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Cellular Respiration and Gas Exchange in Organisms

Explore the intricate process of cellular respiration and gas exchange in organisms, touching upon diffusion of gases, gas exchange structures like gills and lungs, and the impact of size on oxygen supply. Understand how organisms meet their functional needs through diverse adaptations.

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Cellular Respiration and Gas Exchange in Organisms

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  1. Lecture 2: Circulation and Gas Exchange I (Chapter 42)

  2. cellular respiration Diffusion of gases Speed of diffusion Effect of size on oxygen supply Gas exchange structures Gills, lungs Gastrovascular cavity Surface area Keywords

  3. Themes that we’ll often come across: • Organisms have similar functional needs, but have developed diverse ways of meeting them • Organisms must obey physical laws • Understanding how an organism works involves biochemistry, cell biology, physiology, ecology and evolution

  4. Cellular respiration • A type of controlled combustion: • Reduced carbon (e.g., glucose) + O2 • -------> CO2 + H2O mitochondrion

  5. Organismal respiration -- a simple view O2 O2 mitochondria CO2 CO2

  6. The simple view is true for animals, but there are differences • Need to consider the problem of how gases get into and out of an animal • Differences are observed in types of respiratory surfaces • This will be the focus of today’s lecture

  7. Major causes for these differences: • Being big vs. small • Breathing air vs. water Won’t discuss this in detail

  8. Why does size matter in respiration? • Rate of diffusion of gases (e.g., oxygen) Gas molecules Gas permeable membrane

  9. How fast is diffusion of oxygen? • 1 micron (µm) in 10-4 seconds • One millionth of a meter in one tenth of a millisecond 1 µm

  10. How does diffusion work?Consider a point source of a diffusing substance

  11. Each molecule will travel randomly (brownian motion)

  12. Over time particles will become separated

  13. But particles don’t just move away from the original point source

  14. They are travelling randomly

  15. Thus... Time • It takes a long time for molecules to diffuse over long distances Distance

  16. “Speed” of oxygen diffusion in liquid • 1 µm in 10-4 seconds • 1000 µm (1 mm) in 100 seconds • Thus diffusion can supply oxygen only over very short distances

  17. Examples where oxygen diffuses only short distances • Vertebrate lung • Very small organisms

  18. Vertebrate Lung Picture is 500 µm across

  19. Very Small Organisms

  20. Rate of oxygen entry is influenced by external concentration

  21. How small does an organism have to be to rely on diffusion alone? • Consider a spherical sea creature 1 mm wide • oxygen concentration in normal seawater is sufficient to support low rates of respiration • Predicted that oxygen concentration only needs to be 71% of normal levels 1 mm

  22. How about a spherical sea creature 1 cm wide? 1 cm

  23. How about a spherical sea creature 1 cm wide? • The oxygen concentration in the water would need to be 71 times normal levels to support a low metabolic rate

  24. Relationship between surface area and volume changes as a function of size • Another example of scaling Side (cm) surface area (cm2) volume (cm3) 1 6 1 2 24 8 Surface area/volume is 6 vs. 3

  25. Example of organism relying solely on surface: the Protist Paramecium • Paramecium is a freshwater ciliate • Other small organisms that use their surfaces only include: bacteria, microalgae, yeasts 50 µm

  26. What do you do if you want to be bigger than 1 mm?Adaptations to enhance gas exchange: • Circulatory systems and/or increased surface area

  27. Example of increased surface area: Green Hydra (several mm long) Body wall Gastrovascular cavity

  28. The jelly fish Aurelia • Complex gastrovascular cavity that circulates fluid 5 cm

  29. Gas exchange structures • Surface only (very small organisms ≤ 1 mm) • Gastrovascular cavity (hydra, jellyfish, also flatworms) • Gills, tracheal systems, lungs • Mixture of the above

  30. Gills (definition) • Appendages around which the medium (usually water) passes. • often richly supplied with blood vessels • Found in many types of invertebrates and vertebrates

  31. Gills vs. Lungs

  32. Fish Gill

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