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Formative Assessment. TEC 546 Juli Coats. Formative Assessment.
Formative Assessment TEC 546 Juli Coats
Formative Assessment • Many classrooms are using various methods to measure student learning. With the advent of technology becoming more and more specialized, technology is being utilized to assess what students have learned. It also assists to show students area of weakness. One assessment that teachers are using is the Formative Assessment. • Formative Assessment consists of various areas of assessment.
Formative Assessment • “Assessments of learning are important if we are to ascribe grades to students and provide accountability, (he) urges teachers to focus more on assessment for learning. These types of assessment — formative assessments — support learning during the learning process.” http://www2.scholastic.com/browse/article.jsp?id=3751398 • The formative assessment is a tool for accessing student proficiency. It uncovers their strengths and weaknesses and helps the teacher decide what to teach next. The cost of formative assessments can be little to nothing or high priced depending on what tool is being used to assess.
Formative Assessment • For a formative assessment to be successful. the teacher must make plans to modify instruction to accommodate all learners. This is where differentiation of instruction will become an important part of the teaching and learning process. Some students may be able to answer questions that others may not. • In differentiated classrooms everywhere, a resounding mantra is "Fair is not equal; fair is getting what you need." http://www2.scholastic.com/browse/article.jsp?id=3751398
Formative Assessment • The differentiating of instruction can be done with various types of formative assessments. Often times technology is used in formative assessments. Teachers and parents have indicated an improvement in student participation and achievement when using technology based formative assessments. • It is important to become familiar with the technology based assessment before jumping in with two feet. Both teacher and student need to understand what the assessment is asking.
Formative Assessment • One way to do this which has proven successful is to use the program Testmoz. “Testmoz is a simple service for creating and administering multiple choice tests online. Testmoz provides a unique url for the tests you create. Testmoz also provides a “pass code” that test takers have to enter. As the administrator of the tests you create you can quickly see who has taken your test and how many questions they answered correctly. “http://positivelypersistentteach.tumblr.com/post/1362586411/testmoz
Formative Assessments • The testmoz program is free. This is a nice benefit. Teachers can quickly produce a test without a whole lot of preparation by using this software. It does help with differentiation of instruction as well because the results are immediate and show the teacher where students are having difficulty. • To create a test you need to pick a password and you will be given a unique URL. Teachers will create a password that students need to put in the computer
Formative Assessment and the teacher will be able to track the student in regards to their progress with relative ease. The cost for using Testmoz is really nothing. Most websites will display that it is a free tool for assessment. It can easily be used for differentiation. During the test or quiz the students can be assessed and their progress measured almost instantaneously. The progress that each student is making is being recorded and analyzed through the use of Testmoz.
Formative Assessment • Testmoz is a flexible tool. It can cross many boundaries. It can be used with computer based information and also with web-based information. This tool has a lot of useful capabilities. • The teacher can record a wealth of data by using Testmoz. When the students are using the Testmoz they will almost always be producing data. Whether the questions are multiple choice, true false or fill in the blank, the teacher can teach the program to concentrate on areas that are revealing themselves as difficult.
Formative Assessment • When students have concluded their assessments the teacher can review their data from the formative assessment. • After the data has been reviewed the data will encourage the teacher to add some questions that the students had a difficult time answering correctly. • The students can then take another assessment on what was just learned and give the teacher more data to use to correct errors.
Formative Assessment • Students are being assessed on a regular basis. Their teachers are looking for the perfect assessment. They want to find one that covers all areas, does not need much explanation and does not take a long time to score. The testmoz does a great deal of this. It is a very helpful tool for enhancing the lesson. There are a wide variety of areas that this tool helps address.
References • http://positivelypersistentteach.tumblr.com/post/1362586411/testmoz • http://www2.scholastic.com/browse/article.jsp?id=3751398 • http://web.ebscohost.com.library.gcu.edu:2048/ehost/pdfviewer/pdfviewer?sid=84004917-ecd6-4414-9a1b-96bb88f153c4%40sessionmgr115&vid=22&hid=110 • http://positivelypersistentteach.tumblr.com/post/1362586411/testmoz