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Requirements. Analysis. Specification. Require- ments. Planning. Design. Coding. Testing. Installation. Operation and Maintenance. Contents. Introduction Requirements Engineering Project Management Software Design Detailed Design and Coding Quality Assurance.

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  1. Requirements Analysis Specification Require- ments Planning Design Coding Testing Installation Operation and Maintenance Contents • Introduction • Requirements Engineering • Project Management • Software Design • Detailed Design and Coding • Quality Assurance bella@cs.umu.se

  2. Detailed Design Activities Give sufficient information, so that the implementation teams can do a good job. • Choose specific data structures and algorithms • Refine the components from architectural design • Define HOW • Comments are NOT enough: procedure replaceText( var text: TextFile; oldWords, newWords: WordList); (* Replace in the text text all occurrences of the i-th word in oldWords by *) (* the i-th word in newWords; oldWords and newWords must have the same *) (* length *) bella@cs.umu.se

  3. Open Questions • What are the word delimiters? • blank, EOL, EOF, TAB • `.´, `,´, `;´, `:´, ...`_´, `&´, ... • Is the matching case sensitive? • Must replacements have the same length? • How to solve conflicts? • Several different replacements for the same old word • Some words in newWords appear also in oldWords • Assume the following: text: ... ABC ...;oldWords: AB, BC; newWords: X, Y alternative1: ... XC ... alternative2: ... AY ... bella@cs.umu.se

  4. Approaches to Detailed Design • Informal • Structured English • Semi-formal • Program Design Languages (PDLs) • Diagrammatical techniques • Formal • Formal Specifications (e.g. Z, VDM, ...) • Pre-/postconditions & invariants (sometimes called programming by contracting) bella@cs.umu.se

  5. Programming by Contracting Clients and servers of services “sign” contracts, i.e. servers guarantee the effects of their services offered, if and only if clients use these services correctly. function getPosition( a: array of Element; el: Element) returninteger; (* Returns the relative position of el in a *) precondition i  [a`First..a`Last]: a[i] = el (* such an element exists *) postcondition a[getPosition( a, el)] = el and a = a.old (* getPosition really returns the position of el in a and a is unchanged *) You could even specify that the array must be sorted in ascending order to allow for a faster algorithm by adding the following to the precondition: and  i,j  [a`First..a`Last]: i < j  a[i] < a[j] bella@cs.umu.se

  6. Implementation • Transform the detailed design into concrete programming language code • Ensure that this code correctly implements the detailed design OOPS! Many modern programming languages contain detailed design elements, e.g. Eiffel bella@cs.umu.se

  7. Programming Style ... • Remember that programs are for people to read • Always choose the simpler alternative • Reject clever code that is hard to understand • Shorter code is not necessarily better • Choose good names • Make them highly descriptive • Do not worry about using long names bella@cs.umu.se

  8. Programming Style … • Comment extensively • Comment whatever is non-obvious • Do not comment the obvious • Comments should be 25-50% of the code • Organize class elements consistently • Variables, constructors, public methods then private methods • Be consistent regarding layout of code bella@cs.umu.se

  9. Programming Style … • Avoid duplication of code • Do not ‘clone’ if possible • Create a new method and call it • Cloning results in two copies that may both have bugs • When one copy of the bug is fixed, the other may be forgotten bella@cs.umu.se

  10. Programming Guidelines • Use separate files for each module, class, macro, inline, ... definition • Use separate files for the definition/specification and implementation when possible • Call operations only when all preconditions are satisfied (this is the caller´s responsibility) • Do not mix user interface code with non-user interface code • Interact with the user in separate classes • This makes non-UI classes more reusable • Avoid pointers to pointers • Commit to effective naming conventions bella@cs.umu.se

  11. Coding Standards • Java coding standards: • The Elements of Java Style; Vermeulen et.al. SIGS Books. • http://java.sun.com/docs/codeconv/html/CodeConvTOC.doc.html • Smalltalk Best Practice Patterns by Kent Beck • Recommended C Style and Coding Standards by David Keppel • C Programming Guidelines by Thomas Plum • Ada Quality and Style: Guidelines for Professional Programmers by Software Product Consort bella@cs.umu.se

  12. What is a Good Low Level Module? Black box aspects: • Fulfilled functionality • Fulfilled characteristics • Easy to use • Integratable • Reusable • Testable • Traceable White Box Aspects: Deductable Understandable Modifiable bella@cs.umu.se

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