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National Cardiovascular and Stroke Research Network Ireland

National Cardiovascular and Stroke Research Network Ireland. Siobhan O’Daly Network Development Manager. NCSRN Ireland development has been facilitated by the Irish Heart Foundation. The aim of NCSRN Ireland is to establish a coherent and integrative network model which supports the

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National Cardiovascular and Stroke Research Network Ireland

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  1. National Cardiovascular and Stroke Research Network Ireland Siobhan O’Daly Network Development Manager NCSRN Ireland development has been facilitated by the Irish Heart Foundation

  2. The aim of NCSRN Ireland is to establish a coherent and integrative network model which supports the conduct of collaborative Cardiovascular and Stroke research across Ireland.

  3. January 2011 NCSRN Ireland Steering Committee Established. May 2012 565 patients recruited . January 2011 – to date: Generating targeted services to support the needs of Industry.

  4. Cardiovascular Disease and Stroke The Hard Facts 10,000 people die each year from CVD and Stroke. Cardiovascular disease is the most common cause of death in Ireland accounting for 36% of all deaths.

  5. Prior to NCSRN Ireland there was no formal national research network for cardiovascular and stroke physicians and scientists. Centralised Network Model: • Effectively coordinate bringing people together: - Clinicians, Scientists, Industry. • Provide access to critical services and research nurse resource to support delivery at the clinical interface.

  6. Network Model Development Widespread consultation with our broad base of stakeholder groups supported the generation of our primary network development proposal.

  7. Network Objectives Core Operational Purpose. NCSRN Ireland Legal and Governance Framework NCSRN Ireland Organisational Activities NCSRN Ireland Organisational Resources NCSRN Ireland Services and Supports

  8. NCSRN Ireland: Primary Demonstration Study Aspirin Effectiveness in Patients with Stable Coronary Artery Disease Organisational Objectives • Demonstrate the collaborative of ethos of NCSRN Ireland. • Demonstrate our alignment with the national research infrastructure. • Establish NCSRN Ireland’s central office functionality.

  9. NCSRN Ireland : Managing our Metrics: Establishing Key Performance Indicators for our Research Enterprise Local Research Ethics Committee approval timelines Per site - weekly rates of enrolment: Per site -target recruitment achieved within stipulated timelines. National target recruitment achieved within stipulated timelines. Study Quality objectives achieved. Y Y Y Y Y

  10. NCSRN Ireland understands the pressures on industry and are committed to growing its supports and services to meet with needs. • Providing a platform for access to our KOL’s • Supporting targeted PI Identification • Expedite pre-study meetings • Support the feasibility process • Monitor study metrics and contingency support

  11. Provided platform for access to our KOL’s for expert advice on a US based company’s clinical trials programme. • Supported country feasibility for a large multinational which secured country office placement on its global clinical trials programme. • Centralised communications supporting NCSRN Ireland derived clinical attendance and input at MEDinIreland • Establishing a communications platform between the IMB and NCSRN Ireland.

  12. Next Steps? “Quality health services, a vibrant health research systems and economic prosperity are inextricably intertwined” Health Research Group HRB Diseases Groups Awards Funding to support capacity building to expand NCSRN Ireland’s operational activity.

  13. Conclusion: • NCSRN Ireland has an established steering committee • May 30th 2012 565 patient’s recruited to our primary demonstration study. • NCSRN Ireland has actively engaged with industry with successful outcomes. NCSRN Ireland is committed to establishing Ireland’s reputation as a leader in delivering on innovative cardiovascular and stroke research.

  14. .

  15. Awareness Campaigns Heart Health Information Health Programmes Resuscitation Advocacy Patient Information Research

  16. Thank You Siobhan O’Daly Network Development Manager NCSRN Ireland Irish Heart Foundation sodaly@irishheart.ie Telephone: 087 687 4903

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