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Join Tereza Lenhardová as she embarks on a bus trip to London, encountering a talkative elder guide, visiting a quaint seaside town, and exploring the bustling city of London. Experience the joys and challenges of travel while creating lasting memories on this unforgettable journey.
ENGLAND Tereza Lenhardová
Bus trip 8/11. about 12 a.m we set offtoward London. I lookedforward to itbecause I had thewholeone-weekstayahead. There had beennothingspecial to see in the bus untilanelderwomangot on. Shewasourextremelytalkativeguide. Shemanaged to talk, talkandtalkforthewholetwo-hourjourney to a sight. Probablyonehourlaterour bus tookevenonekindergartenclass…Anywaythejourneywas gong on andwewereslowlyapproachingthroughallthebordes, breaksandcontrolsthe La MancheTunnel.
family Thefamilywewerestayingatwasgreat. OurlandlordwascalledPatrickand his womanwasMaureen. Itwasanelderquietcouplewith a pair ofcats. Unfortunately I had not filled my allergy to catfur in theapplicationandsoeverybodycanprobablyimaginehow I looked. Fortunately my allergyreactionappeared in the last day, nearlybeforeourdeparture, in theformofrashes.
school Englishschoolwasverysimilartheoursalthoughwewereactuallyplayinggamesforallthethreedays. Ourteacherswerekindbutformethe most likeablewas a femaleteacherweused to haveeachfirstlesson. The most fascinatingthingofEnglisheducationwaswearingschooluniforms, ofcourse. Maybethisis not badbecauseeverybodywearsthesameclothesbut I would not wantthiscustom in theCzechRepublic.
BrightOn Brighton issure to b aninteresting city, butthestrongwindandcold are the most significantthings I remember. Despitethat I wasgazingat a beautifulseasidebeach.
Hastings As I am not a bigboatfan, I was a littlebored in Hastings. However I mustadmittheVictoryboatamazedme.
London? The most hecticplaceofthewholetripwasprobably London. Therewastoo much to seebuttoolittletime. A lot ofinterestingplaces had to beomittedbutwemanaged to seethe basic sightsatleast. I just regret a bit wemissedtheOutlet in London suburb.