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The Great Schism, Black Death, and 100 Years' War: Transforming Medieval Europe

Explore the impact of the Bubonic Plague, Great Schism, and Hundred Years' War on Medieval Europe, leading to societal changes and historical events. Discover how these crises transformed power structures, cultural beliefs, and warfare tactics.

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The Great Schism, Black Death, and 100 Years' War: Transforming Medieval Europe

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  1. Ch 14 Sec 4 The Great Schism, The 100 Years’ War, The Bubonic Plague

  2. Bubonic Plague • A Pandemic, also known as The Black Death. • Spread through TRADE and WAR (the Mongol leader Janibeg in 1344 / siege of Kaffa) • First carried by fleas on rats but eventually mutated and became airborne. • By 1347 it made it to Italy. By 1350 it had killed 1/3 of Europe’s population. See Q4 for effects.

  3. Q4. What were three effects of the bubonic plague? • Destroyed the Feudal system. • Due to population decrease, survivors became more valuable – the serfs could demand better wages & FREEDOM! • JEWISH populations around Europe were blamed and killed. • Severely reduced the power of the Church. • The church was powerless against the plague and many clergy refused to due their duties, not helping the sick, giving last rights (a sacrament given to those who are about to die to forgive sin and go to heaven). • CHANGED the whole culture of Europe. • The “entitled” culture of the higher classes starts to change – the plague did not discriminate based on class – anyone could catch it. This caused people to think that maybe a wealthy person wasn’t any better than a poor person – previously the church taught that wealth was a sign of God’s blessing but the Plague changed all that. • Live for today! People became much more interested in “living it up” while alive because tomorrow you could be dead (of plague). Previously to “live it up” or enjoy life here on earth was considered a sin – life on earth was a “test” to make it to heaven so you didn’t want to enjoy it too much or you’d pay for in hell!

  4. Philip IV • Powerful French King who challenged the pope in Rome and caused the Great Schism.

  5. Avignon • City in southern France and home of the pope (the Papacy) from 1303 to 1417.

  6. Great Schism • The split in the Catholic Church from 1378 to 1414 when there were 2 Popes. The Details behind the Great Schism: • The Pope, Boniface VIII, in 1300 tried to make kings bow to the pope as many popes has done before but the church was weaker & kings much stronger. • French King Philip IV declared his power over French Bishops and had Pope Boniface VIII imprisoned in 1303. • The Pope was rescued but was old and died a month later. • Philip had the French Cardinals (Highest ranking Church official just below the pope) choose a French pope and moved the Papacy to Avignon in France. • Moving the Papacy from Rome to Avignon greatly weakened the Churches power. • In 1378 the French pope died on a visit to Rome & the Italians elected an Italian pope. The French elected a French pope, both popes declared the other “false” and excommunicated each other! • This was the Schism or “split” in the Church – it caused the Catholic Church to lose a lot of credibility. • In 1414 a third pope was elected! • Finally in 1417 with the help of the Holy Roman Emperor all 3 popes resigned and 1 pope was chosen – ending the great schism.

  7. John Wycliff • An Englishman who criticized the church – saying that clergy were corrupted wealth and should not own property. • Said that Jesus Christ alone was head of the Church and the bible was the final authority on being a good Christian – NOT THE POPE! • Helped the new testament be translated into English (from Latin).

  8. Jan Hus • A Bohemian (modern Czech Republic) professor who taught that the Bible was more important than the Pope. • Jan Hus is BURNED AT THE STAKE as a heretic (someone who teaches/believes in doctrine NOT approved by the church.

  9. Hundred Years’ War • A war between England and France over who was to be king of France that lasted from 1337-1453. • Last Capetian King (Philip IV) died in 1337 without a direct heir and Edward III of England was his nephew. • Edward III wanted to be king of both England and France. • In time the French would win – pushing the English out of France almost completely.

  10. The English longbow • A key weapon that destroyed the supremacy of the armored knight on the Medieval battlefield. • In Key battles during the 100 years’ war, like the battle at Crecy in 1346, English longbow men proved more valuable than armored knights. • The longbow was made compulsory training by every English boy and whole villages would practice after Sunday Church services. • The Longbow helped end the privileged status of the knight – longbow men were commoners.

  11. Joan of Arc • French peasant girl who started to “hear voices” interpreted saints sent by God, telling her to help the French king, Charles VI. • Up to 1420 the French were losing the war and had signed a treaty with the English King, Edward V, who was set to inherit the French throne after Charles VI died. • Joan galvanized the French nobility to FIGHT the English, she won the battle of Orleans in 1429. • She was captured and put on trial as a witch, found guilty, and burned at the stake by the English. • BUT she is still considered to this day to be a Saint and savior to the French crown.

  12. 3. What was the Great Schism? • A split in the Catholic Church when first 2 then 3 popes tried to claim the papacy. 1378-1417 • It severely weakened the power of the Church.

  13. 5. What impact did Joan of Arc have on the Hundred Years’ War? • Joan of Arc led the French King to victory. She inspired the French people to fight! (Attitude is everything).

  14. 6. Which event reduced the power of the Church more? • Both the plague and the schism severely reduced the power of the Church as explained on previous slides.

  15. 7. What problems did the survivors face after the bubonic plague swept through their town? • Survival. • Law and order stopped. • Chaos reigned – roving gangs would kill anyone and take anything they wanted. • Starvation - Why plant crops when you won’t be alive for harvest in 3 months? = STARVATION when you find yourself alive! • Inflation – prices of goods skyrocketed as people hoarded food. • OPPORTUNITY – the survivors has less competition! Serfs & laborers became more important = civil rights!

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