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Carbon Sequestration Rural Appraisal. Regional Databases, Expert Opinion. Land use. Drainage. Irrigation. Crop Mgmt. Grasslands. Results from Four Case Study Countries.
Carbon Sequestration Rural Appraisal Regional Databases, Expert Opinion Land use Drainage Irrigation Crop Mgmt. Grasslands Results from Four Case Study Countries The modeling system was developed in conjunction with teams of scientists in four case-study countries (Brazil, India, Jordan, and Kenya). Land use scenarios and input datasets were developed for the entire country (Jordan and Kenya) or portions of each (the Indian portion of the Indo-gangetic plain, and the Brazilian Amazon). Examples from each are shown. India Brazil Soil organic carbon stocks predicted by the Century for 2030 in the Indian portion of the Indo-Gangetic Plain. From Bhattacharyya et al. (in preparation). Estimated current and future SOC stocks in the agricultural expansion area within the Brazilian Amazon. From Cerri, C.E.P. et al. (in preparation). Cropping System Transitions Kenya Jordan Soil organic carbon predicted by the Century model in the top 20 cm for the Jordan ecological and developmental zonesFrom Al-Adamat et al. (in preparation). Estimated soil organic carbon stocks in Kenya from 1990 to 2030. From Kamoni et al. (in preparation). Results from an Example Dataset • Conclusions • To our knowledge, the GEFSOC system is unique: • Applicable to a wide range of soil types, climates, and land uses; it has been developed using data sets from four contrasting regions. • Provides multiple approaches for computing SOC stocks and changes for national greenhouse gas inventories. Estimations use three methods: two process-based models (Century and RothC) and an empirical method (IPCC). • Model output can be used to improve national-scale estimates of land use-related C emission/sequestration. Results can support land-use policy. • The GEFSOC system can be used at finer scales where complex systems are involved; the primary limitation at any scale is the availability of data. • It can be expanded to give net emissions of major greenhouse gases. Soil C Stocks (Tg) Soil C Change Rates (Tg/yr) Example Region Downloads The Modeling System User Manual and Installation Files may be downloaded from http://www.nrel.colostate.edu/projects/gefsoc/download.htm Acknowledgements This research was supported by the Global Environmental Facility, U.S. Agency for International Development, and multiple other International funding agencies.