofesoras • …menos + noun +que… -Ex: Haymenosprofesorasqueestudiantes.

  13. More than… Másque… • The phrase “másque” is used to state very simply the phrase “more than.” • Most commonly we might use this to describe when we like something more than something else. • Ex: Me gusta la clase de españolmásque la clasede ciencias. Now translate: I like to play soccer more than hockey. _____________________ Me gustajugar el fútbolmásqueel hockey.

  14. Less than… menosque… • The phrase “menosque” is used to state very simply the phrase “less than.” • Most commonly we might use this to describe when we like something less than something else. • Ex: Me gusta leer menosquejugarvideojuegos. Now translate: I like KhloeKardashian less than Kim Kardashian. _______________________ Me gustaKhloeKardashianmenosqueKim Kardashian.

  15. La superlativa Chapter 1B- Grammar

  16. La forma superlativa • A superlative is used in English when we wish to express that something is the “best” or the “worst.” Or maybe we would like to say that of all the things in a group there is ONE that stands out as the “smartest, tallest, biggest” etc. • You maybe recognize a superlative as a word ending in “est” in English. • In Spanish you cannot add an ending to an adjective to create a superlative. Instead you must use a special “formula” in your sentence to express this.

  17. La Formúla • El/la/los/las + noun + más/menos + adjective • Ex: la prueba más dificíl (themostdifficultquiz) • Ex: el informe menos interesante (theleastinterestingreport) • Ex: la chica más alta (alta ends in an “a” becauseitreferences “la chica”) • Ex: los estudiantes más perezosos (perezosos ends in “os” becauseitreferences “los estudiantes”

  18. Practicamossuperlativas… • El/la/los/las + noun+más/menos+ adjective • Theeasiestclassis French! • Thesmarteststudentis Marcos. • Theleastexpensive (cara) storeisWal-mart. • Thefattest (gordo) catis Carlos. • La clase más fácil es francés. • El estudiante más inteligente es Marcos. • La tienda menos cara es Wal-Mart. • El gato más gordo es Carlos.

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