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NOBEL WP2.1 Meeting Munich, 3.12.2004

NOBEL WP2.1 Meeting Munich, 3.12.2004. Achim Autenrieth Siemens AG. Agenda. 9:30 – 9:45 Introduction & Agenda bashing 9:45 - 11:00 Presentation of partners on current work and work planned in Year 2 11:00 - 11:30 Coffee break

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NOBEL WP2.1 Meeting Munich, 3.12.2004

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  1. NOBEL WP2.1 Meeting Munich, 3.12.2004 Achim Autenrieth Siemens AG NOBEL WP2.1 Meeting, Munich,3December 2004

  2. Agenda 9:30 – 9:45 Introduction & Agenda bashing 9:45 - 11:00 Presentation of partners on current work and work planned in Year 2 11:00 - 11:30 Coffee break 11:30 - 13:00 Presentation of partners on current work and work planned in Year 2 (cont'd) 13:00 - 14:00 Lunch break 14:00 - 15:30 Definition of Study Groups (or Sub-Activities) 15:30 - 16:00 Coffee break 16:00 - 16:45 Definition of joint work in Year 2 (Case studies, simulation tools, ...) if possible /needed , this could be split in two separate tracks 16:45 - 17:00 Summary of Results, definition of Deadlines and Action Points + a.o.b NOBEL WP2.1 Meeting, Munich,3December 2004

  3. Partners/Participants/Presentations • Telenor (Håkon Lønsethagen)  • IMEC (Didier Colle, Leen Depré) • Politecnico of Milano (Filippo Renga)  • Siemens (Achim Autenrieth, Andreas Iselt) • T-Systems (Ralf Hülsermann) • UPC (Salvatore Spadaro) • AGH (Krzysztof Wajda) • Telecom Italia LAB (Giuseppe Ferraris), • BUTE (Tibor Cinkler, János Tapolcai) • Marconi (Marc Barry) remote: • FT (Benoit Lemoine) • ACIT (Nicolas Le Sauze) • TID (Maria L. Garcia) NOBEL WP2.1 Meeting, Munich,3December 2004

  4. Activity Meeting • Goals • Each Partner gives a short presentation of intended studies and simulations (max. 10-15 minutes, max 6 slides) • Study Topics: Layer(s), Network Model, Recovery mechanisms, MS/ML/MD, … • Type of studies: theoretical studies / simulations • Used tools, input parameters, output parameters, expected results • Definition of Study Groups • focused on on specific study topic • max 3 to 5 partners per study group • limited number of study groups per partner (max 2 or 3) • Definition of planned work for year 2 • Definition / Revision of D27 ToC NOBEL WP2.1 Meeting, Munich,3December 2004

  5. Overview of Topics • Overview of Resilience Mechanisms and Advanced Resilience Topics (e.g. MPLS FRR, RPR, ASTN shared rest.) • Quality of Resilience • MultiService Resilience (MS) • MultiLayer Resilience (ML) • MultiDomain and Multiprovider Resilience (MD,MP) • Combinations (MS-ML, MS-MD, ML-MD, MS-ML-MD) • … • Case Studies and Results • Reference Network & Network Model (e.g. from COST) • Description of Case Studies • Discussion of Results NOBEL WP2.1 Meeting, Munich,3December 2004

  6. Stucture of Work in A2.1 for D27 • D27: Main part of deliverable: Description of innovative Results of case studies on MMM TE and Resilience • Annex: Internal reports with description of case studies, prepared/submitted/accepted publications in journals / conferences / workshops • Technical Approach • Start work on different topics in small groups (task forces) • Perform joint theoretical studies and simulation case studies • Prepare joint publications and (more detailed) internal reports • Paste publications / internal documents to annex of D27 • Prepare integrated document which highlights main innovations, results and NOBEL resilience guidelines with references to detailed case studies in annex (M20 - M22) NOBEL WP2.1 Meeting, Munich,3December 2004

  7. Open questions • Who is working on different topics(General, MS, ML, MD, MS-ML, MS-MD, ML-MD, MS-ML-MD) • joint case studies? study groups? • Simulation studies • Which simulation tools (one per partner? parsers between file formats) • Which network model (Overlay, Peer, Augmented) • depends on case study • Which reference networks (NOBEL WP1, COST 239, COST 266, NoE ePhoton/ONe) • setup of a set of reference networks • Which traffic model (static, dynamic, parameters) • … NOBEL WP2.1 Meeting, Munich,3December 2004

  8. Next steps • Partners in each SG agree on studied concepts, reference networks, network models, traffic models, simulation tools, etc. (Dec. 04 / Jan. 05) • Each Study Group prepares a short internal document / presentation describing their concepts and intended case studies (2 to 5 pages / slides) (Jan. 05) • SG perform their studies and evaluate the concepts (Feb. to Jul. 05) • Goal of each SG should be joint publication(s) to a journal or conference (e.g. DRCN 2005) (May to Aug. 05) • Results of case studies, internal documents and publications are prepared until Aug. 05 and added to Annex of D27 • Key results and general guidelines derived from the case studies are presented in main part of deliverable (Sep./Oct. 05) NOBEL WP2.1 Meeting, Munich,3December 2004

  9. Task: Definition of Study Groups • Starting point: • structure as defined in draft D27 ToC • Open questions: • Is the structure sufficient? • Are some sections unbalanced and should they be split? • Are some topics not or not well covered by the structure? NOBEL WP2.1 Meeting, Munich,3December 2004

  10. Action Points NOBEL WP2.1 Meeting, Munich,3December 2004

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