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Game Theory. Poker. Do you play poker? Do you play the probabilities? What happens when someone bluffs?. John von Neumann. 1928 - Mathematical genius von Neumann, 25, plays poker, invents game theory.
Poker • Do you play poker? • Do you play the probabilities? • What happens when someone bluffs?
John von Neumann • 1928 - Mathematical genius von Neumann, 25, plays poker, invents game theory. • Sees someone bluff and realizes that the best way to play the game is not to play the probabilities but to play according to what moves the competition makes. • Figures out mathematically what the optimal moves are when two rational people play a game.
Game theory is about not making moves in a vacuum, but about making moves based on your evaluation of what your opponents’ most likely moves will be. • And assuming that your opponent is rational and smart (able to think strategically). • “Look forward and reason backward.” • Game theory is the science of rational behavior in interactive situations.
1944 - von Neumann is a major force in inventing the atomic bomb and the modern computer. • 1950 - Two Rand Corporation scientists invent the Prisoner’s Dilemma game.
The Prisoner’s Dilemma • In 1950 a conductor on a train to Kiev rehearses for a Tchaikovsky concert. • KGB arrests him for subversive activity. • KGB arrests Boris Tchaikovsky, a worker, on the streets of Kiev. • KGB puts them in separate cells so they can’t communicate. • KGB offers them both a deal.
The Prisoner’s Dilemma • If the conductor turns state evidence against Boris (rats) and Boris doesn’t, he gets one year in a gulag and Boris gets 25 years. • If the conductor doesn’t rat and Boris does, the conductor gets 25 years in a gulag and Boris gets only one year.
The Prisoner’s Dilemma • If both rat, each gets 10 years. • If neither rats, each get three years (for doing nothing). • The silent auction begins. • Because they cannot communicate, they must each figure out what they other will rationally do, and act accordingly. • They are acting simultaneously.
The Prisoner’s Dilemma • Each serve 10 years, meet in the gulag, begin talking, and discover they ratted on each other. • While talking they realize that if each had said nothing, they would only have been in for three years.
Payoff Matrix Boris Rat Not Rat Rat 10, 10 * 1, 25 Conductor 3, 3 25, 1 Not Rat * Conductor, Boris
A Modern Game • KAAA-TV, on the West Coast, is considering switching from its current prime time (8-11 p.m.) to early prime time (7-10 p.m.). KAAA is #2 in prime time, and because of KBBB’s very strong 10-11 p.m. lead-in to its late news, KAAA is #2 in late news even though its news product is competitive. KBBB is #1 in late fringe also.
KBBB-TV is #1 in prime time and has excellent 10-11 p.m. network lead-ins to its 11 o’clock news, which puts it #1 in the late news race. KBBB is also #1 in late fringe. • KCCC-TV is a weak #3 in prime time and late news. It is a network-owned station and will not switch to early prime. • The solution of this problem requires looking forward and reasoning back.
Payoff Matrix KBBB Go No Go Go 4, 2* 3, 4 * KAAA, KBBB KAAA 2, 1 1, 3 No go Assigning weights is the most difficult decision.
KAAA’s Payoff Weights • 4,2 = If KAAA switches (go) to early prime and KBBB also switches (go), both gain more revenue from higher ratings for 10-10:30 p.m. late news. KBBB doesn’t gain as much as it would if KAAA switches and KBBB doesn’t (3,4).
KAAA’s Payoff Weights • 3,4 = If KAAA switches (go) and KBBB doesn’t switch (no go) , KAAA gains revenue with its 10-10:30 p.m. news, but the news is up against KBBB’s strong prime and KBBB’s late news gets higher ratings than before because KAAA has dropped news from the time period.
KAAA Payoff Weights • 1,3 = If KAAA doesn’t switch (no go) and KBBB switches (go), KAAA loses big because its weaker 10-11 p.m. prime is up against strong KBBB news which has strong lead-ins and strong late fringe. • 2,1 = If KAAA doesn’t switch and KBBB doesn’t switch, nothing happens, but the outcome isn’t as bad as if KAAA doesn’t switch and KBBB switches (1,3)
KAAA Strategies • Adding KAAA go weights (4+3 = 7) shows switching is the best strategy, because its no-go weights (1+2 = 3) are much worse. • KBBB’s assigned weights are the same with either decision (4+1 and 3+2 = 5).
KAAA Strategies • KAAA’s best strategy is to falsely announce it’s staying with its current schedule, hoping KBBB will switch to gain an advantage and hurt KAAA (1,3). • Then, at the last moment, KAAA switches to early prime to gain its maximum outcome (4,2), assuming KBBB stays with its decision to switch. • Secrecy is an imperative.
Strategic Moves Trial balloons False announcements Preemptive strikes Tit-for-tat Bluffs • Secrecy • Commitment (burning the getaway boats) • Threats and promises • Deterrence and compellence • Warnings and assurances
Strategies • Tit-for-tit, while effective, leads to escalation in many situations. • The dollar auction • A dollar bill is put up for sale; minimum bid one cent. • Proceeds as a regular auction. • One exception: Auctioneer must be paid by highest bidder, but also by the second highest bidder. • Winning bidders pay what they bid and receive a dollar. • Second-highest bidders pay what they bid and receive nothing. • Game introduced in 1971. Thousands of games, average paid was $3.41
Strategies • Bluffing • Bluffers make statements, show behaviors, and perform activities that would be perfectly all right if they were not completely unfounded. • “Bluffing is like vitamins. It is essential in small amounts, but harmful if used excessively.” * Laszlo Mero, Moral Calculations, Copernicus, 1998.
Mixed Strategy • You can’t bluff all the time, no one will believe you. • If you never bluff, everyone will fold because they know you’re telling the truth. • You have to bluff occasionally. • A mixed strategy. • On a random basis: No identifiable pattern.
Strategies • Strategies depend on the game. • Sequential or Simultaneous • Soccer goalie (sequential) • Chicken (simultaneous) • Gift of the Magi (simultaneous)
Games • Zero-sum games • Assume a winner (+1), and a loser (-1) • Multi-player games • Marathon - 1000 racers, different niches (men-women), several winners • Business – a marathon • Business strategies are about getting more than your fair share (not necessarily winning as in a zero-sum game). • Profit • Market share • Dominate a niche
The Prisoner’s Dilemma • If the prisoners had been able to communicate, what would have happened? • If they had been given a chance to play the game again and again, what would have happened?
The Prisoner’s Dilemma • The rules for the game changes when you play repeatedly, as the Rand Corporation scientists discovered. • And if the other side gets greedy (which is inevitable), you must use tit-for-tat. • You must teach the other side cooperation(to accept three years in the gulag) – do what’s best for both. • Use game theory to force legal cooperation.
Co-opetition * Customers Competitors Complementors Suppliers Business Ecosystem * Adam Brandenburger and Barry Nalebuff, Co-opetition, Currency Doubleday, 1996
Co-opetition • If you are Steve Jobs at Apple … • What is Google? • What is Intel? • What is Microsoft? • Remember, ecosystems co-evolve. • Wolves and caribou
Co-opetition • It might be a smart strategic move to change the game and the players. • In fact, it might be a smart strategic move to pay someone to compete. • GE tried to get Time Warner to bid for NBC U
Business Insanity “Doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results.” • Brainstorm to find new and different solutions, think strategically, and use game theory. • Look forward and reason backward.