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HIV/AIDS: An Unprecedented Development Crisis. One of the biggest obstacles to achieving MDGs – UNGASS 2001 Strikes at the core of development Reverses human development gains Kills people in their most productive years Erodes government capacity to provide services
HIV/AIDS: An Unprecedented Development Crisis • One of the biggest obstacles to achieving MDGs – UNGASS 2001 • Strikes at the core of development • Reverses human development gains • Kills people in their most productive years • Erodes government capacity to provide services • Deepens gender inequalities • Erodes social cohesion
Strengthen the AIDS Response • Response must address key drivers and structural factors of the HIV epidemic • How? • By strengthening the core processes which determine development
Strengthen the Core Development Processes Mainstreaming HIV/AIDS into: • PRSPs, national development planning and instruments • Sectoral planning and local government planning • Macro-economic frameworks • Ensure enabling macro-economic policies for financing HIV/AIDS response • Ensure full costing and budgeting of HIV/AIDS response in MTEFs
Joint Programme on building capacity for mainstreaming HIV/AIDS into PRSPs • Implements one of the Global Task Team recommendations: • Strengthen national ownership and empower leadership by making resources and technical support available to countries • Follows agreed division of labor among UN agencies: • UNDP is the lead agency and it manages the Joint Programme with contributions from UNAIDS and WB • The WB (World Bank Institute) organizes the regional training for the participating countries. But content is prepared jointly by the three partners • Implementation of Country Follow-up Activities is funded and managed by UNDP, but partners can also contribute funding • Initiative and activities are demand-driven and country-owned
Joint PRSP ProgrammeUNDP/WB/UNAIDS • Round 1 countries: • Ethiopia, Ghana, Senegal, Mali, Rwanda, Tanzania (Zanzibar), Zambia • Round 2 countries: • Madagascar, Mozambique, Kenya, Burkina Faso, Burundi, Malawi, Uganda • Round 3 countries (invited but not yet confirmed): • Albania, Armenia, Benin, Cameroon, Cote d’Ivoire, Gambia, Grenada, Guinea, Haiti, Kyrgyzstan, Liberia, Nepal, Niger, Nigeria and Tajikistan,
Impact of Joint Programme Overall: provides an organising framework for national and sub-national authorities to link together on-going processes that strengthen the national AIDS response • Strengthened alignment between national strategic plan and PRSP, including indicators for HIV/AIDS • Enhanced capacity and role of NAC in leading and supporting HIV/AIDS mainstreaming • Establishment of COP in 14 countries supported by an electronic mailgroup of 169 members from government and civil society • Enhanced participation of stakeholders in coordinating and planning for implementation • Enhanced coordination of donor support and reporting
Joint UNAIDS support servicesASAP and PRSP • UNDP chairs ASAP Technical Advisory Committee on training and capacity building • ASAP assisting 13 countries: • Assessment tools, costing model, guidelines and training curricula developed, regional trainings initiated (1st Mexico June 2007) • PRSP initiative: • Underway in 14 countries (group 1 and 2). Includes implementation of country follow-up activities in these countries. • Other group now being invited for Nov/Dec 2007 workshop. • Joint PRSP Programme provided entry point for joint ASAP and PRSP missions in Burundi and Madagascar (June 2006) • Madagascar ‘success story’: showed the synergy generated by joint mission (UNAIDS/WB/UNDP from headquarters and country offices)
Areas of Intervention and Results- Key Stages 1. Launching the process • Involvement of stakeholders helps to focus on HIV and poverty, in cases where NGOs are leading process (Senegal) - National planning commission and ministries of finance leverage to mobilise sectors and avoid split between ‘core’ response by NAC funded by AIDS donors, and a ‘multisectoral’ response funded by government 2. Assessment of HIV/AIDS situation and response - technical assistance for review of existing and data for poverty analysis (Zambia); HIV/AIDS impact analysis in education and tourism sectors (Zanzibar) 3. Strengthening institutional planning capacity • stakeholder workshop and sector-specific training sessions on mainstreaming HIV into sectors, organised by Ministry and Finance and Economic Development (Rwanda) 4. Preparation of draft strategy (priorities, programmes, target groups, changes in policy and legislation) - Thematic HIV and AIDS group formed under Ministry of Finance to support mainstreaming in PRSP, including NAC secretariat. Mainstreaming methodology adopted by other Thematic Groups (gender, energy, transport and environment- Senegal)
Areas of Intervention and Results (2) 5. Cost of strategy and resource mobilisation - support in developing alternative costing/budgeting scenarios for integrating HIV in PRSP (Zambia) 6. National validation of draft strategy - HIV/AIDS Thematic Group supported the social protection cluster in costing the HIV and AIDS component of the PRSP during validation (Senegal July 2006) 7. Preparation of draft operational plan (activities, targets, indicators) 8. Institutional framework- implementation and policy reform (budgeting) - video exchange between Rwanda and Tanzania on integrating HIV in sector budgets and tracking of HIV expenditures in budget. Tanzania learned from Rwanda on increasing participation and decentralisation processes from Rwanda 9. Integrate with PRSP - Joint Programme supported a meeting of the National HIV and AIDS Partnership Forum, organised by the NAC in January 2007 to review progress on mainstreaming HIV/AIDS. NPF consists of 15 national umbrella organisations and partners, providing coordination and monitoring support for HIV and AIDS activities, including the National Strategic Plan (Rwanda) 10. M&E – measures outcome/input indicators
but….. Backed by effective Governance of the national AIDS response • Effective governance of strategic responses to the HIV/AIDS epidemic ensures that management of national and international resources supports a cohesive partnership between the state, private sector and civil society. • Development of strategic plans and mainstreaming into development frameworks is only the first step, real challenge is ensuring effective implementation for real impact
AIDS STRATEGY AND ACTION PLAN (ASAP) • ASAP governance • UNAIDS advisory group (main partners in UNAIDS) to provide guidance to ASAP operations (including TOR for external assistance of ASAP) • ASAP training advisory committee • Demand driven process • Requests from countries or UNAIDS Country Coordinators, RSTs, etc. • Services are provided on behalf of UNAIDS and are undertaken in consultation with the UNAIDS secretariat, the UNAIDS Regional Support Teams (RSTs) and Country Coordinators • Technical assistance includes: • Organization of peer reviews of draft national AIDS strategies • Provision of technical and financial support to assist countries strengthen their strategic response to HIV • Development and sharing of tools to assist countries in their strategic planning • Capacity building for policy makers and practitioners in strategic planning (training and workshops) • For more information: www.worldbank.org/asap