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EU-Slovak Republic Strategic Documents by Juraj Kolarovic

EU-Slovak Republic Strategic Documents by Juraj Kolarovic The Supreme Audit Office (SAO) of the Slovak Republic Najvyšší kontrolný úrad (NKÚ) Slovenskej republiky. INTOSAI Working Group on Key National Indicators, Astana, April 07-08, 2010. EU-Slovak Republic Strategic Documents. I. II.

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EU-Slovak Republic Strategic Documents by Juraj Kolarovic

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  1. EU-Slovak Republic Strategic Documents by Juraj Kolarovic The Supreme Audit Office (SAO) of the Slovak Republic Najvyšší kontrolný úrad (NKÚ) Slovenskej republiky INTOSAI Working Group on Key National Indicators, Astana, April 07-08, 2010

  2. EU-Slovak Republic Strategic Documents I II III Juraj Kolarovic, INTOSAI Working Group on Key National Indicators, Astana, April 07-08, 2010

  3. I Recent Slovak History II III SK milestones PL CZ 1993 – Start of the Slovak Republic 2000 – OECD entry UA 2004 – EU membership 2007 – Schengen system entry 2009 – Euro zone entry A H Juraj Kolarovic, INTOSAI Working Group on Key National Indicators, Astana, April 07-08, 2010

  4. Slovak documents EU documents I EU & Slovakia Strategic Documents II III Consistency between Priorities Visions Policies Objectives Indicators Achieve the highest level of reasonable coherence Juraj Kolarovic, INTOSAI Working Group on Key National Indicators, Astana, April 07-08, 2010

  5. ...and many others ...and many others Mutual Consistency of the EU & Slovak Documents I II III Strategic Documents European Community Strategic Guidelines National Strategic Reference Framework European Union Slovak Republic C O M P L I A N C E Lisbon Strategy National Reform Programme Juraj Kolarovic, INTOSAI Working Group on Key National Indicators, Astana, April 07-08, 2010

  6. EU-Slovak Republic Strategic Documents I II III Juraj Kolarovic, INTOSAI Working Group on Key National Indicators, Astana, April 07-08, 2010

  7. European Community Strategic Guidelines Slovak Strategic Reference Framework in 2007-2013 I II III EU funds Convergence objective National Strategic Reference Framework of the Slovak Republic in 2007-2013 Regional competitiveness and employment objective European territorial Co-operation objective Juraj Kolarovic, INTOSAI Working Group on Key National Indicators, Astana, April 07-08, 2010

  8. National Strategic Reference Framework in 2007 - 2013 I II III Strategy Long Term Vision Strategic Priorities including Specific Priorities Eleven Operational Programmes Strategy scheme to achieve Objectives &Indicators Horizontal Priorities Juraj Kolarovic, INTOSAI Working Group on Key National Indicators, Astana, April 07-08, 2010

  9. Long-term Vision Objective I II III Vision of Economic and Social Development Convergence of the Slovak economy to the EU-15 average through sustainable development Using development factors to mitigate disparities is materializing the vision Juraj Kolarovic, INTOSAI Working Group on Key National Indicators, Astana, April 07-08, 2010

  10. Strategic Objective and Indicators in 2007-2013 I II III Strategic Objective Increase employment, competitiveness and performance of the regions and economy through sustainable development by 2013 * kg OE/1000 EUR Juraj Kolarovic, INTOSAI Working Group on Key National Indicators, Astana, April 07-08, 2010

  11. Strategic & Horizontal Priorities in 2007-2013 I II III Strategic priorities Horizontal priorities Infrastructure and regional accessibility Marginalised Roma communities Equal opportunities Knowledge based economy Sustainable development Human resources Information society Juraj Kolarovic, INTOSAI Working Group on Key National Indicators, Astana, April 07-08, 2010

  12. Example One Strategic Priority Indicator I II III Strategic Priority 1 Infrastructure and regional accessibility Transport infrastructure and public passenger transport Specific priority  Density of higher class roads (motorways & highways) Measurable indicator  Comment Density increased from 0.08 to 0,11 km/1000 persons 0,08 0,1 20062013 0 0,05 0,1 0,15 Juraj Kolarovic, INTOSAI Working Group on Key National Indicators, Astana, April 07-08, 2010

  13. Example Strategic & Specific Priorities in 2007-2013 I II III Strategic Priority 1 – Infrastructure and Regional Accessibility Specific priorities Operational programs Regional infrastructure Regional B r a t i s l a v a r e g i o n T e c h n i c a l a s s i s t a n c e Environmental infrastructure and environment protection Environment Transport infrastructure and public passenger transport Transport Modernisation of health infrastructure Health Convergence objective (ERDF & CF) Regional competitiveness and employment objective (ERDF) Juraj Kolarovic, INTOSAI Working Group on Key National Indicators, Astana, April 07-08, 2010

  14. Example Operational Program Transport in 2007-2013 I II III Global Aim Support the sustainable mobility through the development of transport infrastructure and public passenger transport E.g., Specific aim 2 Modernisation and development of road infrastructure ... Priority axis 2 ... Road infrastructure TEN-T ... Priority axis 5 ... Road infrastructure Motorways & highways Cohesion Fund European Regional Development Fund Juraj Kolarovic, INTOSAI Working Group on Key National Indicators, Astana, April 07-08, 2010

  15. Example Operational Program Transport Indicators I II III Specific Aim 2 Modernisation and development of road infrastructure Indicator of output Indicator of result Indicator of context * km/1000 km2 ** km/1000 persons *** fatalities/100.000 persons Juraj Kolarovic, INTOSAI Working Group on Key National Indicators, Astana, April 07-08, 2010

  16. The National Reform Programme in 2008-2010 - the National Lisbon Strategy of Slovakia I II III The National Reform Programme in Slovakia is based on two pillars Strategy Completion of structural reforms and maintanning their positive results Priority development areas – focus on knowledge economy Juraj Kolarovic, INTOSAI Working Group on Key National Indicators, Astana, April 07-08, 2010

  17. The National Reform Programme in 2008-2010 I II III Key challenges Research & development, innovations Entrepreneurial environment Education Climate change & Energy industry Employment AKTION PLANS Indicators Juraj Kolarovic, INTOSAI Working Group on Key National Indicators, Astana, April 07-08, 2010

  18. Example: National Reform Programme Action Plan Measure Indicator in 2008-2010 I II III Key challenge Entrepreneurial environment (Transport infrastructure) Intensive building of motorways and high speed transit Action plan measure  Motorways Highways km Comment Density increased from 9.89 to 15.0 km/1000 km2 Juraj Kolarovic, INTOSAI Working Group on Key National Indicators, Astana, April 07-08, 2010

  19. Education Employment Climate change & Energy industry Knowledge based economy Human resources R & D, innovations Example: Mutual Consistency of the Basic Slovakia´s Strategic Document Priorities I II III Infrastructure and regional accessibility National Reform Programme priorities National Strategic Reference Framework priorities Entrepreneurial environment AP Transport infrastructure OP Transport Juraj Kolarovic, INTOSAI Working Group on Key National Indicators, Astana, April 07-08, 2010

  20. EU-Slovak Republic Strategic Documents I II III Juraj Kolarovic, INTOSAI Working Group on Key National Indicators, Astana, April 07-08, 2010

  21. I Conclusion II III Demands rooted in the robust experience of the EU conceive strategy as a plan of tasks to fulfil in order to achieve our objectives and success However, my experience is to feel strategy not only as a robust plan of what we must do, but also of what we should never do to succeed Thank you for your attention Спасибо за ваше внимание Juraj Kolarovic, INTOSAI Working Group on Key National Indicators, Astana, April 07-08, 2010

  22. Annexe 1/1 Example - Evaluation of the fiscal impulse Aggregate general gov balance minusfinancial ties with the EU budget minusPPP projects i.e., motorway & highway infrastructure Expansive Restrictive Is the government fiscal policy restrictive or expansive ? Juraj Kolarovic, INTOSAI Working Group on Key National Indicators, Astana, April 07-08, 2010

  23. Annexe 1/2 Example - Evaluation of the gov consolidation effort Cyclically adjusted general gov balance net of one-off measures, 2nd pillar of pension scheme and interest payments = A – B – C – D – E A, net lending / net borrowing B, cyclical component C, one-off measures D, 2nd pillar of pension scheme E, interest payments Is the fiscal position restrictive (+) or expansive (-) ? Juraj Kolarovic, INTOSAI Working Group on Key National Indicators, Astana, April 07-08, 2010

  24. Annexe 1/3 Example -Slovakforecast indicators % Gross domestic product Household final consumption Investment Export Employment Unemployment Real monthly wage Inflation – HICP Current account balance Juraj Kolarovic, INTOSAI Working Group on Key National Indicators, Astana, April 07-08, 2010

  25. Annexe 2 National Strategic Reference Framework in 2007-2013 List of Operational Programmes Regional operational program Education Environment Employment and social inclusion Transport Health Informatisation of society Technical assistance Research & development Bratislava region Competitiveness and economic growth Juraj Kolarovic, INTOSAI Working Group on Key National Indicators, Astana, April 07-08, 2010

  26. Annexe 3/1 1.1 Indicators of strategy priority 1 Infrastructure and regional accessibility Measurable indicators Initial value 2005 Target value 2013 Regional infrastructure Population percentage living in a more competitive environment 0 40 % Environmental infrastructure and protection of the environmnet Greenhouse gas emissions 63 279 * 51 046 * Share of population connected to wastewater treatment plants 54 % 80 % Share of population supplied with water from public water supply system 85 % 91 % Share of waste recovery 44 % 60 % * thous. t CO2 Juraj Kolarovic, INTOSAI Working Group on Key National Indicators, Astana, April 07-08, 2010

  27. Annexe 3/2 1.2 Indicators of strategy priority 1 Infrastructure and regional accessibility Measurable indicators Initial value 2005 Target value 2013 Transport infrastructure and public passenger transport Share of railway transport in freight transport 28,7 % 30 % Share of railway transport in the performance of passenger transport 5,5 % 5,85 % Density of higher-class roads 0,08 * 0,11 * Fatalities as a result of road traffic accidents 10,74 ** 9,37 ** Modernisation of health infrastructure Life expectancy at birth 74,1 *** *** * km/1000 obyvateľov** Počet usmrtených/1000 obyvateľov *** roky Juraj Kolarovic, INTOSAI Working Group on Key National Indicators, Astana, April 07-08, 2010

  28. Annexe 3/3 1.1 Indicators of strategy priority 2 Knowledge based economy Measurable indicators Initial value 2005 Target value 2013 Informatisation of society On-line accessibility of 20 basic public services 20 % 100 % Penetration of broadband internet 4 * 30 * ICT share in the total value added generated by enterprises 5,1 % 10 % Research and development Total expenditure on R&D (% of GDP) 0,51 % 1,5 % Number of filed EPO patent aplications 8,1 ** 18 ** Number of awarded USPTO patents 1,28 ** 2 ** * connections/100 persons** number/1 million persons Juraj Kolarovic, INTOSAI Working Group on Key National Indicators, Astana, April 07-08, 2010

  29. Annexe 3/4 1.2 Indicators of strategy priority 2 Knowledge based economy Measurable indicators Initial value 2005 Target value 2013 Infrastructure of universities Share of population with tertiary education aged 24 - 64 13 % 11,8 % Fostering competitiveness of enterprises mainly through innovation Share of renewable sources in gross energy consumption 19 % 16,5 % Share of enterprises with innovation activities out of the total number of enterprises in in industry and selected services 15,7 % 18,6 % Share of technological exports in total exports 5 % 6,2 % Foreign visitors total 1 514 1 710 Balance of foreign tourism (mil. EUR) 326,7 532,7 Juraj Kolarovic, INTOSAI Working Group on Key National Indicators, Astana, April 07-08, 2010

  30. Annexe 3/5 Indicators of strategy priority 3 Knowledge based economy Measurable indicators Initial value 2005 Target value 2013 Modern education for a knowledge-based society Expenditure on human resources (% GDP) 4,4 % 5,2 % Share of population participating in live- long learning per 100 persons aged 25-64 4,6 12,5 Fostering the growth of employment, social inclusion and building of institutional capacities Poverty risk rate upon social benefits 13 % Long-term unemployment rate total 11,7 % Juraj Kolarovic, INTOSAI Working Group on Key National Indicators, Astana, April 07-08, 2010

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