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Communication & Organisation BS 2903

Communication & Organisation BS 2903 Week 2 : The communication challenges facing organisations today. How people work together will dictate the types of communication that will take place and the means chosen for each. Source: Hatch MJ(1997) Organization Theory.

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Communication & Organisation BS 2903

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  1. Communication & Organisation BS 2903 Week 2: The communication challenges facing organisations today

  2. How people work together will dictate the types of communication that will take place and the means chosen for each.

  3. Source: Hatch MJ(1997) Organization Theory

  4. Scientific Management • Associated with the work of F.W. Taylor - the father of work study • There is ‘one best way’ to perform each task • Workers should be scientifically selected and trained • There is a separation of ‘conception from execution’ i.e. it is management’s job ‘to think’ and workers ‘to do’

  5. Human Relations • Inspired by Elton Mayo and the Hawthorne studies • Members react to management as members of human groups • Need for recognition, security and a sense of belonging more important than physical conditions • Supervisors need to be aware of social needs

  6. McGregor’s ‘Theory X’ and ‘Theory Y’ • Theory X: People are lazy, hold goals contrary to the organisation, were not to be trusted, had to be closely supervised etc. • Theory Y:Employees were mature, self-motivated, needed little in way of external controls • Assumptions made by managers reflected in organisational structure - how much authority, rules of procedure

  7. Burns and Stalker: The Management of Innovation • Mechanistic structure(rayon mill):hierarchical,vertical communication flow, stable market • Organic structure (electronics firm):few boundaries, lateral communication, volatile and turbulent external market • Each form of organisation is best suited to a particular environment

  8. Management Styles • Unitary view: ‘we are all in the same boat together’, conflict is seen as ‘pathological’ • Conflict view:‘differences in perspective are natural and flow from different economic interests’, conflict is seen as ‘natural’ • Reflects differences in USA v. European styles of theorising and social structures

  9. Communications strategies • Note importance of formalas well as informalchannels • Communications strategies have to take into account...- internal needs - the market / competitors/stakeholders - consumers/customers

  10. Competitive Advantage ? • Investment in new technologies may bringcompetitive advantageOr it may be an additional cost to keep up with the competition without any particular advantage (voice mail) • Good communication with customers = results (part of CRM)

  11. Activity... • What are the opportunities facing organisations today ? • What are the problems in this ? • What is the role of a communications strategy ?

  12. Questions?

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