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The first steps to EURISOL. Peter Butler University of Liverpool on behalf of the EURISOL Design Study. Eurisol. 1 GeV p and other light ions 100kW direct production 5 MW spallation n target 0 150 MeV/u RIB
The first steps to EURISOL Peter Butler University of Liverpool on behalf of the EURISOL Design Study Zakopane 2006
Eurisol 1 GeV p and other light ions 100kW direct production 5 MW spallation n target 0 150 MeV/u RIB x 105 increase in yield for 90Krproducts from existing European RIB (e.g. SPIRAL, REX-ISOLDE) R&D will benefit 2nd generation ISOL projects: HIE-ISOLDE, SPIRAL II, SPES, MAFF Zakopane 2006
Selected ISOL facilities Zakopane 2006
SPIRAL II at GANIL, Caen See talk of Gilles De France Zakopane 2006
SPES at INFN, Legnaro 1013 fissions/swith proton driver 1014 fissions/swith deuterons (upgrade) ~108 132Sn ions/s expected (0.02 pnA) 15 MeV/u with ALPI SC linac See talk of Fabiana Gramegna Zakopane 2006
HIE-ISOLDE at CERN Increase in REX energy from 3 to 10 MeV/u (first step in increase to 5.5 MeV/u) Increase proton intensity 2 6 A (LINAC4, PSB upgrade) - target and front-end upgrade RFQ cooler, REX-TRAP, REX-EBIS REX-ECR upgrades Super-HRS for isobaric separation RILIS upgrade & LIST Zakopane 2006
EURISOL layout SPL or LINAG 150 MeV/a (for 132Sn) HIE-ISOLDE or CIME Zakopane 2006
LOUVAIN-LA- NEUVE, HRIBF, ISAC1, REX-ISOLDE, SPIRAL, EXCYT 2nd GENERATION RIB UPGRADING some M€ tens of M€ ~100 M€ ~600 M€ - 950 M€ ~105 p/s ~107 p/s ~108,9 p/s ~pnA tens 100kW 2010-2015 up to 5 MW after 2015 few kW 2003 10-20 kW 2005-8 RIBF-Riken EURISOL phase I RIA FAIR 2012-2013 9/2006 We stand here NETWORKING of complementaryfacilities (HIE-ISOLDE, SPIRALII, SPES, MAFF) From: Graziano Fortuna, INFN Zakopane 2006
EU 6th framework Design StudyFeb 2005 - Feb 2009(conceptual DS in EU 5th framework) • Detailed engineering oriented studies and technical prototyping work • 20 participants from 14 countries • 21 contributors from Europe, Asia and North America • Total Cost : 33 M€ (incl. 500 person-years) • Contribution from EU : 9 M€ • (will apply for 7th framework funding in 2009) Zakopane 2006
EURISOL DS tasks Zakopane 2006
Driver accelerator 1 GeV 5 MW proton beam 3He at 2 GeV, deuterons at 250 MeV, heavy ions of A/Q=2 at 125AMeV Zakopane 2006
100 kW direct target Targets -Actinide Targets (Carbide) SiC,UC2+C, THC2+C W-converter, Moderator & Reflector -Metal Foil target (solid) Ta, Nb -Oxide powder (Fibre) BeO + converter Insulating materials at low de/dx -Molten metals (liquid) Vapour condensation Ion-Sources, Effusion -Mono-ECR -RILIS, Surface -FEBIAD Elements Fr, Hg, Sn, Ar, Lanthanides, Be, Ne, He, Hg “NuPECC” (Be, Ar, Ni, Ga, Kr, Sn, Fr ) Zakopane 2006
Reflector UCx/BeO Target Reflector Protons 16 cm Hg Target UCx/BeO Target Protons Target container 4 cm Hg Jet 68 cm UCx/BeO Target Reflector Reflector 40 cm High power (multi-MW) target • Hg-loop: Reasonable charged particle confinement and power densities. • High neutron fluxes in the fission target, confined within the assembly. • Proven design (SNS and ESS), technically simpler concept. • Hg-jet: Very large high-energy proton escapes: Radioprotection issues, charged-particle contamination in the fission target . • Higher and harder neutron spectrum: enhanced fission densities (4 times larger). • Technical difficulties to implement. Zakopane 2006
Radioisotope Yields in high power Target Isotopic yields (Ions/cm3/s/MW of beam) Multiply by 104 for 5 MW actual target Divide by 102 for post-acceleration Zakopane 2006
Activity in Hg 40 years 4 MW irradiation (5000 h/year) ISABEL-ABLA: _______ CEM: - - - - - - Zakopane 2006
Beam preparation • Several of these low energy beam lines • High resolution separator for isobaric purity Zakopane 2006
SC post-accelerator linac • Design based on the solutions adopted for Spiral II (A/q=3) • Normal conducting injector to be compared with SC injector • SC accelerating cavities with no strippers; multiple q acceptance • Option of beam sharing to be considered Zakopane 2006
Beam layout Zakopane 2006
Beta-Beams 2 x 1013 ions/s 6He and 18Ne From: Mats Lindroos, CERN Zakopane 2006
Physics requirements Zakopane 2006
Physics & Instrumentationsub-tasks & leaders Zakopane 2006
EURISOL TOWN MEETING November 27-28 2006 at CERN See www.eurisol.org Open meeting on Users’ Group for European ISOL Zakopane 2006
FINIS Zakopane 2006
Production of extremely neutron-rich isotopes (two-step schemes: fission + cold fragmentation) Secondary fragmentation Eurisol scheme n,p + 238U 132Sn + Be X Test experiment at GSI S0-S2:238U(950 A MeV)+Pb 124-132Sn S2-S4:124-132Sn + Be X From J. Benlliure, Santiagode Compostela Zakopane 2006
1 GeV Extraction possible scheme • 3 splitting stations • 4 simultaneous users of proton beams: • 1 4 MW line • 3 100 kW line • 1 line specialized for 2 GeV, 3He++ to be used alone 100 kW H+ 4 MW H- 100 kW H+ B stripper 3He2+ at 2 GeV 100 kW 1 GeV/q foil stripper 100 kW H+ Zakopane 2006
Schematic of high power target Zakopane 2006
High energy beam splitters • magnetic stripping at 1 GeV of a small part of the H- beam to H0 • bending of H- with a magnetic dipole • stripping of H0 to H+ by means of a stripper foil • H- to target 1 and H+ to target 2(3,4). • The spilled beam intensity can be controlled by adjusting the field strength of the magnetic stripper. Zakopane 2006
Kr yields Zakopane 2006
New extraction scheme • 1 GeV/q • 1 line 04 MW H- • 3 lines 0100 kW H+ • 1 line 04 MW 3He2+ • Possibility of simultaneous operation of the lines with H- and H+ beams by using high energy beam splitters • 250 MeV/q • 1 line • 0125 kW deuterons • all achievable A/q=2 beams Zakopane 2006
EURISOL yields extrapolated from ISOLDE Zakopane 2006
Comparative yields (before charge-breeding) Comparative EURISOL and FAIR (SIS 200) yield calculations for doubly-magic nuclei far from stability Zakopane 2006
SPIRAL II yields Zakopane 2006
MAFF at FRMII, Munich Power in target: 3 kW ~1014 neutrons/cm2/s High thermal neutron cross section (s = 580 barns), so only 1-2g of 235Utarget needed ~1014 fissions/s Zakopane 2006
Europe 2nd Generation ISOL Zakopane 2006
RIB Physics Reach FAIR EURISOL Zakopane 2006
European Roadmap for RIB facilities Zakopane 2006
Physics reach of beta-beam Zakopane 2006
Specimen Experiments Ft-values of 0+ - 0+ superallowed Fermi beta transitions and T = 1/2 mirror transitions Correlation measurements in nuclear beta decay to search for physics beyond the standard model In-beam spectroscopy of heavy elements Synthesis and decay of the heaviest elements Optical spectroscopy of the heaviest elements Neutron capture cross sections of radioactive nuclei The r-process path between the N=50 and N=82 shells Ground-state two-proton radioactivity Super-allowed beta decay and the weak-interaction standard model Beta-delayed two-neutron emission Structure beyond the neutron drip line : 26-28O Mass of 78Ni ground state Magnetic moments of isomers in the 78Ni region Charge radius of 78Ni 44Ti Abundance as a Probe of Nucleosynthesis in Core Collapse Supernovae One or two neutron or well defined cluster (like alpha-particle) breakup Isospin Dependence of Correlations Nuclear Matter Incompressibility The density dependence of the symmetry energy Neutron-proton effective mass splitting Isospin dependent phase transition Isospin fractionation and isoscaling Zakopane 2006