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Evolving Concepts of Wide Area Measurements in the Electric Power Industry. R. Jay Murphy Macrodyne Inc. WAMS Definition. Real Time, Synchronized Data Acquisition used to Dynamically Control, Monitor, and Manage Power Grid Network Performance. WAMS Driving Forces.
Evolving Concepts of Wide Area Measurements in the Electric Power Industry R. Jay Murphy Macrodyne Inc.
WAMS Definition Real Time, Synchronized Data Acquisition used to Dynamically Control, Monitor, and Manage Power Grid Network Performance
WAMS Driving Forces • Large Interconnected Networks • August 1996 • August 2003 • Rapid Network Expansion
WAMS Facilitation • Hardware Evolution • GPS Network • Communication Infrastructure
WAMS Networks • WECC • CFE Mexico • North East China Power • Eastern Interconnect PP
System-wide Controller Area Monitoring Cluster Monitoring OMU DPA MSU DPM SGU (gateway) DDB SGU (gateway) SGU (gateway) SGU (gateway) DDB UDC UDC GPS UDC NTP Server Substation n Substation 1 Substation 2 . . . . . . PMU DFR Relay PMU DFR Relay PMU DFR Relay WAMS Issues and Solutions Power Grid Information, Communication Foundation Lack of the Information, Communication Foundation !!!
Substation Devices + Communication Network + Applications Support current WSCC applications and 3rd party application with API Unlimited MIPS for Real Time DPM PMU PMU OMU DFR DFR IDE DPA IDE SGU SGU DPA DDB DDB OMU WEB WEB DPM Networks UDC DPA UDC DDB DDB WEB WEB Large-scale, multi-input & multi-output IP based Network focusing on real time data flow (QoS) Scalable, Integrated and complete turn key solution Center Management & Distributed Opt. Resource & Information Sharing Embedded DDB & WEB Server Support both Legacy and advanced IEDs Compliant with current WSCC and IEEE 1344 (R2001), IEEE C37.118 Standards WSCC: PSM Tool kits Prony & Ringdown Stream Reader Spectrum Analyzer etc.
Real timewide area synchronized phasor measurements such as those from PMUs, allow for innovative solutions to traditional utility problems. WAMS
Advanced Network Protectionbased upon synchronized phasor measurements can be implemented, with options for improving overall system response to catastrophic events. WAMS
Advanced Control Schemesusing remote feedback become possible in order to improve the performance of the controllers. WAMS
Power System Monitoring and Analysisare much improved because precise snapshots of the system states are obtained through GPS synchronization. WAMS
Precise Measurements of the Power System Statecan be obtained at frequent intervals so that dynamic phenomena can be grasped at the control center, and appropriate control actions taken. WAMS
An early application of WAMS information will be ensuring bothVoltage and Dynamic Securityon the power system. WAMS
Advanced Network Protection: The availability of wide area measurements in real time offers much advancement in power system protection. Excluding pilot schemes, most protection today relies on a pre-defined system study with certain assumptions. Use of real time data from different points could greatly reduce the chance of system error. WAMS
Advanced Control: Numbers of controllable devices are being installed by the electric utility industry. Examples are: Power System Stabilizers, Static VAR Compensators, HVDC links, and Unified Power Flow Controllers. WAMS
The tasks of these controllers are to act in such a way that the defined control objective functions are optimized. For example, a power system stabilizer may have as its objective the damping of electromechanical oscillations in the power system. The objective of an SVC controller may be to improve the voltage profile at certain critical buses in the network. WAMS
In all cases, the controllers use locally derived signals as feedback. Since the phenomenon being controlled is often defined in terms of wide-area system variables, present day controllers depend upon a mathematical model of the control process, the system dynamics, and the relationship between the local variables and system state. WAMS
Synchronized phasor measurements offer a unique opportunity to bring in the remote measurements of system state vector to the controller, and thus remove the uncertainty associated with the mathematical model from the control loop. WAMS
Through this, the controller becomes primarilyfeedback-based, rather thanmodel-based, in its implementation. WAMS
Advanced System Monitoring: To date, most monitoring has been relegated to post mortem analysis of catastrophic events on power systems. The extreme time accuracy of PMUs can greatly enhance this analysis if the units are widely deployed throughout the system and easily accessible. WAMS
However, one area that has not received excessive analysis is the application of wide area sensors on a utility global level for on-line analysis. This type of system could revolutionize the way that present utility systems are operated and interact. WAMS
These types of networks can providereal time monitoring, analysis, control, and trading potential for an area or even a country. WAMS
One of the most important elements of modern Energy Management Systems currently deployedby electric utility companies is the State Estimation of the power system from real-time measurements. WAMS
The state of the power system is defined as the collection of the positive sequence voltages at all the network buses obtained simultaneously. WAMS
The technology of state estimation currently in use was developed in the 1960s, and is based on measurements that are unsynchronized. This results in a nonlinear equation that must be solved on-line to estimate the state of the system. WAMS
Consequently, the state vector estimated in the present technology is updated on a periodic basis, and is incapable of providing information about the dynamic state of the power system. WAMS
Synchronized phasor measurements provide a completely new opportunity to re-cast the entire state estimation process. With the use of the technology, much of the uncertainty and approximation inherent in the present state estimation systems will be removed, and the utilities will be in a position to move on toadvanced static and dynamic contingency analyses of their network in real-time. WAMS
This new approach to system state estimation, or state measurement, could revolutionize the way systems are operated. System loading, intelligent adaptive contingency analysis, load shedding, stability and other applications could be greatly improved. WAMS
Another extension of the dynamic state measurement is transaction clearing for energy trading. Instead of relying on “estimated” power system values from competing state estimators, the energy exchange could use thesynchronized measurement technology, coupled with high-speed data transmission networksto provide this information in real time. WAMS
Future applications will be automatic controls to prevent or mitigate system disturbances, and operation planning assistance. Equipment outage data can be used in maintenance optimization. WAMS will coordinate with existing software and with FACTS devices. Benefits includefaster access to real-time information, enhanced automated control, increased asset utilization, and enhanced reliability. WAMS
WAMS - Adaptive Relay • Changing Operating Levels Affect Ideal Relay Settings • Phase Angle Across Network Can be Utilized to Adjust Under Frequency Trip Levels • Modification to PMU Firmware Allows Output of Relay Trip Setting
Active Disturbance Damping • Northwest US Develops Oscillation with Southwest. • Low Frequency Oscillations may Lead to System Breakup. • Power Transfer Levels Must be Reduced to Inhibit Instability. • Active Modulation of DC Intertie Permits Increased Transfer while Maintaining Stability.
Active Disturbance Damping WAMSWWW
Model Verification • Computer Models are Heavily Relied Upon to Predict Transfer Capacity, Stability, and Transient Performance. • Faulty Models will Lead to Erroneous Action and System Failure. • PMUs Permit, not only Accurate State Measurement, but Permit Comparison of Actual System Response with Model Prediction.
Model Verification Power swings on total California-Oregon Interconnection (COI) for WSCC breakup of August 10, 1996. Standard WSCC model (MW).
方正 Fang Zheng 伊敏 Yi Min 沈阳 Shen Yang 哈南 Ha Nan 合心 He Xin 东丰 Dong Feng 元宝山 Yuan Bao Shan 绥中 Sui Zhong 锦州 Jin Zhou 辽阳 Liao Yang NECP WAMS Project Phase I • Three Provinces with Population of 120 Million • 500kV Power Grid, with E1 (2Mbps) Fiber Optic Network for WAMS • 21 PMU (17 Macrodyne, 4 Sifang) • 7 SGU, 1 UDC • China EPRI App • Phasor data stream rate @ 50 frame/second • Save 30 day of record w. same rate
Wide Area Measurement Systems ` WAMS/IEEE TORONTO August 9, 2004 QUESTIONS
C H I E F J O E S P H G R A N D C O U L E E N A N E U M M I D W A Y T A F T H A R T F O R D L O W E R G A R R I S O N M O N U M E N T A L D W O R S H A K T O W N S E N D P O R T L A N D A R E A B R O A D V I E W B R O A D M A N C O L S T R I P M E D F O R D G R I Z Z L Y S U M M E R L A K E M A L I N M I D P O I N T B O R A H B R A D Y R O U N D O L I N D A M T . B E N J I M L A R M I E L O M O N D B R I D G E R R I V E R S T A . V A L M Y C A M P T A B L E M T . V A C A - T R A C Y W I L L I A M S D I X O N C R A I G D E N V E R I N T E R - M O U N T A I N B O N A N Z A A R E A R I F L E T E S L A S A N L U I S S I G U R D H U N T E R / E M E R Y H A R R Y A L L E N P I N T O R E D B U T T E G A T E S M A R K E T P L A C E M I D W A Y N A V G L E N A J D I A B L O O C A N Y O N C A N Y O N S A N J U A N F O U R L O S C O R N E R S D E V E R S A N G E L E S A R E A C H O L L A M I G U E L C O R O N A D O W E S T M E S A B L A C K W A T E R S P R I N G - E R V I L L E P H O E N I X A R E A P A L O N . G I L A V E R D E A R T E S I A G R E E N L E E A M R A D V A I L D I A B L O C A L I E N T E S E A T T L E / T A C O M A A R E A WSCC Grid S A N F R A N C I S C O A R E A