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SHAPE is a school curriculum for grades 2-9 that equips young people with knowledge and skills for healthy living and HIV/AIDS prevention. It involves teachers, students, principals, education officials, parents, and community members.
School-Based Healthy Living and HIV/AIDS Prevention Education (SHAPE)
What is SHAPE • School Curriculum for Grade 2-9 (Age 7 to 15-16 years) • Equip young people with knowledge and skills of SHAPE through active participation and involvement of teachers, students, school principals, education officials, parents and other community members
Why SHAPE • Emergence of HIV/AIDS as major health problem effecting larger population • Lack of knowledge & skills on prevention of HIV/AIDS among health professionals & the public
Why SHAPE • Need to reach the most vulnerable groups: children and youth • Basic education schools could play a role to stop the spread of HIV/AIDS with teachers as health educators
Objectives • To provide the necessary knowledge and skills to encourage the practice of life-long health promoting habits • To promote life and social skills to encourage safe behavior
Objectives • To provide relevant HIV/AIDS preventive health information • To promote the practice of supportive care for one’s fellow human beings following principles of love and compassion
Strategies • Implementation of SHAPE curriculum in schools (Child-centered, activity and process based, participatory, interactive group approach) • (Now towards life-skills competencies based assessment)
Strategies • Promotion of healthy practices and behaviours through peer education, child to parent information dissemination and SHAPE in community
Strategies • Involvement of education personnel, parents, teachers, communities and NGOs for promotion of healthy, clean, safe and secure school environments • Advocacy for acceptance and action of Educational Managers at different levels
Health Promoting School Community SafeEnvironment SoundNutritionPractices HygienicPractices SafeBehaviors HeadTeachersStudentsParents OBJECTIVES HealthServices Community NGOs/INGOs Interestedpersons STRATEGIES Home SHAPE Life Skills Grade 2 - 9
Components Outcomes Healthy Living a. Understanding your body (Grades 2-9) Developed healthy (Reproductive health included) Practices and habit b. Understanding your mind (Grades 4-8) Curriculum
Diseases (Grades 2-8) (Diarrhoea, iodine deficiency, dengue, Become tuberculosis, hepatitis, malaria, sexually knowledgeable, transmitted diseases, HIV/AIDS) practice on drugs and smoking preventive health measures & families & caregivers practices love & care for the infected & affected Components Outcomes Curriculum
Curriculum Components Outcomes Life Skills (Grades 2-9) (Self awareness, self-esteem, Become self- co-operation coping with emotions assertive, acting & stress, communication skills, responsibly, choose decision-making problem solving, safe behaviours creative & critical thinking counselling)
How we did it... • Taskforce of DEPT, National AIDS project personnel & Ministry of Health • Development of SHAPE teacher’s Guide and students book (end of 1993-1996)
How we did it... • Shifted away from disease oriented approach • Ensure relevance & appropriateness of the content in terms of student age, context in which materials were to be taught, the shortage of teachers (especially in rural schools) & lack of teaching aids
Achievements • Coverage 104 townships (98/02) 10,236 schools 1,518,170 students • Formation of Township SHAPE Committee
Achievements • Orientation training to education officials • Teacher Training 7-4 days 2,237/43,652 • PTA Workshops 5/3/2 days 42,745 • School Head Management 5 days 10,236
Achievements Director involvement of DEPT Curriculum Team (Both development of curriculum & trainings) Introduction of “Life-Skills” subject in both primary (1999) & secondary (2001) level nationwide Ownership
Achievements • Acceptance of SHAPE at all levels • Positive response by students regarding health and social issues • Eagerness of parents to learn more about HIV/AIDS and acceptance level increased
Lesson Learned • One short training of 4-6 days not sufficient for trainers and teachers to internalize the new information plus the new teaching methodologies
Lesson Learned • Evolvement of training manuals & modules (on-going process of developing SHAPE) • School-head support plays a critical role
Lesson Learned • Importance of feedback • Annual review meetings with township educators • Field monitoring (by trainers;…process) • Review meeting with teachers/students
Constraints • inadequate state spending on education • teacher shortages/few teachers schools/ frequent teachers as well as education officials transfer • teachers to fulfil non-educational functions
Constraints • Lack of supervision/discussion on teaching-learning process among teachers • Subject oriented teaching-learning • Overcrowded classroom
SHAPE in Future… • Quality improvement for SHAPE-in-action in all activities • Expansion of SHAPE to Area Focus townships as a component of Child friendly schools • SHAPE and Life-skills to be merged • Reaching out-of-school 10-14 age groups