Welcome • My name is Shyan Kenny, I am 18 years old and currently go to Fraser high school, and living in Fraser, Michigan. I am currently taking one A.P. class and planning on taking one next semester and have previously taken three A.P. classes and two accelerated. Currently I plan on going into the medical field as a pediatric hospice and plan on going to Wayne State University. I want to be a pediatric hospice to help kids with there last few days, months, or even hours. I want to make every kid feel as they are still a little kid not just another sickness.
About me • I am involve in Fraser 4 A's, Sync Crew, HOSA( Future Health Professional), Cheerleading, and NTHS (National Technical Honor Society). Each day is a new adventure, I devote a lot of time to the community, helping others, and helping my school. Fraser 4 A's has specially given me many opportunity to give back to my community. I got the chance to go out and clean up the side of then road, the also I went to a soup kitchen and helped organize their pantry and severed food. Then Sync crew gives me the chance to help out freshmen and show them around the school, and how to organize themselves to survive high school. Being involve in so many actives gives me so many opportunities and I am so lucky and i love every single moment of it. I get to be a leader to so many adults and young people every day and I feel like I am doing a great thing.
Who is my leader? • AsJohn Maxwell: “Leadership is influence – nothing more, nothing less.” • Therefore shouldn't’t I have many leaders. • Everyone who had helped me and influenced me in some way; teachers, parents, and coworkers