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Explore the progression from teaching machines to modern online education, as virtual and distance learning redefine traditional educational boundaries.
Virtual teaching, virtual learning and distance learning Kari Kotiranta tiedetilallinen
e-learningvirtual learning distance learningvirtual teaching distance teachingteacher learner
In the last 50 years has been a dream to get rid of a teacher. Teaching is desired to outsource the technical equipment. What is the added value to be achieved?
The idea of virtual teaching is learning independent of time and place. Distance learning teacher and the learners are not a certain room, but rather a place to study can be chosen freely. Learning freedom is also taken into consideration. What is needed to study?
Both of these forms of study are more or less dependent on technology. We need at least a computer and internet connection. What about the students?
Learners must have mental tools to study, to examine their own learning and their behavior, and to assess what was learned and what was left without learning, as well as sufficient motivation to complete the studies. What about the teacher?
Cognitive-constructivist model of thinking gives teachers the tools to understand the changes that take place in learning environments. What else does the teacher need?
We need a new educational philosophy and pedagogy. Here's how I summarized. - Formal education is not necessary, but the human growth is? - Teaching is not necessary, but learning is? - Discipline and authority are not necessary, but the responsibility for their own learning and the human growth is? - According to the guidelines of contract is not necessary, but a creative success is?
Virtual and distance learning requires equipment Internet, server, smart phone, tablet, laptop, personal computer, cloud service and software
The teacher's presence is not necessary - study material itself guides the student. In this sense, reading a book can be considered a virtual learning. The book? What after that?
The first study the method was the rote learning. Behaviorism of the 1960s developed the so-called. programmed in books - the design was obtained from the 50's teaching machines. By using programmed book learner read the task and check the right response by turning the page. There is new task also. In the current context of cognitive-constructive thinking draws attention to the understanding of the content and the fact that the learner is able to evaluate what he understands and what not. Teaching Machine?
Teaching machines, the question was raised, which the students had to answer by selecting the correct answer options. The machine gave feedback immediately. What teaching machines after?
Introduction of personal computers in the late 1970s brought a new dimension. They removed a number of learning equipment limitations. Educational programs could be branched - poorly learned tasks could be done again. What followed personal computers?
The new promise of teaching was obtained in the early 1990s in the form of the Internet. Teaching machines and personal computers were tied to a place. Internet was location independent. The same systems are functioning at home, school, or even on holiday.
Luther's goal was to teach the people the Christian faith through his writings. Freud wrote his book "Introduction to psycho-analysis' as lectures - the idea was to have as many people as possible to ”listen” his lectures. Ilmari Jäämaa wrote in the 1940's book, 'Young people experimenting and innovating” ”Nuorten kokeilijain ja keksijäin kirja” form of letters, which are sent to nephew - perhaps these letters were also sent. What, then, was discovered?
The first actual distance schools were letter colleges, such as the "People's Education Society's Letter College – Kansanvalistusseuran kirjeopisto" in Finland. The students received a study letter by post and when it was studied, and the answers were posted then student got a new letter, etc. What about the technical equipment?
The first technology for distance learning were the teachings with the phone. The teacher was in his own office or in classes and lectures held over the phone for more than one group. The procedure also allowed communication between groups of teachers..
The strength of the Internet is that it transmits "packages" quickly and reliably anywhere in the of the world. These packages can include information in many different forms. There can be text, images, voice, video, figures, etc. What about teaching?
A great communication ability of the Internet makes it an excellent tool for organizing teaching and provide learning opportunities. Applications can be any computer, anywhere on Earth, which is connected to the Internet. From there, they are available to all the people who have received a license. What about in practice?
There are two ways to create a virtual learning environment: 1 The use of the learning platform like Moodle, WebCT 2 Putting together similar services free to use What is a learning platform?
Student workstation is online learning platform such as Moodle. There are stored study programs, courses, study materials, pictures, etc. There can return learning tasks, and there can be a variety of forums to discuss issues related to studies - there's a tutor to help in making tasks. Social interaction may take chatted cafe area. What about open programs?
Freely available social media services can be used to serve the learning process. These include Facebook, Twitter, blogs like Blogspot and Wordpress, photo services such as Picasa and Instagram, as well as cloud services, which provide basic office applications, and disk space use. The virtual learning environment can be created dozens of different ways. What about distance learning?
Distance learning tools are partly the same. Study materials must be stored somewhere and learning platforms or blogs provide a good opportunity. The main concept of distance learning is to provide teaching in real-time or students can listen to it some time later. How can it be?
There are two ways to implement distance education 1 Let's take a comprehensive software such as Adobe Connect Pro 2 Bring together the free programs with similar characteristics, such as Skype, etc. Connect Pro?
Adobe Connect Pro on paljon käytetty etäopetusohjelmisto. Sen avulla voi välittää videokuvaa, ääntä, Powerpoint-esityksiä, pikaviestejä yms. Se on kokonaisuus, joka tarjoaa hyvän etäopetusympäristön. Entäs ne muut?
Adobe Connect Pro is a widely used distance learning applications. It allows to transmit video, audio, PowerPoint presentations, instant messages, etc. It is a complete package that offers a good distance learning environment. What about the others?
Distance learning can also build up using free programs such as Skype or hangout. Writing short messages is part of the program, presentation graphics requires an additional program. Learning materials can be saved to a blog system or hard disk of cloud service What about small groups?
Phone Software also serve as an excellent tool for a couple or small group work. An editable text can be on computers participants, and phone technology gives the opportunity to the conference. E-learning - is a virtual world?
The same lecture - in different worlds Class picture: Tuija Hyvönen
Distance and virtual education can also be done in virtual worlds such as Second Life. There is a spaces in which to hold public lectures, you can visit the museums, churches, or just for birthdays. Virtual worlds have been built to teach job to do. The teacher and the learner?
Virtual learning will enable a ubiquitous way to study. The problem is how to get the right feedback - you have to remember that a person can not learn without the other person's feedback. The teacher has an important role in these processes, to supplement learning and refute misconceptions. Via distance learning contact between the teacher and the learner is formed through the technology, and it allows the natural way to get feedback.
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Virtuaali- ja etäopintoja: On April 4, 2001, MIT announced it would publish educational materials from all of its courses freely and openly on the Internet. Ten years later, OCW has shared materials from more than 2000 courses with an estimated 100 million individuals worldwide. http://ocw.mit.edu/courses/index.htm
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