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The Beauty of Simplicity

The Beauty of Simplicity. Kristiina Karvonen University of Helsinki & Helsinki University of Technology Finland. The Beauty of Simplicity??. Relevant for usability of security , and trust , about which this paper really is about

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The Beauty of Simplicity

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  1. The Beauty of Simplicity Kristiina Karvonen University of Helsinki & Helsinki University of Technology Finland

  2. The Beauty of Simplicity?? • Relevant for usability of security, and trust, about which this paper really is about • also, we want to point out that to create better usability, we can (and should) make use of the existing body of knowledge, including aesthetics, the study of the beautiful ACM CUU 2000 Kristiina Karvonen

  3. Why Beauty? • Because it matters. Numerous studies report on the importance of "design quality" on users' opinions about the trustworthiness of a Web service • what, then, is considered "beautiful" on the Web? • To study these questions, we need Web aesthetics. ACM CUU 2000 Kristiina Karvonen

  4. Why Simplicity? • Promoted by "usability purists" like Jacob Nielsen for good reasons • in case of trust, simple design promotes trust • …and in aesthetics, "simplicity" has often been equated with "beauty" ACM CUU 2000 Kristiina Karvonen

  5. A Few Words about Trust • a part of usability of computer security • has various ingredients: technical, legal, social, psycohological etc. • cornerstones: privacy and trust • an area where even one mistake may be too much ACM CUU 2000 Kristiina Karvonen

  6. What is Usability? • "getting there" - succesful and effective interaction • "feeling good" - perceived easiness of use • "getting it right" - understanding the system • different things for different users ACM CUU 2000 Kristiina Karvonen

  7. Trust Is… • a combination of an emotional and rational response • hard to put into words • based on decision-making, conscious or subconscious ACM CUU 2000 Kristiina Karvonen

  8. Ingredients of trust according to Nielsen • Trust is formed through experience • Trust is a long-term proposition • Trust is hard to build and easy to lose • Trustworthiness can be communicated through use of seals of approval, brand reputation, appropriate use of technology, and through design ACM CUU 2000 Kristiina Karvonen

  9. Trustworthy Design • Design quality • Up-front disclosure • Comprehensive, correct, and current information • Connected to the rest of the Web • Giving users a feeling of being in control and knowing what is happening ACM CUU 2000 Kristiina Karvonen

  10. Visualising trust - how? • Simple statements of security? • Detailed technical descriptions? • Intuitive interface metaphors? • Standards and conventional notations? • One of these? All? More? ACM CUU 2000 Kristiina Karvonen

  11. Trustworthy design means... • Conservative look? • Official look? • Clarity? • Artistic touch? • Resemblance? • ??? • Different things in different situations? ACM CUU 2000 Kristiina Karvonen

  12. …at least it means beautiful design! • On a conscious level users often consider beauty not to be essential • …but on a subconscious level the perceived beauty is likely to enhance trust • So, beauty should be promoted • …but what exactly is considered to be beautiful? ACM CUU 2000 Kristiina Karvonen

  13. Definitions for Aesthetics • latin aesthetica, greek aisthetikos - means "perceptive", "receptive" • study of the nature and meaning of art • study of artistic creative process • study of enjoying and experiencing art • study of evaluating and appreciating art ACM CUU 2000 Kristiina Karvonen

  14. Aesthetic Questions • Does the work of art embody special properties, like beauty, sublimity, prettiness - and if so, how are these related to its other properties? • How relevant are the object's function, the context of production and the artist's intentions? • Does it matter how a work was produced, and whether is was forgery? ACM CUU 2000 Kristiina Karvonen

  15. Aesthetic Evaluations • How are aesthetic terms and judgments to be analysed? • Can such judgments be true or false? • How, if at all, can they be justified? • Are there objective canons of taste? ACM CUU 2000 Kristiina Karvonen

  16. Aesthetic Examples • praise of simplicity has a long history • understanding the cognitive process behind perceiving Web services • applying various styles and various aesthetics ACM CUU 2000 Kristiina Karvonen

  17. Know your users! • Many kinds of aesthetics are needed • technical aesthetics for expert users • beauty for transaction process means simplicity • "New York style" vs. "Californian style" • Choice of aesthetics depends on the basic functionality of the service • cultural background plays an important role ACM CUU 2000 Kristiina Karvonen

  18. Universal Web Aesthetics? • Not likely • aesthetic taste varies across continents, age groups, cultural background etc. • seems troublesome • …but may be crucial for the success of your Web service: the decision to trust the service and to be willing to use it requires trust, so you should promote it through promoting beauty ACM CUU 2000 Kristiina Karvonen

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