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OPAL Marketing & Industry LLC is the Master Franchisor of Precision Tune Auto Care (PTAC) for GCC countries. PTAC centres offers automotive after sale services like Quick Oil Change, Service of Brake, Suspensions, Exhaust, Tires, Air Conditioning and complete Electrical checkup, Tune ups, Computer diagnostics and General repairs, Flushing services etc
HOME ABOUT US OUR SERVICES BECOME A FRANCHISEE FLEET SERVICE FIND A LOCATION CUSTOMER TIPS CAREERS CONTACT US Welcome to Precision Tune Auto Care P P Pr r re e ec c ci iis s si iio o on n n T T Tu u un n ne e e A A Au u ut t to o o C C Ca a ar r re e e celebrates 40+ years of taking care of cars and the people who ride in them, providing car owners with a one-stop shop for factory scheduled maintenance service and repairs for autos, SUVs, Mini Vans and now Hybrids. Our trained and certified technicians can perform the same service as a dealer only at a much greater value. Precision Tune Auto Care centres specializes in preventative maintenance services for your vehicle. Our state-of-the-art facilities, highly trained technicians, and 100% satisfaction guarantee make your visit easy and stress-free. While we are experts on cars, we're also focused on the people who drive in them. We understand how people drive, and based on that, we can build a program catered to each person that keeps your car running how you want it. It's how Precision Tune Auto Care is in tune with our customers. PERIODIC MAINTENANCE AIR CONDITIONING RESTORE BATTERY REPLACEMENT Periodic vehicle maintenance is mandatory in order to obtain optimum performance properly as and when required. We the precision tune is intended to serve .. Having properly function air conditioning in your vehicle is an essential luxury in the desert heat of Oman. Here at Precision Tune Auto Care Centre we offer .. We have a team of staff for changing of batteries and jumpstart of vehicle for various make & model. One year warranty will be given for changing of a new.. MORE MORE MORE LOCATIONS P P PR R RE E EC C CI IIS S SI IIO O ON N N T T TU U UN N NE E E A A AL L L P P PR R RE E EC C CI IIS S SI IIO O ON N N T T TU U UN N NE E E S S SE E EE E EB B B P P PR R RE E EC C CI IIS S SI IIO O ON N N T T TU U UN N NE E E M M MA A AB B BE E EL L LA A A Behind Shell Oil filling station Seeb Sharadi, Oman Near Al Maha Filling Station Souq, Mabela, Oman K K KH H HU U UW W WA A AI IIR R R m m mo o or r re e e. ... ... .. m m mo o or r re e e. ... ... .. m m mo o or r re e e. ... ... .. OPAL MARKETING AND INDUSTRY L.L.C
HOME ABOUT US OUR SERVICES BECOME A FRANCHISEE FLEET SERVICE FIND A LOCATION CUSTOMER TIPS CAREERS CONTACT US About us -overview A A AB B BO O OU U UT T T U U US S S "OPAL Marketing & Industry LLC" is the Master Franchisor of Precision Tune Auto Care (PTAC) for GCC countries (Oman, Saudi Arabia, Bahrain, UAE, Kuwait & Qatar). We are the strategic partners of Precision Tune Auto Care, USA since 1995. We serve our clients with the highest degree of diligence; paying the utmost attention to quality care and customer service. Our goal is to fulfill our clients every need and to ensure that all our clients receives the very best. ABOUT US -OVERVIEW PARENT COMPANY INFO MANAGEMENT TEAM PTAC centres drive their business on the core values of rendering services to customers who value Quality, Time and Price. We feel proud to mention that we have 20 years of experience of Market and Culture and are the biggest automotive service provider in Oman after car dealers. Presently it is being operated in Sultanate of Oman through company owned centers & sub Franchisee Centers. PTAC have 19 fully operational centres in Oman and rendering services to more than 10,000 cars per month. PTAC centres offers automotive after sale services like Quick Oil Change, Service of Brake, Suspensions, Exhaust, Tires, Air Conditioning and complete Electrical checkup, Tune ups, Computer diagnostics and General repairs, Flushing services etc S S Se e er r rv v vi iic c ce e es s s O O Of f ff f fe e er r re e ed d d S S Sc c ch h he e ed d du u ul lle e ed d d M M Ma a ai iin n nt t te e en n na a an n nc c ce e e S S Se e er r rv v vi iic c ce e e: :: Engine oil and filter replacement; Standard Check point service. A A Au u ut t to o o A A Ai iir r r c c co o on n nd d di iit t ti iio o on n n S S Se e er r rv v vi iic c ce e e: :: A/C performance test; check system pressure; check condenser and radiator cooling fan operation; inspect all A/C components for wear, leaks and proper operation; evacuate and recharge system. C C Co o om m mp p pl lle e et t te e e C C Co o oo o ol lli iin n ng g g S S Sy y ys s st t te e em m m S S Se e er r rv v vi iic c ce e e: :: Check all hoses, belts; pressure test system; check heater, defroster and cooling fan operation; flush and recycle antifreeze; correct coolant mixture to a 50/50 mixture, check for leaks. E E En n ng g gi iin n ne e e D D Di iia a ag g gn n no o os s st t ti iic c c S S Se e er r rv v vi iic c ce e e: :: Fuel pressure test; code retrieval and vacuum testing. B B Br r ra a ak k ke e e S S Sy y ys s st t te e em m m ( ((F F Fr r ro o on n nt t t & & & R R Re e ea a ar r r) )): :: Remove and replace pads or shoes; resurface rotors or drums; inspect brake line and components and test parking brake. E E En n ng g gi iin n ne e e T T Tu u un n ne e e U U Up p p: :: Replace plugs, fuel filter, minor adjustment and scope test if needed. T T Tr r ra a an n ns s sm m mi iis s ss s si iio o on n n F F Fl llu u us s sh h h: :: Hook up flush machine adding flushing cleaner to transmission; completely flush all transmission components; replace all transmission fluid; add transmission conditioner; check for leaks; inspect cable and all linkages. M M Mo o ot t to o or r r V V Va a al llu u ue e e A A Ad d dd d de e ed d d S S Se e er r rv v vi iic c ce e es s s: :: Clean and de-carbon fuel injector, fuel rail, upper intake and intake valves and carbon in combustion chamber, Engine oil Flushing, Power steering flushing etc.
HOME ABOUT US OUR SERVICES BECOME A FRANCHISEE FLEET SERVICE FIND A LOCATION CUSTOMER TIPS CAREERS CONTACT US CONTACT US P P PR R RE E EC C CI IIS S SI IIO O ON N N T T TU U UN N NE E E A A AU U UT T TO O O C C CA A AR R RE E E OPAL MARKETING AND INDUSTRY L.L.C Name : P.O BOX 273 Ruwi, PC 112 Phone : Sultanate of Oman (968) 24478568,24479986 Email ID : (968) 24478566 contact@precisiontunegcc.com Message : Enter Security Code : SUBMIT F F Fo o ol lll llo o ow w w U U Us s s Contact Address Quick Links Services OPAL MARKETING AND INDUSTRY L.L.C P.O BOX 273 Ruwi, PC 112 Sultanate of Oman Home About Us Become a franchisee Fleet service Find a Location Customer Tips Careers Periodic maintenance Air condition system Battery replacement Brake services Oil and filter Streering and suspension Diagnostic service TEL : (968) 24478568, 24479986 FAX : (968) 24478566 Email: contact@precisiontunegcc.com