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The Sensory Receptors

The Sensory Receptors. Write the black Read the blue. What do you know about sensory receptors?. A bit of review. Ear Hearing. Eye sight. Tongue taste. Skin touch. Nose smell. sensory receptors = cells that capture information. Path.

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The Sensory Receptors

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Presentation Transcript

  1. The Sensory Receptors

  2. Write the black • Read the blue

  3. What do you know about sensory receptors?

  4. A bit of review

  5. Ear Hearing Eye sight Tongue taste Skin touch Nose smell sensory receptors = cells that capture information

  6. Path • Sensory receptor captures information (stimulus) • A “transformer “ changes info into a nervous impulse • Sensory neurons send info. to the brain for analysis

  7. The Eye sight

  8. Picks up light rays from light sources or reflected off objects

  9. Use pg. 213 of textbook to fill in pg. 129 of workbook

  10. iris sclera choroid retina Optic nerve Vitreous humor lens Aqueous humor cornea

  11. Use pg. 213 of textbook to fill in the handout on the eye

  12. a lens Vitreous humor cornea Aqueous humor

  13. How we see • Light waves pass through the CORNEA and the aqueous humour and are controlled by the pupil. • The light is then focused by the lens and continues through the vitreous humour to the part of the retina called the MAcula. • Photoreceptors change the light waves to nerve impluses.

  14. The Retina • specialized nerve cells called photoreceptors sensitive to light = 2 types of photoreceptors

  15. 1. Cones • Very few = concentrated in center of retina called the macula. • Responsible for seeing colour

  16. The retina The macula

  17. 2. Rods • Rods detect contrast (not colour)= important for night vision • Rods cover the retina except in the macula and the “blind spot”. • The blind spot = where optic nerve leaves eye

  18. The “blind spot” where optic nerve leaves the eye

  19. Optional lab65- Adjusting the eye to light

  20. Lets play find the lioness

  21. The Ear hearing

  22. Ear has sensory receptors: • For hearing in the cochlea • For balance in the semicircular canals and the vestibule.

  23. Use pg. 215 of the textbook to fill in pg. 129 of the workbook

  24. Check your answers pinna Semicircular canals ossicles cochlea Auditory canal vestibule ear drum eustachian tube

  25. Use pg. 215 of the textbook to fill in the handout on the ear

  26. Semi-circular canals vestibule stirrup anvil hammer cochlea

  27. How we hear • Sound vibrations enter the PINNA and travel down the AUDITORY CANAL. • The waves start the EAR DRUM vibrating. As the OSSICLES are connected at one end to the ear drum, they move at the same speed. • The ossicles are connected at the other end to the vestibule, which is filled with liquid. The sound wave continues to the liquid-filled CHOCLEA where AUDITORY RECEPTORS pick up individual frequencies and change them to nerve impulses

  28. How we Balance • 3 x SEMICIRCULAR CANALS let body know location on the X, Y and Z axis (3D) while the body moves. • The VESTIBULE helps with posture

  29. Homework: pg. 130 of workbook

  30. The Skin Touch

  31. Touch sensory receptors are found in the dermis layer

  32. Skin= body’s largest organ, but only about 7% of our body mass. • It is made of 3 layers: • Epidermis • Dermis • Hypodermis

  33. Use pg. 217 of textbook to fill in pg. 131 of workbook (top)

  34. Hypodermis

  35. Use pg. 217 of textbook to fill in the handout on the skin

  36. Melanin =brown pigment that protects us from the sun’s harmful radiation • The more sun exposure the more melanin is produced, “tanning” • Over exposure to these harmful rays can cause mutations in the melanocytes causing melanoma (a deadly form of skin cancer) or basal cell carcinoma

  37. Skin Physiology • Free nerve endings detect temperature, tactile (touch) and pain • touch receptors =not spread out evenly over the body - more touch receptors in the fingers and face, especially the lips, than in any of the other areas or the body • why babies put everything into their mouths

  38. If human body drawn proportionally according to the number of touch receptors = looks like this

  39. How we feel • Various items may come in contact with the skin • Depending on the number of touch receptors, you may or may not feel the touch • The pressure, temperature or touch is picked up by different nerves and changed to a chemical impulse

  40. Lab 66- skin’s receptors

  41. Bill Nye- skin

  42. The Nose smell

  43. The sensory receptor for smell = the olfactory epithelium

  44. Use pg. 219 of textbook to fill in pg. 131 (middle) of workbook

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