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Vibration Training & Pain Management?. Involuntary near 100% recruitment of cells ( peak output ) . Bypasses... low fitness levels , injury and depression. Fatigue / Anaerobic note: necessary fatigue level reached in 60 seconds. Perceived exertion / very high .
Involuntary near 100% recruitment of cells ( peak output )
Bypasses... low fitness levels , injury and depression
Fatigue / Anaerobic note: necessary fatigue level reached in 60 seconds
Endocrine System Activation Endocrine glands which secrete chemicals known as hormones.Coordinating the activities of our body and its nervous system.Endocrine glands produce messengers that work between the nervous system and the organs of our body.
A full fight or flight experience happens in this order ( should not be confused with stress / repressed trauma )
The fight or flight response is activation of the sympathetic nervous system. This causes a system-wide response. Adrenaline and noradrenalin are released leading to increased alertness. Blood is diverted from the internal organs and the skin to skeletal muscles
20 seconds 20 seconds 20 seconds The first 20 sec... Alarm Phase... The first stage of the model is the alarm phase. This is where the fight or flight response is activated causing the organism’s ability to resist the stressor to increase.
20 seconds 20 seconds 20 seconds The next 20 sec... Resistance Phase... The body starts to adapt to the existence of a chronic stressor.
20 seconds 20 seconds 20 seconds The last 20 sec... The Exhaustion Phase In the exhaustion phase the body’s resources become depleted, and body systems start to deteriorate.
Now the important part of all this is in pain management is the combination of two things…
1. Relaxation Response This is the direct opposite of the fight or flight response.
The relaxation response works in opposition to the fight or flight response by decreasing heart rate, force of contraction, rate of respiration, and diverting blood away from skeletal muscles to the internal organs, therefore stimulating digestion.
2. Hormones released during exercise... e.g. http://www.liebertonline.com/doi/abs/10.1089/acm.2008.0050
Exact reasons why are unclear and further tests will need to be done, but it would be safe to at least assume for the time being that pain regulators/mediators such as Neurotrophin ( NGF ) and Serotonin are being produced during these intense burst of exercise working at inflammatory pain sites.
Being able to go from boredom phase to fatigue in 60 seconds allows for the same sense of achievement that completing any exercise format would. • Previous internally set limitations are broken. • Normally from day to day stress this graph is considered a negative beyond the distress stage. But when used in a combined physical and mental challenge simultaneously… exhaustion and achievement has a favorable psychological outcome.
Classic examples of a build up of physical and psychological stress caused by unresolved intense situations leading to delayed trauma such as.. • Physical sexual abuse • Physical injury and prolonged hospitalization • Forceful impact • Emotional trauma • Witnessing violence • Pre- and peri-natal distress, birth-related trauma
Symptoms of this kind of stress can be.... • Restlessness, obsessive thinking, or anxiety • Depression, drowsiness, or low energy • Reactivity with fear, guilt, or anger • Panic/anxiety attacks • Relationship and intimacy difficulties • Pains or disease with no apparent cause • Addictions
This tension is real and has physical manifestations. Vibration Training’s targeting of the involuntary reflex system and taking it through the complete experience on a cellular level allows this built up tension to be released. On an zoological level you have just had a fight and won. From our observation at the studio level, success can be the best cure.
Sex hormones levels, like testosterone and estrogen are effected by Vibration Training with studies showing an increase in Testosterone levels of 7% - 15%
Men taking female hormones often start to experience chronic pain. In a study of 54 men taking oestrogen and anti-androgens as treatment to become women, 30% reported developing pains, primarily chronic headaches, during their treatment.
In another study of women taking testosterone to become men, more than 50% found their aches and pains improved. It is theorized that testosterone dulls pain by muting the excitatory pain pathways in the central nervous system, while estrogen heightens pain by blocking the inhibitory mechanisms that damp pain sensing.
So at least in theory, Vibration Training may make the difference between mild and chronic pain.