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Leading Change

Leading Change. Melanie Nelson – Cerner Corporation Vice President, Behavior Change & Adoption Mike Allison – Cerner Corporation Senior Director, Associate Learning. Where Does Your Organization Stand?. Percentage of Successful Org Change Efforts. 15%.

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Leading Change

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Leading Change Melanie Nelson – Cerner Corporation Vice President, Behavior Change & Adoption Mike Allison – Cerner Corporation Senior Director, Associate Learning

  2. Where Does Your Organization Stand?

  3. Percentage of Successful Org Change Efforts 15% - According to Arthur D. Little Study

  4. Session Objectives • Provide an overview of Cerner and the challenges facing health care • Contrast adaptive and technical problems within change challenges • Describe key lessons learned to help you effectively engage change • Construct an action plan for your success

  5. Cerner Corporation • $3.6B company focused on health care & the health of communities • Just under 15,000 employees worldwide with 9,739 based in the Kansas City area – will be at 20,000 total employees by 2020 • #13 Most Innovative Company in the world (Forbes)

  6. OUR MISSION Our Mission… To contribute to the systemic improvement of health care delivery and the health of communities Our work combines technology and health to revolutionize global healthcare

  7. Our Clients 10,000+ Clients in 24 Countries

  8. Our Solutions • technology • Medical Software & Devices • Mobile Applications • “Smart” Hospital Rooms • services • Employer Health/Wellness • Client Support Services • Global Consulting • Population Health

  9. Top Healthcare Organization Challenges Safety Population Health Economic Uncertainty Access to Care A Fraying Medicaid Cost Evolving Business Models Price Transparency Health Insurance Exchanges Meaningful Use Patient Satisfaction Globalization Regulatory Compliance Quality New Technology

  10. The General Problem

  11. Activity: Obstacles to Change Consider your change challenge Record one obstacle on a sticky note Share your thoughts with your table group You have five minutes

  12. The single biggest failure of leadership is to treat adaptive challenges like technical problems. Groupsmith, Inc.

  13. Technical Problems vs. Adaptive Challenges Adaptive Technical • Easy to identify • Difficult to identify, easy to deny • Often lend themselves to quick and easy solutions • Require changes in values, beliefs, roles, relationships & approaches to work • Often can be solved by an authority or expert • People with the problem do the work of solving it • People are generally receptive to technical solutions • People often resist even acknowledging the problem

  14. Activity: Adaptive vs Technical Obstacles At your tables consider the obstacles Categorize them as either adaptive or technical problems Apply them to the appropriate flip chart You have five minutes

  15. The Field of Dreams? NOT

  16. Activity: Why Change Efforts Fail At your tables discuss a failed change initiative Listtwo reasons results were not achieved Be prepared to share with the larger group You have five minutes

  17. VitalSmart’s Influencer Model

  18. VitalSmart’s Influencer Model

  19. VitalSmart’s Influencer Model

  20. VitalSmart’s Influencer Model

  21. VitalSmart’s Influencer Model

  22. VitalSmart’s Influencer Model

  23. Top Ten Lessons We’ve Learned from Influencer

  24. Lessons We’ve Learned from Influencer - #1 Influencers lead “I know you are taking it in the teeth, but the first guy through the wall... he always gets bloody... always. This is threatening not just a way of doing business... but in their minds, it's threatening the game. Really what it's threatening is their livelihood, their jobs. It's threatening the way they do things...” - John Henry to Billy Beane, Moneyball

  25. Lessons We’ve Learned from Influencer - #2 The desired future state is clear

  26. Lessons We’ve Learned from Influencer - #3 Value and outcomes are defined

  27. Lessons We’ve Learned from Influencer - #4 New actionsare identified

  28. Lessons We’ve Learned from Influencer - #5 People feel personally motivated

  29. Lessons We’ve Learned from Influencer - #6 People have the opportunity to practice

  30. Lessons We’ve Learned from Influencer - #7 The right people are engaged

  31. Lessons We’ve Learned from Influencer - #8 Incentives support the change

  32. Lessons We’ve Learned from Influencer - #9 Data, tools and processes drive behaviors

  33. Lessons We’ve Learned from Influencer - #10 Success is celebrated

  34. Hope is not a plan

  35. Activity: Start Your Action Plan Write three things you will do tomorrow Share your thoughts with your table group You have five minutes

  36. Top Ten Lessons We’ve Learned from Influencer • Influencers lead • The desired future state is clear • Value and outcomes are defined • New actionsare identified • People feel personally motivated • People have the opportunity to practice • The right people are engaged • Incentives support the change • Data, tools and processes drive behaviors • Success is celebrated

  37. To learn more… Influencer: The New Science of Leading Change www.thinklikeaninfluencer.com

  38. Questions? What do you think?

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