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How to reduce long noise exposure at concerts
How To Reduce Long Noise Exposure At Concerts Hearing loss affects so many Australians each year. The most common oversight is that hearing loss only affects the older generation. Did you know that worldwide, there are 34 million children who are living with some level of hearing loss? These numbers are staggering and it is important to know how we can reduce these numbers and try to avoid putting ourselves in situations where our hearing abilities can be compromised. Sometimes it can be difficult avoiding situations where you’d be exposed to loud noises. For people who work in construction, these sites are known to have extremely loud environments and they are unable to avoid the nature of the industry. Other popular places known for their loud environment where people gather are concerts. Concerts can be held out in a grassy area, in a stadium or at a venue inside a building. Concerts or gigs are known to blast whatever music the performing band or artist is playing for the enjoyment of the crowd. While the point of going to a concert is to enjoy music, a lot of the times these places are extremely loud and oftentimes people stand directly in front of the main stage speakers to get close to the performers. So if you find yourself going to a concert but are concerned about your hearing, follow these tips to help reduce the long noise exposure you might experience. 1. Stand back The first tip is to stand as far back from any large speakers. Concerts typically last from anywhere between 1 hour to 5 hours. Although enjoying the performance from up close is enjoyable and fun to experience, this long noise exposure can damage your hearing,
especially if this is an activity that you like to do regularly. Standing back away from the speakers can help reduce the damage done to your ears and also reduce any ringing in your ears that you might experience after the concert ends. 2. Wear earplugs While this may seem counterintuitive, because the music played at concerts is super loud anyway, wearing earplugs can be a way to help reduce the amount of sound going into your ears. You can adjust how tightly you wear your earplugs to enjoy more sound so you don’t miss out on anything! 3. Take a break There are oftentimes bars or other areas where you can get a drink or take a break. This is helpful if the noise gets too overwhelming for you or you just want to readjust your position or any earplugs you are wearing. Attune Hearing is Australia’s largest and only hearing healthcare provider. If you’re looking to get a hearing test, Attune’s professional Audiologists are equipped with the right tools to help find a hearing solution for you. Contact Attune Hearing or visit one of the clinics today!