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Everything Parents need to know about Pain Meds and Heroin

Everything Parents need to know about Pain Meds and Heroin. Safe Communities Madison-Dane County. 1. Welcome. Facilitators Genevieve Kirchman , Parent Educator Any School District AND

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Everything Parents need to know about Pain Meds and Heroin

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Everything Parents need to know about Pain Meds and Heroin Safe Communities Madison-Dane County 1

  2. Welcome • Facilitators • Genevieve Kirchman, Parent Educator Any School District AND • Cindy Holmes and Josalyn Longley, Deputies Dane Co. Sheriff’s Dept. 2

  3. I. Understanding the Problem • II. Know what works • III. Safeguarding & Disposal 20

  4. I. Understanding the Problem 21

  5. 22

  6. What is Rx drug abuse? • Self Medicating - using a drug without a prescription to obtain the intended benefit • AND/OR • Recreational use - to get high or feel good 23

  7. Addiction • Brain Disease • Family history a factor • Relapse is part of the disease • Person who’s addicted needs the behavior or substance to feel “normal” • Teens especially vulnerable because their brain is developing until they are 24 25

  8. Slang Terms “Pharming” or “Pharm Parties” “Robotripping” ”Skittling” “Sizzurp” “Purple Drank” 26

  9. “Pharmageddon” • For the first time,unintentional overdoses • have replaced car accidents as the • leading cause of accidental deaths • in 15 states and the District of Columbia.” • CBS “Early Show on Saturday Morning” Sept. 4, 2010 27

  10. Drug Paraphernalia 28

  11. 29

  12. Synthetic Heroin 30

  13. What’s the Difference? • Legality • Ability to predict how it will effect you • How Addictive • Cost • Public Perception • Overdose Risk 31

  14. In Dane County...... • DEATH rates from opioids (heroin & prescription pain medications) have ALMOST QUADRUPLEDfrom 2002-2011 35

  15. In Dane County Majority Opioid-related deaths and hospitalizations are from... Prescription Pain Meds(e.g. Oxycontin, Vicodin, Morphine). 36

  16. Number of high school students in Dane Co. reporting using heroin or prescription drugs 7.5% 1,277 Teens 2012 Dane County Youth Survey Results 39

  17. How Are Drugs Obtained? 40

  18. WHO are they getting them from?More than 1 Doctor -Bought/Took from Friend or Relative -One Doctor -Drug Dealer or Stranger -Free from Friend or Relative - 2% 17% 18% 4% 54% National Survey on Drug Use and Health 2011 41

  19. Text USA = 5% of World’s Population AND Consumes 75% of Prescription Drugs (UNODC 2011) 43

  20. How many prescriptions are filled every month in Wisconsin? • A. 1 million • B. 150,000 • C. • D. 87,899 (Source: Kaiser Family Foundation State Health Facts 2011) 6 Million 45

  21. II. Know what works 46

  22. So..What does work? 47

  23. #1 • “Children close their ears to advice but open their eyes to example.” 48

  24. 49

  25. #2 50

  26. #3: Deliver the Message 51

  27. Alcohol or Illicit Drugs Prescription Drugs Source: Partnership for Drug-Free America Survey 2008 52

  28. 53

  29. #4 - Challenge the “Norm” Misperception 54

  30. #5 55

  31. 56

  32. Parent Addiction Network 57

  33. Discuss the Rest of the Tip Sheet • 1. What surprises you? • 2. What do you want to remember? • 3. What question do you have? • Ask someone in your group to be the reporter 58

  34. Summary of What Works Connected to School Lead by Example Talk about Risk - and Listen Challenge the “Norm” misperception Monitor Know the Warning Signs Know where to go for Help 59

  35. If something has changed? 60

  36. III. Safeguarding & Disposal 61

  37. Safeguarding Your Pills • Lock them up • Do NOT leave drugs in the open • Keep pill bottle caps on tightly • Know how many pills you have • Properly dispose of old or unneeded meds • Monitor your children’s prescriptions 62

  38. Disposal of Prescription Drugs MedDrop Locations at 13 Police Departments in Dane County 64

  39. Disposal of Prescription Drugs • IF no med drop box - • Do Not Flush down the toilet. • Place in used kitty litter or • wet coffee grounds • (make unappealing to others & pets) • Place in watertight container & put in trash. • Liquid meds: add flour, salt, or other • dry powder to absorb medication 65

  40. I. Understanding the Problem • III. Safeguarding & Disposal • II. Know what works and then....do it! 66

  41. 67

  42. 68

  43. Thank you..... • Facilitators • Genevieve Kirchman, Parent Educator • genevievekirchman@gmail.com • Any School District • AND • Cindy Holmesholmes.cindy@danesheriff.com • & Josalyn Longley, longley@danesheriff.com • Deputies, Dane Co. Sheriff’s Dept. • Some of this information taken from • the Good Drugs Gone Bad project 69

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