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Ecosystem WebQuest 4 th Grade Mrs. Jones. Introduction / Task / Process / Rubric / Conclusion. Introduction.
Ecosystem WebQuest 4th Grade Mrs. Jones Introduction / Task/ Process/ Rubric/ Conclusion
Introduction We have just finished discussing the various ecosystems. You have learned just how complex this world can be. Our own environment is very diverse. We live in the Deciduous Forest where you can find things such as deciduous trees, fertile soil, chipmunks, squirrels, frogs, spiders, mosquitoes, etc. We also live in a environment that has warm and cold seasons. We have discussed how plants and animals survive in the desert and in the arctic. Through this WebQuest, we will look more in depth into the various ecosystems. Page 1
Task You will be working in groups of 2-3 students researching an animal from a particular ecosystem. After you have chosen your animal you will then determine in which ecosystem it would best survive. In doing so you will learn a lot about your animal’s ecosystem and be able to answer the 5 Key Questions. 5 Key Questions Page 1
The Process You will be assigned a group Each person in your group will have a role: 3. Each group will be given an animal from the list below: * Kinkajou * John Dory * Jerboa * Meerkat * Ermine Page 1
You will use the animal links to find out which ecosystem your animal best survives in. Once you have determined which one best fits your animal, you will need to research that ecosystem using the websites provided. As you research, make sure that you are answering the 5 Key Questions. The recorder should be writing down this information. Once you have answered the questions and recorded all of your answers, you will create a book about your ecosystem.
Animal Websites Kinkajou John Dory Jerboa Meerkat Ermine
Other Websites: Biomes of the World Ecosystems Biomes and Ecosystems Biomes - Thinkquest Athropolis Arctic Library The Desert Biome What is a Prairie? Where are the Rainforests? World Map Biomes Blue Planet Biomes The Great Barrier Reef Experience
Assessment Click on the link below to view the grading guidelines for this project. Assessment Rubric Page 1 Conclusion During this Ecosystem WebQuest students will have learned about the location of many different ecosystems and different plants, and animals that live there as well as the various climates. They will have completed several different tasks that will enable them to build cooperative learning skills and gain organizational, research, and presentation abilities
The Ecosystem book • Cover Page • You will need to use the paper and ruler provided to you by your teacher. • You will need to set up your title page in landscape format • You will need to label your title page with your ecosystem name and the name of your group members. • You will need to outline your writing and make sure it is done neatly.
Page 1: Web • You will be using Kidspiration to create a web about your ecosystem. • The web will contain 4 components: Plants, Animals, Location, and Climate. • You will print out your web and add it to your book. • Click on the link below to see an example of what you will be creating. • Sample Web
Page 2: Location • Using the information you have found on the web, you will be charting the location of your ecosystem. • You will be given an outline of a world map. • You follow the directions at the bottom of the map. • Be sure to read carefully and follow ALL of the directions.
Page 3: Climate • You will be printing and filling in a climate chart that will have the following 3 categories: • Precipitation • Weather • Temperature * In each of these categories you will provide the information about your ecosystem.
Page 4: Plants • You are going to use your previous research to find five plants that live in your ecosystem • You are going to have to draw each plant in detail and then carefully label and color each of them
Page 5: Animals • You are going to have to use your previous research to find eight other animals that live in your ecosystem. (You cannot use your own animal) • You are going to have to draw these eight animals in detail and then carefully label and color each of them. • You are going to have to find two animals from each of the following animal categories: • Mammals • Birds • Insects • Reptile/ Amphibians
Page 6: “Who Am I?” Poem • You are going to work together to create a “Who Am I?” poem. The other students in the class will try to guess your animal is based on your clues. • The format for the poem is the following: • I am (name the color of your animal) • I am (describe the size of your animal) • I (describe how your animal moves. Ex: flies, slithers, runs • I eat ( name what your animal likes to eat) • I am special because (tell an interesting fact about your animal • I am a type of (name a classification Ex: bird, mammal, amphibian) • I like to (describe something special your animal does) • I live in the (where does your animal live)
Page 7: Animal Picture • Draw a detailed illustration of your animal (you cannot trace your animal) on the paper provided. • You must color your illustration neatly. • The background of your illustration must represent the ecosystem that your animal lives in. • Do not leave any white space on your illustration. • Your illustration must be and all pencil marks must be erased.
Page 8: Venn Diagram • You will be printing out and completing a Venn diagram • You will compare and contrast your ecosystem to the deciduous forest ecosystem. • Be sure to find as many similarities and differences between the two ecosystems as you can.
Page 9: Your Free Page! • On this final page you will be able to add any other interesting information that you have not already included in your book. • Put all of your pages in the correct order. • Use the construction paper provided to create a book jacket for your book. • Illustrate your book jacket. Be sure to include the title • Be creative and have fun!
5 Key Questions 1) What ecosystem does your animal live in? 2) Where is this ecosystem located? 3) What kinds of plants (flora) live there? 4) What kinds of animals (fauna) live there? 5) What is the climate like? Back to Webquest
Use Kidspiration 3 to create a web of your ecosystem. Use this sample web as a guide. Back to Webquest
Back to Webquest Neatly label the 7 continents and 4 major oceans. Lightly pencil in the location of your ecosystem. Color the land in green and the water in blue. Choose a third color to shade in your ecosystem location. Create a map key showing the colors you used.
Climate of your Ecosystem Back to Webquest
Names ______________________ Directions: Use this Venn diagram to compare and contrast the deciduous forest to your animals ecosystem. Back to Webquest ___________________ Deciduous Forest
Ecosystem Rubric Back to Webquest