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Understanding HB 1224

Understanding HB 1224. Student Wellness Programs. Allows state money from Amendment 23 to be used for Student Wellness through a grant program Childhood Obesity Wellness Policies Coordinated School Health.

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Understanding HB 1224

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  1. Understanding HB 1224 Student Wellness Programs

  2. Allows state money from Amendment 23 to be used for Student Wellness • through a grant program • Childhood Obesity • Wellness Policies • Coordinated School Health

  3. Representatives Benefield, Casso, Gagliardi, Kerr J., Labuda, Looper, Massey, Merrifield, Primavera, Rice, Borodkin, Ferrandino, Frangas, Kerr A., Madden, Middleton, Mitchell V., Scanlan, Solano, Stafford, Todd, and Peniston • Senators Tupa, Williams, Gibbs, Morse, Sandoval, Schwartz, and Windels.

  4. 2007 State Legislature Intent • For students to reach their full potential, school communities need to address comprehensive issues of student wellness, including but not limited to addressing the physical, • mental, emotional, and social needs of students

  5. High-quality physical education programs taught by • persons who are licensed and endorsed in physical education may be a factor in battling the rising incidence of obesity by ensuring not only that children receive a healthy level of physical activity, but that they also learn skills and develop knowledge that will enable them to maintain a healthy level of activity throughout their lifetimes

  6. It is therefore appropriate for the General Assembly to expand the "Colorado Comprehensive Health Education Act" to • include funding for local student wellness programs that are coordinated with local comprehensive health education • Programs in public schools.

  7. What Does This Mean? • A broad program • Licensed or endorsed PE teachers if larger than 1500 • Emphasis on PE and PA • Must have comprehensive health education in place

  8. Definition • A program adopted by a school district or board of cooperative services that is coordinated with health education and is designed to provide services to students in one or more of the following areas:

  9. Physical education • Nutrition services • Mental health counseling and services • Promotion of a healthy school environment • Health education • Health services • Involvement of students' families and communities in supporting and reinforcing healthy choices

  10. The Eight Components of Coordinated School Health

  11. Coordinated School Health • in Colorado • More than 130 school teams • Interagency School Health Team • State Coalition for Healthy Schools

  12. Making the Connection Between Health and Learning A 2010 State Plan

  13. The Alliance for a Healthier Generation • 34 schools have signed up • 2 schools have prequalified for the Bronze status • http://www.healthiergeneration.org/schools.aspx

  14. CDE Responsibilities in HB 1224 • Recommend hours of instruction in PE • Training • Funding • Annual written reports

  15. District Responsibilities in HB 1224 • District/BOCES Coordinator • Local Health Advisory Council • Implement Wellness Policy in every building • School Health Teams in at least 5 schools with Co-leaders

  16. Building Responsibilities in HB 1224 • Roadmap to Healthy Schools • School Health Index • School Health Improvement Plan • Physical Education/PA and Nutrition must be included • Coordinate with health education • Track progress against the Alliance for Healthier Generation Silver level • Surveys • Annual report to CDE

  17. Questions? Karen Connell 303 866 6903 Terry Jones 303 866 6835

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