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Free Data!!!

Using www.ipums.org/international a restricted-access web-site of anonymized, integrated census microdata (for 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 … 50+ countries) * * * Robert McCaa, Steven Ruggles, & Matt Sobek University of Minnesota Population Center rmccaa@umn.edu. Free Data!!!. Outline.

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  1. Using www.ipums.org/international a restricted-access web-site of anonymized, integrated census microdata (for 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 … 50+ countries)* * *Robert McCaa, Steven Ruggles, & Matt SobekUniversity of Minnesota Population Centerrmccaa@umn.edu Free Data!!! www.ipums.org/international

  2. Outline • 1. What are census microdata? • 2. What is IPUMS-International? • Partners: > 50 official statistical agencies • Goals: inventory, preserve, anonymize, harmonize, disseminate (free of cost: www.ipums.org/international) • Principles: respect, retain, harmonize, enhance, free research • 3. How do we integrate? • Use international standards • Expert national assistance • 4. Who are our users and what do they use it for? • Major research universities in the US & world-wide • Policy researchers: World Bank, WHO, etc. www.ipums.org/international

  3. What are “census microdata”?:anonymized, computerized census records of individuals, households & dwellings Person number Age Sex 12100102600700720000011210000104 22200202600700720000011210000104 32300100600700720000012123000000 42300200400700000000000000000000 52300200200700000000000000000000 62300200000700000000000000000000 Researchers can: Study any desired set of characteristics. Easier to harmonize than tables. Facilitates comparative research. www.ipums.org/international

  4. IPUMS-International partners by stage (please see Table 1)darkest green = final stage (data in dissemination)lighter green = middle stage (agreement signed)lightest green = first stage (agreement pending) 55 countries 3.5 billion people www.ipums.org/international

  5. IPUMS 8 countries available now (Table 2)1998 – Colombia, National Institutes of Health, 1 country1999 – International, National Science Foundation, 7 countries Brazil, China, France, Kenya, Mexico, USA, Vietnam30 country-projects underway2003 –Latin America, NIH, 14 countries Argentina, *Bolivia, Chile, Costa Rica, Dominican Republic, Ecuador, El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras, Nicaragua, Panama, Paraguay, Peru, Venezuela 2004 –Europe, NIH, 16 countries Austria, Belarus, Bulgaria, Czech Republic Germany, Greece, Hungary, Netherlands, Poland, Portugal, Romania, *Russia, Slovenia, Spain, *Turkey, UK17 country-projects to begin next year2005 – Global, NSF, 17 countries Bangladesh, Canada, Egypt, *Iran, *Iraq, Israel,*Indonesia, Madagascar, Malawi, Malaysia, Mongolia, Pakistan, Palestinian Authority, Philippines, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, Uganda INTERNATIONAL www.ipums.org/international

  6. IPUMS-International a global collaboratory of Official Statistical Institutes & Universities to: • 1. Inventory the world’s census microdata • 2. Preserve endangered microdata and documentation * * * • 3. Integrate census microdata • a. use standards of UNSD, Eurostat, ISCO, ISCED, etc. • b. facilitate comparative research in time and space • 4. Anonymize census microdata to preserve statistical confidentiality, using highest standards • 5. Disseminaterestricted access, custom extracts to approved researchers/research projects at no cost Demonstration: www.ipums.org/international

  7. IPUMS-International principles: • 1. Respect absolute anonymity and confidentiality • 2. Retain all original data, except adjustments to insure privacy (top codes, blurrings, masking, re-ordering, etc.) • 3. Harmonize codes using international standardsoccupation: ISCO, HISCO (detailed, general)education: ISCED “ “family: IPUMS, etc. “ “ • 4. Enhance with constructed variables (momloc, etc.) • 5. Disseminate free of charge to reseachers who need the data and agree to abide by conditions of use www.ipums.org/international

  8. IPUMSi INTEGRATES Census documentation compiled for Colombian microdata Standard:UN/Eurostat Principles & Recs... Photos from Colombia integration project, February-March, 2000:4 experts from DANE (census office)+7 academics (3 universities) www.ipums.org/international

  9. IPUMSi » Integrate (harmonize), not standardize 1. retain all original detail 2. harmonize every digit INTEGRATES » How is this possible? Composite codes (multiple digits, 111) Not serial (1, 2, 3, ....) (Please see Table 3) » Why? Researcher confidently understands the logic uses as much detail as needed www.ipums.org/international

  10. Please see Table 3 Codes in original data integrated codes Composite coding scheme: employment status 1000 Employed, not specified www.ipums.org/international Variable Description: Please see Appendix B

  11. Example of Variable Availability: China, 1982-2000 (Table 4) www.ipums.org/international

  12. IPUMSi Restricted Access web-based extraction system (Appendix B) DISSEMINATES Legally-binding license agreement • protects privacy and confidentiality • assures proper use Access limited to: • Bona-fide researchers (credentials) • With a demonstrated scientific need • who agree to abide by license restrictions • Confidentiality • Educational, policy uses only (no commercial use) • No redistribution • Safely secured • Proper citation www.ipums.org/international

  13. IPUMSi Restricted Access web-based extraction systemfacilitates chronological &/or cross-national research DISSEMINATES Free Data!!! Researcher selects • Countries, • Censuses, • Cases/sub-populations, • Variables, and • Sample densities • Users: • Of 518 applicants, 288 accepted; denial of access rate = 44% • Usage by country (% of projects): Mexico (59%), USA (50%), Colombia (38%), Kenya (37%), Vietnam (37%), France (34%), China (24%). www.ipums.org/international

  14. IPUMSi Affiliations Of 288 Users, May 2002-2004 (examples) DISSEMINATES • International Organizations (35) • WHO (5) • World Bank (6) • National Statistical Institutes (9) • US Universities (195) • California (17) • Harvard (7) • Non-US Universities (49) • Africa (4) • Asia (10) • Europe (21) • Americas (14) Many studying own country in USA www.ipums.org/international

  15. IPUMSi Research Topics (examples) DISSEMINATES • Living arrangements of the aged • Female labor-force participation and educational attainment • Regional inequality differentials • International migration • Divorce and family composition • U.S. National Academy of Sciences, “Transitions to Adulthood in Developing Countries” uses data from Colombia, Kenya, Mexico, and Vietnam to analyze changing outcomes such as schooling, work, fertility, and marriage as a function of age, gender, etc. www.ipums.org/international

  16. IPUMSi • Researchers & policy-makers:High-quality, harmonized microdata—free of chargeComprehensive, integrated metadata BENEFITS »Official Statistics Institutes: Fair, free, uniform solution to providing census microdata Trust, transparency, more stakeholdersIncreased usage, better science/policy Enhanced cost-benefit ratioLittle or no marginal cost (project pays license fee) »Citizens, Society, and Governments:Who we areWhat the future may bringHow policies might be improved www.ipums.org/international

  17. On a millennial scale, census microdata survive for only a short, but significant periodMay we help preserve yours? ... help promote good use? 2010? www.ipums.org/international

  18. You are invited to visit the web-site:Twww.ipums.org/internationalcontact:rmccaa@umn.edu * * * * *Thank you!! www.ipums.org/international

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