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Rachel Merren EDUC 6310 – Fall 2008 November 25, 2008

Honduras. Rachel Merren EDUC 6310 – Fall 2008 November 25, 2008. Interviews. Diversity within Honduras. “Bay Islanders”. Garifuna. Miskito. Chorti. Tawahka. Lenca. People of Honduras. Educational Applications. Cannot generalize by knowing a student is from Honduras

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Rachel Merren EDUC 6310 – Fall 2008 November 25, 2008

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  1. Honduras Rachel Merren EDUC 6310 – Fall 2008 November 25, 2008

  2. Interviews

  3. Diversity within Honduras “Bay Islanders” Garifuna Miskito Chorti Tawahka Lenca

  4. People of Honduras

  5. Educational Applications • Cannot generalize by knowing a student is from Honduras • Language may not be Spanish • They may not look Hispanic or consider themselves Hispanic

  6. Economy & Social Stratification Campesinos • Income – Few hundred dollars a year • Home construction – local materials: wood, adobe, etc. • Grow their own corn, beans and plantains • Whole family works • Own horses for transportation

  7. Economy & Social Stratification Urban Workers • Income – $100/month • Industrial trades learned on the job • Home construction – store bought materials: bricks, cement, ect. • Build own home • Travel by bus

  8. Economy & Social Stratification Middle Class • Income – few hundred dollars a month • Professionals, students, farmers, merchants, business employees, etc. • May work several jobs and have old cars and small houses

  9. Economy & Social Stratification Wealthy Class • Large landholders, very successful businessmen, or military • Military is relatively isolated within the class • Own old adobe mansions downtown, import new cars, and take foreign vacations

  10. Economy & Social Stratification Bay Islanders • Fishing and Shipping Jobs • “The most perfect place on Earth” • Make enough money to live

  11. Educational Applications • They may not consider themselves poor or in need of assistance • They don’t know what they don’t have • Technology may be new

  12. Diet Beans and Corn Tortillas are mainstays Campesino Mestizo • Stack of tortillas • Few spoonfuls of beans • Some salt • Fried plantains • White cheese • Rice • Fried meat • Mantequilla • Scrambled egg • Slice of avocado • Cup of coffee or soft drink

  13. Diet Garifuna Bay Islanders • Cassava • Coconuts • Plantains • Avocados • Pineapples • Pigs’ feet and tails • Favorite is Machuca • Fish • Lobster • Plantains • Avocados • Beef • Favorite is Crab

  14. Educational Applications • Change in diet may cause sickness • Some children may have eaten much better in Honduras • Great opportunity to allow the children to share their culinary background

  15. Etiquette • Greet with a firm handshake and direct eye contact • A man should wait for a women to extend her hand • Friends and relatives will greet with a hug and a kiss • Men generally do not hug • Educated people greet by clasping their right hands together and pressing their cheeks together or give a light kiss on the check • Campesinos shake hands

  16. Etiquette • Greet others every time you pass • Look strangers in the eye and smile • Stand close when in conversation and may touch occasionally • Address others with formality • Greetings are generally lengthy • Involve inquires about family, health, travel, etc. • Quick greetings are generally interpreted as disrespectful and thoughtless

  17. Etiquette • Avoid yawning or coughing during conversations • Avoid standing with hands on hips • Sit only on furniture intended for sitting • Punctuality is expected in business circles

  18. Etiquette • Business is not discussed at social dinners • Bring a gift for the host/hostess if invited to dinner • Avoid opening a wrapped gift in the presence of the giver • Dress is generally casual yet fashionable

  19. Applications to Education • Parent Conferences • Plan for a longer conference • Initiate the handshake • Address with formality • Make small talk • Watch your body language • Be professional • May be a language barrier

  20. References Bureau of Western Hemisphere Affairs. (2008, June). Background Note: Honduras. Retrieved October 6, 2008, from http://www.state.gov/r/pa/ei/bgn/1922.htm# Ember, C & Ember, M. (Eds.) (2001). Honduras. In Countries and their Cultures (Vol. 2, pp. 979-989). New York: Macmillan Reference. Maher, J. et al. (Eds.). (2008). Honduras. In The Europa World Year Book 2008 (Vol. 1, pp. 2134-2142). New York: Routledge. Marshall, O. (2000). English-Speaking Communities in Latin America. New York: St. Martin’s Press. Merrill, T. (Ed.). (1995). Honduras: a country study. (3rd ed.). Washington, DC: U.S. Government Printing Office. Stonich, S. (2000). The Other Side of Paradise: Tourism, Conservation, and Development in the Bay Islands. New York: Cognizant Communication Corporation. Vecoli, R. et al. (Eds.). (1995). Honduras. In Gale Encyclopedia of Multicultural America (Vol. 1, pp. 682-691). New York: Gale Research. World Bank. (2005, May 1). Honduras – Judicial Branch Modernization Project: Social Assessment and Access to Justice Issues of Indigenous and Garifuna Peoples of Honduras. Retrieved October 6, 2008, from http://www-wds.worldbank.org/external/default/WDSContentServer/WDSP/IB/2005/05/23/000011823_20050523172856/Rendered/PDF/IPP1290LCR1IPDP1P081516.pdf Youngblood-Coleman, Denise. (2007). Country Review: Honduras. Retrieved October 6, 2008, from http://www.countrywatch.com/cw_country.asp?vCOUNTRY=61

  21. Image Sources http://www.overseaspropertymall.com/wp-content/uploads/2007/09/roatan_island_honduras.jpg http://www.destination360.com/central-america/honduras/airlines-to-honduras.php http://www.honduras.com/vital-statistics/honduras-flag.gif http://www.destination360.com/central-america/honduras/honduras-tours.php http://www.bbc.co.uk/worldservice/specials/images/1535_City_Secrets3/4155329_tegucigalpa_honduras300.jpg http://www.condorjourneys-adventures.com/images/honduras_lagunawhaleshark.jpg http://www.laverdad.es/galerias/gente/media/miss-honduras-cubri-vestido-16.3.3228078822.jpg http://images.google.com/imgres?imgurl=http://www.laverdad.es/galerias/gente/media/miss-honduras-cubri-vestido-16.3.3228078822.jpg&imgrefurl=http://berufsakademie001.blogspot.com/2008/03/i-am-talking-about-honduras.html&usg=__CNl_Srn1RdYxn_Hq-swa0zryIAM=&h=600&w=402&sz=61&hl=en&start=132&tbnid=br-8BZyGbjkhBM:&tbnh=135&tbnw=90&prev=/images%3Fq%3Dhonduras%26start%3D120%26gbv%3D2%26ndsp%3D20%26hl%3Den%26sa%3DN http://www.schulemachtzukunft2007-029.de/garbage/52/528680/3510801.jpg http://farm4.static.flickr.com/3266/2375242642_dfd32efa3b.jpg?v=0 http://images.google.com/imgres?imgurl=http://www.panoramio.com/photos/original/5782067.jpg&imgrefurl=http://www.panoramio.com/photo/5782067&usg=__aiDKVvZrv9VFa-ICA2cIzU-teNA=&h=426&w=640&sz=50&hl=en&start=4&tbnid=NX1rY7o1aAKNKM:&tbnh=91&tbnw=137&prev=/images%3Fq%3Dhondura*%26gbv%3D2%26hl%3Den%26sa%3DG http://www.inasp.info/uploaded/images/Honduras-16-06-2008%20large.jpg http://experiencethis.mst.edu/images/Honduras20081.JPG http://www.transitionsabroad.com/listings/travel/articles/images/peterson-honduras-girl-cruz-alta.jpg http://siteresources.worldbank.org/INTLAC/Images/HondurasSchoolgirl.jpeg.jpg http://www.iadb.org/news/images/medium/Honduras.JPG http://z.about.com/d/gocentralamerica/1/0/0/G/-/-/Caribbean_Sailboat.JPG

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