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Huisheng Xie, DVM PhD

Classical Acupuncture points in Dogs & Cats Top 77 points. Huisheng Xie, DVM PhD. Classical Point. What?. Acupuncture: History. Sun Yang Alias Bole Veterinarian Qinmugong period 659 B.C. to 621 B.C. Bole Zhen-jing. Bole’s Canon of Veterinary Acupuncture. Sun Yang 659 to 621 B.C.

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Huisheng Xie, DVM PhD

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  1. Classical Acupuncture points in Dogs & Cats Top 77 points Huisheng Xie, DVM PhD

  2. Classical Point • What?

  3. Acupuncture: History Sun Yang Alias Bole Veterinarian Qinmugong period 659 B.C. to 621 B.C. Bole Zhen-jing

  4. Bole’s Canon of Veterinary Acupuncture • Sun Yang • 659 to 621 B.C. • Bole Zhenjing

  5. Acupuncture: History Yuan-Heng’s Therapeutic Treatise of Horses • 1608 • Benyuan Yu • Benheng Yu • Veterinarian • Ming Dynasty • 1368 to 1644 Yuan Heng Liao Ma Ji

  6. Canine Classical Point • No meridian lines. Only location of points. • Its own points • Liu-feng • From horses • Bai-hui • From cattle • Shan Gen (mountain base) • From pigs • An-shen • From lab animal studies (rats, mice) • Transpositional from people to rats/mice • From rats/mice to dogs/cats: ST-36, GB-34

  7. Canine Classical Point: Why • Simply it works.

  8. Head regions: 23 points Trunks: 26 points Limbs: 28 points

  9. Head and Neck (HN) region • 23 points (#1 to #23)

  10. Head and Neck (HN) region (#01 to #23) GV-17 Xie-01 01 Tian-men Gate of Heaven Tian-men LO: on the dorsal midline b/t the caudal rim of the 2 ear base ME: Perpendicular insertion 0.3 cun IN: epilepsy, seizure, loss of voice, dizzy Ref: Crossing (Jiao-hui) pt b/w GV & BL 02 Da-feng-men Great Wind Gate, GV-21, Xie-02 LO: on the dorsal midline b/t the cranial rim of the 2 ear base ME: Horizontal insertion toward GV-17 (sedation) or GV-24 (tonification) for 0.5-1 cun IN: Internal wind: epilepsy, seizure, tremor headache, vertigo, nasal congestion/discharge calming down point

  11. Xie-04 03 Long-hui Meeting of dragons Long-hui LO: on the midpoint b/t the two temporal fossae. ME: Perpendicular insertion 0.3 cun IN: epilepsy, seizure, nasal congestion Ref: Yin-tang in people Tai-yang 04 Tai-yang Great Yang LO: In the depression about 1 cun posterior to the lateral canthus. ME: Perpendicular insertion 0.5 to 1 cun IN: Facial paralysis, headache, conjunctivitis or other acute eye problems

  12. Xie-05 05 Shan-gen Mountain base LO: on the dorsal midline of boundary b/t hairy & non-hairy areas ME: Perpendicular insertion 0.3 cun IN: Loss of appetite, sinusitis, coma, shock, wind-cold, wind-heat Ref: Transposition from bovine points Shan-gen GV-26 06 Ren-zhong/Shui-gou the center of man/water passage, Xie-07, GV-26 LO: At the intersection b/t dorsal and middle 1/3 of the philtrum ME: Perpendicular insertion for 0.3 cun IN: Coma, shock, fever, bronchitis, Lung Heat, facial paralysis Ref: Crossing pt b/t GV, LI, ST.

  13. BL-1 07 Jing-ming Brighten eye Xie-10 BL-1 LO: At the medial canthus b/t the upper and lower eyelid ME: Push the eyeball laterally and perpendicular insertion 0.1 cun Not twisting the needle Contraindication of moxa IN: Conjunctivitis, keratitis, liver heat or other acute eye problems Ref: Crossing pt among 5 channels (SI, BL, ST, yin-qiao, Yang-qiao) ST-1 San-jiang 08 Cheng-qi, Receiving Tears Yu-04, ST-1 LO: In the midpoint of lower eyelid ME: Perpendicular insertion for 0.3 cun; Do not twist the needle after needling; Contraindication of moxa IN: Ocular discharge, abnormal tears, Uveitis, KCS, facial paralysis Ref: Crossing pt b/t BL-, Yang-qiao and CV.

  14. 09 San-jiang, Three rivers Yu-05 from equine BL-1 LO: On angular vein. 1 cun below medial canthus ME: Dry needling or hemo-acupuncture IN: Uveitis, KCS, constipation, abdominal pain. ST-1 San-jiang 10 Ying-Xiang receive fragrance, Xie-08, LI-20 LO: In the nasal labial groove, at the level of the midpoint of the lateral border of the ala nasi ME: Oblique insertion for 0.3 cun; Contraindication of moxa IN: Nasal congestion, facial paralysis Ref: Crossing pt b/t ST and LI.

  15. 12 Nao-shu, brain association point Nao-shu LO: In the upper 1/3 between the cranial medial aspect of ear base and GB-1. ME: Perpendicular insertion for 0.3 cun IN: Seizure, shen disturbance Bi-tong 11 Bi-tong, nose passing LO: In the midpoint between LI-20 and BL-1. ME: Perpendicular insertion for 0.3 cun IN: Nasal congestion, sinusitis, facial paralysis

  16. 13 Feng-chi Wind Pond, Xie-23, GB-20 LO: In the depression rostral and medial to the cranial edge of the wings of the atlas in a depression below the occipital bones and medial to the jugular process. GB-20 TH17 14 Yi-feng Wind Screen, Xie-22, TH-17 LO: Ventral to the ear in the depression between the mandible and the mastoid process Transpositionally from swine acupoints 15 An-shen Pacify Shen LO: Halfway b/t GB-20 and TH-17 caudal to the ear base IN: External Wind, Internal Wind, seizure, Calming down shen cervical stiffness, headache, nose-bleeding, nasal discharge/congestion, facial paralysis, swelling in the face, otitis, deafness,

  17. 16 Shang-guan, upper joint, YU-7, GB-3 LO:In the depression caudal end of temporomandibular joint. Ref: Crossing point between GB and ST. 17 Xia-guan, lower joint, YU-8, ST-7 LO: In the depression caudal to masserter, cranial to temporomandibular joint. Ref: Crossing point between ST and GB. 18 Bao-sai Embrace mandible from equine LO: Intersection of line from medial canthus to mandible angle and extension of anguli oris IN: Dental pain, mandible pain, facial paralysis Headache, head-shaking

  18. 19 Er-jian Ear Tip Xie-24 LO: On the convex surface of the ear at the auricular vein on the tip of ear ME: Dry needling or hemo-acupuncture IN: abdominal pain, fever, wind-heat, heat 20 Cheng-jiang Receiving saliva CV-24 LO: Midline 1 cun to rim of lower lip ME: Perpendicular insertion 0.3 to 0.5 cun IN: excessive salivation, cold-damp, facial paralysis Ref: Crossing point between CV and ST; Transpositional from equine.

  19. 21 Hua-tuo-jia-ji at cervical region LO: 0.5 dorsal to cervical vertebrae IN: cervical stiffness, wobbler’s disease 22. Jian-wei, strengthen stomach LO: Upper 1/3 of the jugular group, Between vein and cervical vertebra IN: Anoraxia, vomit, stomach disorders 23 Lian-quan CV-23 LO: At the ventral midline just cranial to throat. IN: excessive salivation, laryngeal hemiplegia Ref: Crossing point between CV and Yin Wei

  20. Trunk and Tail (TT) region • 26 points (#24To #49)

  21. Trunk and Tail (TT) region 24 Da-zhuiGreat vertebrae Xie-26, GV-14 LO: In the dorsal midline b/t C7 & T1 IN: Fever, cervical neuralgia, asthma, cough, seizure, skin itching immune deficiency, IVDD Ref: Recent studies indicated the stimulation at GV-14, LI-4 & ST-36 increased WBC in cancer patient with chemo/radio-therapy 25 Ding-chuan stop cough/asthma 26 Tian-tu Celestial Chimney LO: In the depression 0.5 cun lateral to GV-14 LO: On the ventral midline at the tip of the manubrium IN: Cough, asthma, dyspnea, sore throat, thyroid problem, diaphragm spasm, chest pain.

  22. 27. Shen-zhu, Body Post, GV-12, Xie-28 LO: In the dorsal midline b/t T3 and T4 ME: Perpendicular insertion 0.5-1.5 cun IN: Lung disorder, Heart disorders, cough, asthma, IVDD, Shen disturbance 28 Ling-tai GV-10, Xie-30 LO: In the dorsal midline b/t T6 and T7 ME: Perpendicular insertion 0.3 to 0.5 cun IN: Liver problems, lung problems, stomach problem

  23. 29 Ji-zhong spine center, GV-6, Xie-34 LO: In the dorsal midline b/t T11 &T12 ME: Perpendicular insertion 0.3 to 0.5 cun IN: IVDD, Spleen and Stomach disorders 30 Tian-ping, scale Xie-35 Transpositionally from swine acupoints. LO: In the dorsal midline b/t T13 and L1 ME: Perpendicular insertion 0.3 to 0.5 cun IN: internal hemorrhage (hematuria, hemafecia) prevention for castration/spayed bleeding

  24. GV-4 GV-3 31 Ming-meng Life Gate Xie-37 GV-4 LO: In the dorsal midline b/t L2 & L3 ME: Perpendicular insertion 0.5 cun IN: renal failure, diarrhea due to Yang Deficiency Lumbar pain, IVDD 32 Yao-yang-guan, Lumbar yang gate, Xie-38 GV-3 LO: In the dorsal midline b/t L4 and L5 ME: Perpendicular insertion 0.3 to 0.5 cun IN: Lumbar-sacral IVDD, hindlimb weakness/paresis/paralysis

  25. Xie-40 33 Bai-huihundred meeting LO: In the dorsal midline b/t L7 & S1 34 Shen-shu-EKidney association point, BL-26, xie-62 LO: 1.5 cun lateral to Bai-hui 35 Shen-pengKidney shelf LO: 1.5 cun cranial to Shen-shu IN: yang deficiency, lumbar-sacral pain IVDD, renal failure diarrhea, constipation hindlimb weakness/paresis/paralysis ischiadic neuralgia

  26. Bai-hui 36 Yan-chi Wing of ilium LO: Midpoint between Shen-peng and tuber coxae ME: Perpendicular insertion 1 to 1.5 cun IN: Infertility, Kidney Qi/yang deficiency Wei-jie 37 Wei-jieTail-vertebrae Xie-42 LO: In the dorsal midline b/t Cd1 and Cd2 ME: Perpendicular insertion 0.1 to 0.3 cun IN: Paralysis of tail, hindlimb weakness/paresis/paralysis

  27. 38 Hou-haiback sea Xie-47 GV-1 LO: In the depression b/t the anus and ventral tail base ME: Perpendicular insertion 0.5-1.0 cun IN: Diarrhea, constipation, anus problem, paralysis of rectum prolapse of rectum, seizure, infertility Ref: Crossing pt among GV, GB and KID GV Luo-connecting to CV 39. Wei-jian Tail tip,, GV-1b Xie-44 LO: At the tip of tail ME: Perpendicular insertion 0.1 to 0.3 cun IN: Paralysis of tail, hindlimb weakness paresis/paralysis

  28. 40 Hua-tuo-jia-ji LO: 0.5 cun lateral to each vertebrae fom T-1 to L-7 IN: IVDD, back pain 41 Si-liaoFour points Xie-45 LO: A group of 4 acupoints. 0.5 cun lateral to the sacrum. The cranial pt is at the first dorsal sacral foramina The Caudal pt is at the second dorsal sacral foramina The remaining 2 points are equidistantly located b/t the cranial and caudal points. IN: Lumbar-sacral pain, neuralgia, hindlimb weakness/paresis infertility, metritis, ovaritis Ref: It’s called Er-yan (Two holes) in some reference if only cranial and caudal points are used. It’s called Ba-jiao (Eight points) because there are 8 points (4 points each side).

  29. Precious, 9 YR Castrated cat Shaking the rear leg Stiff and limping At the rear limbs UTI Urinary incontinence Shen:good Stinking smell from body Herbal: solitary hermit

  30. 42 Guan-yuan-shu Gate of primary Qi, Xie-57, BL-21 BL-21 LO: In the longissimus muscle groove, caudal to the last rib and cranial to to the tip of transverse process of L1 ME: Perpendicular insertion 0.5 cun IN: Diarrhea, loss of appetite, indigestion nausea and vomiting, abdominal pain general weakness GV-4 BL-23 43 Shen-shu Kid asso Xie-59 BL-23 LO: Caudal to the tip of the L2 transverse process, in the longissimus muscle groove ME: Perpendicular insertion 0.5 cun IN: Kidney qi or yin deficiency, renal failure, deafness, urinary incontinence, edema, back pain

  31. Trixie, 18 yr s/f cat Flake and dry skin R rear leg amputated after Car accident/surgery/mass Owned since kitty when The owner was 14 yrs All rest 5 cats and 3 dogs Respect Trixie Aloof but the leader Personality: metal Geriatric health check Longevity purpose

  32. 44 Ju-que CV-14 Xie-80 6th rib CV-16 Xiphoid LO: On the ventral midline, at the midpoint b/t CV-12 and xiphoid process. ME: Horizontal insertion 0.3 cun IN: chest pain, vomiting, seizure Ref: Heart alarming pt CV-14 CV-12 CV-8 LO: Midpoint b/t CV-8 and the xiphoid process ME: Perpendicular insertion 0.3 cun IN: stomachache, vomiting, food stasis, abdominal distension, diarrhea Ref: Stomach alarm point, Influential point for fu organs. Crossing point b/t CV, SI, TH, ST. 45 Zhong-wan Center abdomen CV-12, Xie-81

  33. 6th rib 46 Shen-queCV-8, xie-82 LO: At the center of umbilicus ME: Moxibustion or acupressure IN: IBD, fatigue Ref: Contraindicated with needling CV-8 47 Tian-shu Celestial CenterST-25, xie-86 LO: 2 cun lateral to umbilicus ME: Aquapuncture IN: Front-Mu (Alarm) point for LI. Constipation, diarrhea, abdominal pain, vomiting

  34. 48 Qi-hai, the Sea of Qi, Xie-83 CV-6 6th rib LO: At the midpoint b/t CV-8 and CV-4 IN: General weakness, diarrhea, constipation urinary incontinence Qi deficiency patterns in geriatric patients Ref: General Qi tonification similar to ST-36 CV-8 CV-7 CV-6 CV-5 CV-4 CV-3 CV-2 49 Guan-yuan, control source, Xie-84 CV-4 LO: on the ventral midline at the the lower 2/5 b/t CV-8 and pubic tubercle IN: Urinary incontinence, renal failure, general weakness, kid yang or qi deficiency Ref: SI alarm point, crossing pt b/t CV & 6 yin channels, general tonification

  35. Four Limbs (FL) region • Front limb: 17 points (#50 to 66) • Hindlimb: 11 points (#67 to #77)

  36. 50. Bo-jian, Scapula tip from equine LO: Just cranial to the cranial angle of the scapula 51. Bo-lan, Scapula Post xie-87 Just caudal to the caudal angle of the scapula 52. Fei-men, Lung Gate from equine LO: 1/3 cranial border of scapula 53. Fei-pan, Lung Hugging from equine LO: 1/3 caudal border of scapula 54. Bo Zhong, Scapula Center, GB-21 LO: ½ cranial border of the scapula In: shoulder problems front limb lameness lung diseases cough or asthma nasal congestion bone steaming (disc infections) paralysis of suprascapular N.

  37. 55. Jian-jing shoulder well, Xie-88, LI-15 LO: At the shoulder point, ventrocranial to the acromion process. 56. Jian-yu shoulder clavicle, Xie-89, LI-14 LO: In the depression cranial and ventral to the greater tubercle of humerus 57. Jian-wu-yu shoulder lateral clavicle, Xie-90, TH-14 LO: In the depression caudal to the greater tubercle of the humerus. In: Shoulder pain cervical stiffness front limb lameness

  38. 58. Qiang-feng Robbing wind, Xie-91, SI-9 Caudal to humerus, in a large depression along the caudal border of the Deltoid muscle at its juncture with the lateral and the long heads of the triceps brachii 59. Jian-zhen Steadfast shoulder from equine 1.5 cun cranial and dorsal to SI-9 (Qiang-feng). 60. Tian-zong, Heaven ancestor from equine 1.5 cun dorsal to SI-9 (Qiang-feng). 61. Chong-Tian, penetrating heaven from equine 1.5 cun dorsocaudal to SI-9 (Qiang-feng). In: shoulder problems Ear problems arthritis, nerve paralysis front limb lameness Ref: Major pts for the front limb lameness and soft tissue injuries

  39. 62. Zhou-shu, Elbow asso point, Xie-93 LO: B/t the lateral tuberosity of the humerus & the anconal process of the ulna In: elbow problems arthritis nerve paralysis front limb lameness 63. Qian-san-li, Front three miles Xie-95, LI-10 LO: At the upper 1/6 of the forearm, in the muscle groove b/t extensor carpi radialis & extensor digi communis In: Abdominal pain, diarrhea Gingivitis/stomatitis arthritis, nerve paralysis front limb lameness Ref: substitute for ST-36

  40. 64. Nei-guan, Medial Pass, Xie-109, PC-6 3 cun above the transverse crease of the carpus located on the opposite side of the arm from TH-5. The point is located more medially in animals than it is in human beings, although both are located in the center of the palmar side of the arm. In: cardiovascular disorders, chest pain, vomiting/nausea epilepsy/seizure/internal wind, insomnia/Shen disturbance Vestibular disease/head tilt, migraine, vertigo/dizziness Ref: Luo-connecting pt with TH, crossing pt with Yin-wei Clinical study: EA at PC-6/LI-4/ST-36 significantly decreased the serum amylase in the patients of acute pancreatitis.

  41. 65. Wai-guan #99 Lateral Pass, Xie-99, H-5 LO: 3 cun above the carpus on the craniolateral aspect of the foreleg in the interosseous space between the radius and ulna. This point is directly opposite PC-6 on the ventromedial aspect of the foreleg (which is the best way to find PC-6). In: fever, headache, red/swollen eyes, deafness, soreness at the flank, arthritis, nerve paralysis, front limb lameness Ref: Luo-connecting pt with PC, crossing pt with Yang-wei 66. He-gu, Union Valley, Xie-113, LI-4 Between the 2nd and 3rd metacarpal bones approximately in the middle of the 3rd metacarpal bone on the radial side

  42. 67. Jian-jiao, Coxa Angle Xie-124 LO: At the depression ventral to the horizontal top of the sacral tuber of the ilium Bai-hui 68. Ba-Shan Attachment to Mountain, Xie-125 LO: At the midpoint b/t Bai-hui & the sciatic tuber IN: Hip problems, hip dysplasia Back pain, hindlimb lameness Paresis/paralysis Major points for the hip and hindlimbs

  43. 69. Huan-tiao, Ring Craniad, Xie-127 LO: At the depression proximal to the cranial border of the greater trochanter of femur 70. Huan-zhong, Ring middle, Xie-128 LO: At the depression proximal to the dorsal border of the greater trochanter of femur 71. Huan-hou, Ring caudad, Xie-129 LO: At the depression proximal to the caudal border of the greater trochanter of femur IN: Hip problems, hip dysplasia Major point for the hip joints

  44. 72. Xi-ao, Knee Curve Xie-136, ST-35b LO: In the depression below the patella and medial to the patellar ligament is a point also referred to as “the medial eye of the knee” or Nei Xi Yan. Together with ST-35, the two points are referred to as Xi Yan. 73. Du-bi, Calf’s Nose, ST-35a LO: In the depression below the patella and lateral to the patellar ligament. Also referred to as “lateral eye of the knee” or Wei Xi Yan. IN: Stifle arthritis, bi syndrome ligament problems Rear weakness

  45. 74. Hou-san-li, Rear 3 miles, Xie-140, ST-36 LO: 3 cun below ST-35a, one finger-width from the cranial crest of the tibia in the belly of the cranial tibial muscle. This is a long linear point. 75. Yang-ling-quan, Yang Tomb Spring , Xie-139, GB-34 IN: Arthritis, bi syndrome ligament problems Rear weakness/lameness paresis/paralysis General pain relief LO: In the depression anterior and distal to the head of the fibula on the lateral side of the rear leg.

  46. 76. LIV-3, Tai Chong, Supreme Surge, Xie-155, LIV-3 LO: On the medial aspect of the second toe proximal to the metatarsophalangeal joint. IN: Shu-stream point (earth), Yuan-primary (Source) point. Liver Qi Stagnation, abnormal cycle, paralysis of hindlimb. 77. Liu-feng, Six Raphes LO: At the skin fold on the dorsal of the metatarsal joints. 3 points at each foot (total: 6 points at the rear limb) In: Paralysis/paresis Ref: Can be applied for the front limbs Liu Feng

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