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5/25/2012. 2. Welcome to the Lyman Beecher Brooks Library web based tutorial. This tutorial is designed to introduce Norfolk State University students to the services and collections of the Lyman Beecher Brooks Library (LBB) and to teach basic library skills. . 5/25/2012. 3. Library Orien
1. 5/26/2012 1 Lyman Beecher Brooks Library Tutorial
2. 5/26/2012 2 Welcome to the Lyman Beecher Brooks Library web based tutorial. This tutorial is designed to introduce Norfolk State University students to the services and collections of the Lyman Beecher Brooks Library (LBB) and to teach basic library skills.
3. 5/26/2012 3 Library Orientation
4. 5/26/2012 4 LBB Library Orientation Objectives Students will be able to utilize the following services and collections offered in the LBB Library :
Circulation/Reserve Department
Herbert A. Marshall Collection
Information Services Department
Interlibrary Loan
5. 5/26/2012 5 Table of Contents What resources are available to me in the LBB Library?
What services are available to me in the Lyman Beecher Brooks Library?
Whom may I ask for help?
When is the library open?
How can I find….?
6. 5/26/2012 6 What resources are available to me in the LBB Library?
7. 5/26/2012 7 Library Resources Print resources
Non-print resources
8. 5/26/2012 8 Library Resources (continued) Electronic Resources
Library catalog
Electronic indexes
Electronic abstracts
Electronic full text periodicals
Electronic reference materials
Electronic books (e-books)
9. 5/26/2012 9 What resources are available to me in the LBB Library? Print Resources
The main collection contains approximately 350,000 books that cover a wide range of academic subjects.
Books in the Lyman Beecher Brooks library are organized by the Library of Congress (LC) classification system. This system is an alphanumeric scheme which provides greater depth in the cataloging of information resources.
An example of this would be HV272.S34 shelved in the Social Work part of the collection.
The main collection is shelved in open stacks on the 3rd Floor of the library.
10. 5/26/2012 10 Periodicals The types of periodicals in LBB Library are:
Trade publications
11. 5/26/2012 11 Periodicals -- continued Journals -- are scholarly publications written for a specialized audience. Examples are: Harvard Law Review and the Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA).
12. 5/26/2012 12 Periodicals -- continued Trade Publications -- are also written for a specialized audience, but the articles are not scholarly. Articles focus on new products and other information of interest to a specific industry. Examples are: Advertising Age and PCWorld.
13. 5/26/2012 13 Periodicals -- continued Magazines -- are written for a general audience and are considered to be entertaining. Examples are: Time, Sports Illustrated, and Essence.Newspapers -- are usually daily publications that cover current affairs and news. These may be local, regional, or national. Examples are: The Virginian-Pilot, The Washington Post, and USA Today.
14. 5/26/2012 14 Indexes Indexes provide access to the contents of periodicals. In print, you may search by subject or author.
Citations in indexes include at least the following information for locating articles:
Author of the article
Title of the article
Name of the publication
Volume and issue
Page numbers
Date (day, month and year or quarter and year)
15. 5/26/2012 15 Citation example Surfacing children: limitations of genocidal rape discourse Carpenter, R Charli, Human Rights Quarterly, vol. 22, no. 2, pp. 428-77, May 2000
From PAIS database provided by CAS Ilumina. Retrieved 8.11.2005
16. 5/26/2012 16 Abstracts In addition to the citation (information to locate the article) some indexes include abstracts of the article.
An abstract is a summary of the contents of the article. Usually this summary is written by a professional abstracter, not the author of the article.
Abstracts should not be substituted for the text of the article. They are intended only to let the reader decide if the article would be relevant.
17. 5/26/2012 17 Citation and abstract example PAIS International Title Disclosing the truth: informed participation in the Antemortem Database Project for survivors of Srebrenica Author Keough, Mary Ellen; and others Source Health and Human Rights, vol. 5, no. 1, pp. 68-87, 2000 ISSN 1079-0969
Describes a human rights investigation designed to identify bodies exhumed from mass graves of Bosnian Muslims in Srebrenica, Bosnia-Herzegovina and psychological impact of participation of family members; based on interviews with 6,150 families, 98 of whom received follow-up evaluations, Summer 1997-Feb. 1999. Summaries in English, French, and Spanish. The town of Srebrenica was a United Nations safe area, from 1993 until its invasion by Serb forces July 6, 1995 and massacre of thousands of Bosnian Muslims.
From PAIS database provided by CAS Ilumina. Retrieved 8.11.2005
18. 5/26/2012 18 Microforms (microfilm and microfiche) Older editions of some periodicals – newspapers, magazines, trade publications, and journals – are maintained in microform. These films and fiche are housed in cabinets located in the periodicals area on the second floor.
19. 5/26/2012 19 Periodicals Holdings Periodical holding may
be checked
In the print holdings lists at the Information Services Desk
Online at http://spartan270.nsu.edu/screens/phlfront.htm
20. 5/26/2012 20 Electronic Resources Online Catalog: The LBB Library online catalog contains records for all the books and periodicals held by the library.
Electronic Indexes: Online indexes are available to locate articles on specific topics in general (magazines and newspapers) and subject (subject specific scholarly journals) periodicals.
Full text electronic databases provide access to a selection of the full text of journals, poetry collections and books.
Reference Sources (Electronic Information Sources): A variety of ready reference materials (dictionaries and atlases) in an electronic format.
21. 5/26/2012 21 Electronic Resources – Continued VIVA: The Virtual Library of Virginia is a consortium of academic libraries that has access to a wide assortment of resources including electronic indexes, full text databases, library catalogs, electronic books and texts, government information, statistical data, and electronic journals. Access to these resources is included in the electronic database on campus and off campus lists.
22. 5/26/2012 22 What services are available to me in the Lyman Beecher Brooks Library?
23. 5/26/2012 23 Library Services Circulation/Reserves
Electronic Reserves
Reference Consultations
Interlibrary Loan
Microfilm/Microfiche Reader Printers
Study Rooms/24-Hour Study Room
Project Enhancement Room
24. 5/26/2012 24 Library Services -- continued Census Information Center (CIC)
Public Access Computers
Off-campus access to electronic databases
Library Instruction
25. 5/26/2012 25 Library Services -- continued Circulation/Reserve Services
Books are checked out at the Circulation/Reserve Desk on the 1st floor. To check out Library materials, you must present your valid Norfolk State University ID Card at the Circulation/Reserve Desk.
Students from Virginia Tidewater Consortium (VTC) schools may borrow books when they present current ID cards from their home institutions and current VTC Consortium Cards issued by their home libraries.
26. 5/26/2012 26 Library Services -- continued Circulation/Reserve Services
Loan periods vary according to the user (faculty or student) and type of material. Materials should be returned on or before the due date. Some materials are renewable and can be renewed in person, by telephone, or online.
Visit the Circulation Page for more information.
27. 5/26/2012 27 Library Services -- continued Reserves
Library or instructor-owned materials needed for a course are made available with restricted loan periods at the Circulation/Reserve Desk.
Electronic Reserves – pdf (portable document format) copies of articles that can be accessed online – are also available.
28. 5/26/2012 28 Library Services -- continued The Herbert A. Marshall Collection is comprised of books by and about African Americans in the United States. The collection is named in honor of the late Dr. Herbert A. Marshall, Professor Emeritus of Norfolk State University. This collection is located behind the Circulation/Reserve Desk on the 1st floor.
29. 5/26/2012 29 Library Services -- Continued Reference Consultations -- 757-823-8517
A staff member is available at the Information Services Desk during library hours to answer questions.
30. 5/26/2012 30 Library Services -- continued Interlibrary Loan 757-823-2426
Interlibrary Loan is a service providing materials necessary for research and study that are borrowed from other libraries for use by our patrons.
Interlibrary Loan Request Forms are available at the Information Services Desk or online at the Library homepage.
31. 5/26/2012 31 Library Services -- continued Microfilm/Microfiche Reader/Printers
The cost of copying a page of microform information is ten cents. Please note that the machines will not make change. They will only accept dimes
32. 5/26/2012 32 Library Services -- continued Photocopying and Telephones
Photocopy machines are located on the 1st and 2nd floors.
The cost of photocopies is $.10 per copy.
Telephones are located:
On the 1st floor in the 24-hour study room.
On the 2nd floor outside the Open Access Computer Lab.
33. 5/26/2012 33 Library Services -- continued A change machine is located in the copy room adjacent to the Circulation/Reserve Desk on the 1st floor.
Prepaid photocopy keys are available on the 1st floor.
Initial cost is $5.00 ($2.50 for the key and $2.50 for copies).
Additional funds may be added to the key when needed.
34. 5/26/2012 34 Library Services – continued Private Study rooms are located on the 2nd and 3rd floors.
Project Enhancement Room (PER)
The Project Enhancement Room is located in room 242 (2nd floor) in the Information Services Department. This room is equipped with a computer, a scanner, a color printer, and a typewriter.
To use this room, students must sign up at the Information Services Desk. Policies for using the PER are posted in the room.
35. 5/26/2012 35 Library Services--continued Census Information Center (CIC)
The Census Information Center is a depository of census information from the United States Bureau of Census. This center is located on the 2nd floor in room 226a. Available by appointment only.
36. 5/26/2012 36 Library Services -- continued Access to Electronic Resources
On-campus and off-campus access to the library catalog.
On-campus and Off-campus access to academic databases (indexes to periodicals)
Off-campus access requires logging in through the proxy server. At the dialog box, type your first and last names in the first box. In the second box, type your library barcode number (example: S1234567).
37. 5/26/2012 37 The Reference Collection located on the second floor contains: Almanacs
Biographical resources
Geographical Resources
Indexes and Abstracts
38. 5/26/2012 38 Services Available in Other Areas of the Library Barrier free access to the building and facilities in the Library.
Ramps, electric doors & elevators located at the front of the building.
Assistive Technology Lab (provided by Disability Services) Phone number 757-823-2014
39. 5/26/2012 39 Whom May I Ask For Help?
40. 5/26/2012 40 Whom May I Ask For Help? Circulation/Reserve
Staff is available at the Circulation/Reserve Desk on the first floor during all library hours.
The Circulation/Reserve staff will answer questions about your account, how to use the online catalog, and general directional questions.
Circulation/Reserve staff may be reached by telephone at 757- 823-2418.
41. 5/26/2012 41 Whom May I Ask For Help? Information Services
Reference Librarians and staff are available at the Information Services Desk on the 2nd floor to offer assistance during all library hours.
Ask Reference staff your questions concerning how items may be located in the library, which sources may provide the best information about a topic, or how to use the library’s technology.
Reference Librarians may be reached at 757- 823-8517.
42. 5/26/2012 42 When is the Library Open?
43. 5/26/2012 43 When is the library open? Schedule of Library Hours:
Monday – Thursday 8:00 am – 11:00 pm
Friday – 8:00 am – 5:00 pm
Saturday – 9:00 am – 5:00 pm.
Sunday – 2:00 pm – 9:00 pm
Library Hours vary during the summer & holidays.
44. 5/26/2012 44 How Can I Find…..?
45. 5/26/2012 45 Finding Books Books in the library are cataloged according to the Library of Congress Classification System.
Books in the library have call numbers which are like addresses for their locations on the shelves.
To find the book, Upward, search for the title, Upward, in the online catalog. The record indicates that the call number is LD3914.N5 B76 1983. What do these letters and numbers mean?
46. 5/26/2012 46 Reading an LC call number
LD3914.N5 B76 1983 c.1
47. 5/26/2012 47
48. 5/26/2012 48 Periodicals The Periodicals unit consists of current unbound issues, bound journals and newspapers, microforms, and electronic journals.
Periodicals are non-circulating.
Periodicals owned by the library may be accessed in several ways:
OPAC (Online Public Access Catalog)
Printed Periodicals Holdings List
Online Holdings List
Ebsco E-Journals
VIVA (Virtual Library of Virginia)
49. 5/26/2012 49 Current Periodicals Current Periodicals are shelved by title in an openstacks area adjacent to the service desk.
Current issues in high demand are located behind the Information Services Desk and may be obtained by completing a call slip and leaving a validated NSU ID Card at the Information Services Desk.
50. 5/26/2012 50 Bound Periodicals Bound periodicals (back issues) are located in the east wing of the library and are arranged alphabetically by title in the open stacks.
Recently used volumes should be returned to book trucks located throughout the area until they can be re-shelved.
51. 5/26/2012 51 Newspapers Current issues of local, national, and international newspapers are located at the Information Services Desk.
To obtain a newspaper, complete a call slip and present it with a current NSU ID card. The NSU ID card is held at the desk until the newspaper is returned. Back issues of newspapers are retained for three (3) months and then discarded.
The New York Times, The Washington Post, The Wall Street Journal, and The Virginian Pilot are replaced by microfilm editions when they are discarded.
52. 5/26/2012 52 Microfilm and Microfiche Some magazines, journals and newspapers are received in microform and/or print format. These microfilms and microfiche are placed in microform cabinets in the east wing.
Library patrons should check the online catalog, the Online Holdings List or the Periodicals Holdings List for titles available on microfilm or microfiche.
53. 5/26/2012 53 E-Journals LBB Library subscribes to full-text electronic journals.
The Lyman Beecher Brooks Library maintains journal subscriptions through EbscoHost. In addition to Ebsco subscription titles, full text journals may be accessed through a variety of databases (Consult Information Services staff for assistance) including but not limited to ACM Digital Library IEEExplore Oxford Journals Online Cambridge Journals Online Project Muse (Johns Hopkins) PsychInfo and CINAHL(some full text) InfoTrac (some full text)
These may be accessed through the Databases A-Z On Campus or Databases A-Z Off Campus links.
54. 5/26/2012 54 Hampton Roads Union List of Serials The Hampton Roads Union List of Serials lists the serials (periodicals) held by all libraries in the Hampton Roads area. This is a print source to check to determine if another library owns the requested item.
This may also be checked by searching periodical titles in the WorldCat database from FirstSearch (in the Databases A-Z lists). When the title is located in WorldCat, follow the link “Libraries which own this item.” to see which is the closest library that owns the periodical.
55. 5/26/2012 55 Quiz Are you ready to take the quiz?
Go back and review.
56. 5/26/2012 56 Quiz1. Library print resources include of the following except a. Books b. Microfilm c. Periodicals d. Indexes2. The main collection of books is shelved on which floor
57. 5/26/2012 57 Quiz - - continued a. First b. Second c. Third d. Fourth3. Books in the library are organized and found according to a. The author’s last name b. The Dewey Decimal Classification System c. The title of the book d. The Library of Congress Classification System
58. 5/26/2012 58 Quiz – continued4. Scholarly publications written for a specific audience are referred to as a. Trade Publications b. Newspapers c. Magazines d. Journals5. A summary of the contents of an article is known as a. Citation b. An Abstract c. An Index d. A Microform
59. 5/26/2012 59 Quiz – continued6. Students from neighboring universities a. Cannot use the resources at the LBB Library b. Can borrow books if they have current ID’s and a consortium card c. Can only borrow books from the LBB Library only if they order the books through Interlibrary Loan d. Can only use the LBB Library books within the Library7. All of these resources are found in the Reference Collection except
60. 5/26/2012 60 Quiz – continued a. Indexes and abstracts b. Dictionaries c. The Herbert A. Marshall Collection d. Geographical Resources8. Questions concerning a student’s library account should be directed to a. The Library Director b. The Circulation/Reserve Desk c. The Assistive Technology Lab d. The Information Service Desk
61. 5/26/2012 61 Quiz – continued9. The library hours a. Vary during the summer and holidays b. End at 9:00 pm every night c. Begin at 8:00 am seven days a week d. Are much shorter on week nights10. Periodicals include all the following except a. Journals b. Newspapers c. Encyclopedias d. Microforms